Members JAS0N47 Posted November 12, 2019 Members Share Posted November 12, 2019 Here's the episode summary for Monday, November 18. The episode accidentally aired in Australia yesterday. I was sent a copy and typed up this episode summary: TEASER ACT At Marlena's Townhouse, "Hope" sips a glass of wine out of John's hands, as Marlena walks in and asks them "Am I interrupting something here?" John is ecstatic and hugs Marlena, saying he didn't expect to see her until Christmas. In the prison visiting room, Will sadly looks at Sonny's photo. Kate arrives and they hug. At Horton Town Square, Sonny runs into Evan. They each say "Hey." Evan says he thought Sonny said he was meeting Justin tonight. Sonny says he did earlier, but Justin had dinner plans...with his new girlfriend. At Kayla's condo, a man's hand is seen on her shoulder, and it is revealed to be Justin. Justin: "You're too good to me." Kayla: "You make it easy." They kiss. Justin: "I am one lucky guy." Kayla: "I think I'm the lucky one." In a Computer Limbo set, the monitor shows a text from Chad DiMera: "Father, I can no longer communicate with you until you agree to meet with me in person. Your move, Stefano" The Stefano music cue plays as a hand with Stefano's ring is seen getting ready to type. At the DiMera Study, Chad is looking at his computer screen. Abigail enters and asks if he's heard from Stefano yet. Chad says "No, and I doubt I'm going to." Abigail asks why. Chad: "Because he doesn't respond well to demands, which is why I'm going to tell him the ultimatum wasn't a great idea." Just then, there's a ding on the computer as a new text arrives. Abigail says: "You were saying?" [Theme Song] ACT ONE DiMera Study: Abigail asks if Stefano agreed to a meeting. Chad says "Not exactly." He reads the text: "Dear Abigail, how lovely to hear from you. But why are you poking your nose into your husband's affairs?" Abigail wonders how Stefano knew it was her. Chad: "It's Stefano DiMera, do you have to ask?" Abigail takes the computer. Chad asks what's she doing. She says she's writing her reply. At Marlena's, a flustered "Hope" (with a wet top) asks Marlena to let her explain. "Hope" says she's had more than a few glasses of wine and that she was a little unsteady and dropped water all over herself. Marlena: "Well it happens to the best of us, doesn't it?" An ecstatic John asks Marlena what is going on, why is she home so early? Hope says: "Weren't you in the middle of your residency?" Marlena: "Yes, I was, but it turns out I'm able to do the rest of my work right here in Salem. There's a new director at the Institute and she was just fine with it." John says "Fantastic! I finally got my wife here!" Marlena: "Yes, you do!" I think it's time to celebrate. He kisses Marlena as a saddened, dejected "Hope" watches. ACT TWO? (No real break between scenes...I've learned Australia only has 5 ad breaks, not 6 ad breaks like in the US, so this looks to be the most obvious break point) At Kayla's, as Justin pours them wine: "So, Julie's heart just sped up for no reason?" Kayla: "Yeah, and then it went back to normal a few minutes later. It's crazy." Justin: "So maybe her pacemaker needs a tune-up?" Kayla says Julie will see her cardiologist tomorrow to get it checked out. Justin: "That's a good idea. Better safe than sorry." Justin says he sees Kayla got his favorite food from JULIE'S PLACE (not Doug's Place). Kayla: "And, Doug threw in a big piece of chocolate cake." Justin: "That man takes such good care of me." Kayla: "Well, he and Julie were both so worried about you. We all were. I mean, what happened to Adrienne was just devastating...for all of us." At the prison, Will says he hopes Kate is there to tell him she's about to take her trip to Europe. Kate laughs and says "Are you kidding? No, and leave you here?" Will: "After you survived getting shot by Vivian, you said you were going to take some time off, see the world, see your kids." Kate: "Well I saw your Dad and Sami when they came in for the trial, and for Adrienne's funeral." Will: "That's not really the same thing. My point is, Grandma, I don't want you to put your life on hold because of me, and trust me, I'm not going anywhere." Kate: "I know, that's the point, you're stuck here. All alone." Will: "I'm not alone. I get to see my daughter." Kate: "Yes, and Sonny." Will: "Well, no, Sonny doesn't really come to visit anymore." Chad asks Abigail to give him the computer back. Abigail: "I will when I'm done." She types: "Yes, Stefano, this is Abigail. My husband and I are a team and we make decisions together. Sorry you live in the past and you don't have courage to face your son." Chad begs Abigail to not send that message. Abigail asks what he's going to do about it. Chad: "I'm warning not send that message." Abigail: "You're warning me?" as Jack walks in and asks what they are fighting about. Abigail: "Dad." ACT THREE Abigail puts the computer down, covers and lies, saying they were just checking some social media. Chad: "We need to get another computer." Jack: "I guess so." Jack says the nanny has Thomas and Charlotte upstairs, getting them ready for bed. Chad says he'll go tuck them in and leaves. Jack tells Abigail that Jennifer is doing great, she loves being with the kids. They called her Sleeping Beauty, so she ordered the book and read it to them and they climbed into bed with her. He shows a photo of that to Abigail