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DAYS: From the Vault: 44 Years Ago Today: 7/21/75 Summary

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Cast: Tom, Bill, Julie, Doug, Bob, Phyllis, Amanda, David, Brooke.
Sets: Anderson Living Room & Terrace, Bob’s Studio, Lakefront Bar, Horton Living Room, Doug’s Place.
At the Lake Front Bar, Bob is worried that David and Bill realize he is there to meet Phyl. He tells Phyl he already knows why she called. Phyl says her concern is for Brooke, whom she believes is sincere in her belief of the story's veracity. Bob reveals that it was Neil who made Brooke call Phyl. The party has ended and Doug tries to cheer Julie. Bill arrives with a sobered-up David who apologizes to his mother. Brooke comes downstairs.
David and Brooke go to the studio, at Julie's suggestion. On the terrace, Bill tells Doug that David is a very confused boy. They agree to talk further at Doug's Place. Bill assures Julie that Bob did not see David drunk when they ran into him at the Lake Front Bar. Julie, at Doug's insistence, tells Bill just how serious David's drinking has become. Bill encourages Julie to confide in Tom and seek professional help for David.
In Bob's studio, Brooke and David try to talk calmly. David questions why his drinking devastates Brooke so much that her reactions have deeper meaning than she is revealing. He accuses her of pushing him and herself. She admits that when he rebels, she does things she is not proud of. As David chides her, she vows that at least she will come out on top.
Bob returns and finds Julie on the terrace. He asks her if David is drinking, as Brooke has told him. Julie admits it's true. Bob wonders how far she would go to keep a secret from him. He confronts her, saying he must know if the baby she carries is really is. Julie is stunned. Julie asks Bob why he can't believe her. He counters that she lied about David. She says she was never unfaithful to him, although she was tempted to be. Julie leaves. Brooke comes to find Bob devastated.
At Doug's Place, Doug and Bill worry about Julie. Bill tells of seeing Bob and Phyl together earlier in the evening. Doug reveals Neil informed him of the rumor, and they speculate about who could be spreading it. Doug admits that he had decided to accept Julie and the baby but came too late - she had already gone back to Bob. Doug believes that David would be forever estranged from Julie if she left Bob for him.
Amanda visits Tom's home late that night to tell him Neil had stopped gambling. Amanda is hopeful and oblivious to Tom's skeptical look. She admits she may be just as needful of Neil as he of her. Tom pushes for professional help, warning her that she is too emotionally involved to be objective, to understand that Neil has a compulsion to lose. Tom theorizes that since Amanda had set a condition of no gambling with their marriage, Neil may have deliberately sabotaged the marriage so that he would be free to continue gambling. Amanda, stunned, realizes the logic of Tom's thoughts. He tells her he has already looked into an organization for compulsive gamblers.
As Doug is ready to lock up, he finds Julie, who desperately announces she has left Bob. Doug tries to reassure her that Bob doesn't really believe the rumor. They wonder who could have told him, although they both realize that some of their past conversations could have been misinterpreted. Julie breaks down and as Doug holds her, Bob enters the club. Bob witnesses Doug comforting Julie. Doug then sees Bob, but Julie is unaware of his presence.
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Cast: Tom, Alice, Julie, Doug, Bob, Phyllis, Don, David, Brooke, Mary.

Sets: Doug’s Place, Don Craig’s Apartment, Anderson Living Room & Terrace, Tom & Alice’s Bedroom, Mary’s Apartment.