on his phone. Abigail says Jennifer looks kind of tired in the photo. Jack: "Yes, after everything, she started to fade, but I mean, let's face it, it's been quite a day." Abigail says it's good that she's resting. Jack: "Every time she starts to go to sleep I think about the time she closed her eyes and a whole year went by." Abigail: "A lot's happened since she's been asleep." Jack: "A lot has happened...and there's still so much that she doesn't know." John says he'll take Marlena's bags to "our room." John exits. "Hope": "So good to have you back." Marlena: "Thank you. Now that I'm home, I'm wondering how long you're planning to stay here." At the HTS bench, Sonny says the food is really good. Evan says wait until you try Julie's quinoa bowl. Sonny: Did that even exist when we were kids? Evan: I just learned how to pronounce it a few weeks ago. Evan says when he's not working, he tries to eat healthy, keep the energy up. It's not easy chasing a toddler around all day. Sonny: "David's like a caffeineated chipmunk...You're great with him. Rafe talks all the time how lucky he is to have you." Evan says he didn't plan on becoming a nanny, but it's turned out to be a really good gig. He's done it ever since he moved to Salem from the West Coast. Sonny asks what brought Evan to Salem. Evan says he was in a relationship that fell apart. He decided to make a change, slow things down a bit. I wanted a place that was simple, quiet, without a lot of drama. Sonny: "Wow, you really need to do your research!" Evan asks how he's doing. Sonny: "You mean the fact that my husband killed my mother." Kate asks why Sonny is not visiting him. Will: It wasn't his choice. NEWLY CREATED FLASHBACK: Prison Visiting Room...TWO MONTHS AGO: Sonny sits down at the table. He brings Will artwork from Arianna. Will says to tell Arianna he loves it. Will says he didn't have to come here. Sonny says he promised to get the artwork to him. Will says from now on he should mail it or give it to Gabi, he doesn't want Sonny to visit him anymore, because it's killing Sonny to see him, because he's avoiding eye contact. Will says he doesn't blame him. Will: "Look at me and tell me part of you doesn't hate me for what I did." Out of flashback, Kate: "You sent him away." Will: "I had to." Kate: "Will, it was an accident. You didn't mean to kill Adrienne." Will: "That doesn't matter. Adrienne is dead and I'm the reason why." Justin tells Kayla that Sonny is not great, it's not getting any easier for him. I may have lost Adrienne, but in one horrible moment, he lost his mom and his husband. This week has been especially hard." Kayla: "Yesterday would have been you and Adrienne's one-year anniversary." Kayla tells Justin he never has to hide how much he misses Adrienne. Kayla says she was more than just her sister-in-law, she was one of her best friends. When I had to tell you that she had died, it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. NEWLY CREATED FLASHBACK: Nurses' Station...SIX MONTHS AGO...Justin: "Tell me she's going to be okay. Adrienne survived cancer. Adrienne's going to survive this accident." Kayla: "Justin, I'm so sorry." Justin: "Kayla, NO, NO, DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT." Kayla: "I'm sorry, listen, we did everything we could, but Adrienne's internal injuries were too severe and she's gone." Justin screams as he breaks down crying. ACT FOUR Justin: "I don't think I could have gotten through that day, or all the days that followed, without you." Kayla: "I think that Adrienne wanted me there with you, she was so wonderful to me when Steve didn't come back, it was just right for me to be there for you." Justin: "I'll never be able to repay you for all the kindess, strength and support." Kayla: "It's a two-way street, You were there for me." Justin: "I hope so...I was always making an excuse to hang out with you." Kayla: "All those Friday night dinners at the pub...showing up at my door for a Sunday hike." Justin: "It's like we were dating without even knowing it." Kayla: "It snuck up on us." Justin: "I think it was pretty obvious. Who offers to help someone move?" They laugh. Kayla: "That's the day everything changed for us." NEWLY CREATED FLASHBACK...Kayla's...THREE MONTHS AGO: Justin is helping Kayla finish unpacking. Kayla: "I really thought moving to a condo, and selling my house, I would be maintenance-free," Justin: "There's no such thing." There's a knock at the door. Kayla thinks it's her super, but it ends up being her final divorce papers. Kayla: "I haven't really spoken to Steve in over a year, and he just signs his name, just like that. I guess it's over." Justin hugs her. Kayla: "How could it be?" They kiss. OUT OF FLASHBACK. Justin: "We both lost so much and I honestly didn't think that I would ever be happy again, and I am, and that's all because of you." Kayla: "I'm glad you said that, because I feel the same way." They kiss. "Hope" says she doesn't know how much longer she'll need to stay. The renovations are taking a lot longer than expected. Marlena says John doesn't need a roommate. Hope asks if she's being thrown out. Marlena says she and John would like to reconnect...alone. "Hope": "Of course, absolutely, understandable." Abigail tells Jack there'll be a lot of news for Jennifer to process in the next few days. Jack says it's not all bad, that Jennifer woke up to find Abigail and Chad had moved back to Salem. Abigail says they are so happy they did. Jack says between holding vigil for Jennifer and losing Adrienne, he wasn't holding it together too well. He thanks Abigail for getting him to take charge of the Spectator. Abigail says Adrienne would be thrilled to see Jack carrying the torch. Jack says Abigail took over for Jennifer and Will as his number one reporter. Abigail says it's been a good challenge. She loves it. Jack taught her. She learned from the best. Abigail says she's working on a story right now...what she and Chad were arguing about earlier. Jack asks what if she'll tell him what it is. ACT FIVE Evan asks Sonny if he's angry at Will. Sonny says yes. He doesn't know if he can let go of the anger. Sonny: "It's so unbelievable to me that the man that I love, the father of my daughter, took my mom away from me.":Evan asks if he's talked to anyone. Sonny says he's talked to a therapist and even tried working things out with Will, but the reality is that he destroyed their lives in every single way. He doesn't know if he can get over that. Will tells Kate he still loves Sonny, he'll never stop. Will says he'll live with the accident for the rest of his life. Kate says she understands living with regret, but he can't hide away in prison forever. Kate says he's not a killer, he's not like Ben who strangled his sister. Will says Ben swears that he didn't do that. He doesn't know if he believes Ben, but he does know that he (Will) is not innocent. Will: "I ended Adrienne's life and now mine is over." Abigail tells Jack the story is still developing. Chad returns and asks what's going on. Jack says Abigail has a big story. Chad says it will have to wait, Charlotte wants Abigail to tuck her in. Jack says she can tell him all about it at the office tomorrow. Jack is going to run an errand and then go to see Jennifer. Abigail says she can't wait to have her home. Jack exits. Chad asks Abigail if she was going to tell Jack about Stefano. ACT SIX John returns and says the luggage is all stored away. Marlena is officially home She says she is officially wiped out. "Hope" says Marlena should get some sleep. The doorbell rings. It's Jack. He hugs Marlena and says he's so glad to see her. Marlena says she's thrilled about the news about Jennifer. Jack returns the hourglass. John: "Can you believe it's been a whole year since we gave this to you." Jack: "A whole year of Jennifer's life. Thank you for lending it to me. It brought me a lot of comfort and I'd like to think the power of your love helped bring Jennifer back to me." John: "Well, Jack, I know for a fact, it's what brought Doc back to me." "Hope" looks on, sad. Abigail tells Chad that Stefano's reemergence is going to be a huge story in this town. Chad: "It's not a story. It's our lives." Abigail apologizes. She says Jack will wait to run the story until they are ready to go public. Chad says if they push Stefano, he's going to disappear again. Abigail says he might disappear anyway. Chad: "If I am going to get revenge on Gabi. We take back the company. We need my father's help." Abigail hates that they are working with him again. Chad says if they are going to squash Gabi, can we just reset, try again. Abigail says okay, she'll delete what she wrote and start again. Chad sits with her at the computer. She types: "Yes, Stefano, this is your daughter-in-law, Abigail. If you want to communicate with (unintelligble), I respectfully ask to meet him face-to-face." Chad says to send it. She sends it. Abigail says now we just wait for him to respond. Chad says that Stefano will respond. Abigail says no matter what she thinks of Stefano, she's always on Chad's side, Chad appreciates it, They kiss. As Abigail leaves to check on Charlotte. there's a ding on the computer. Chad: "That was fast." ACT SEVEN Kate says she knows it feels like there's nothing left in life for him, but he has a daughter to look after, he has to reach out to Sonny, tell him that you love him. Will asks if that will make him not hate him. How can ever look at Sonny or his family again, when he put Adrienne in the ground. Kate says Eric was responsible for Daniel's death. Maggie forgave him. Nicole forgave him. Adrienne's family will forgive you. Will: "What if I can't forgive myself?" Kate:"Then, I'm going to help you because I'm not going to give up on you. I love you so much." They hug. Kate leaves. Will looks at the photo of Sonny. Evan says sorry, he didn't mean to upset Sonny. Sonny apologizes, he really appreciates that Evan listened to him ramble on. Evan says he's happy to be a sympathetic ear. They stand up. Sonny says he'll give Evan a call about babysitting Arianna. Evan says he doesn't have many friends. He invites Sonny for a karaoke/football night combo. Sonny asks if he's a Rams fan. Evan says he's a Bears fan. Sonny says he'll have to convert him. Evan says he'd like to see him try. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted November 12, 2019 Members Share Posted November 12, 2019 Yeah, [!@#$%^&*] you, too, Mr. Carlivati. Thanks, @JAS0N47, for the synopsis! Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Gray Bunny Posted November 12, 2019 Members Share Posted November 12, 2019 So nobody at DAYS got the memo that Justin paired with anyone is an immediate snoozefest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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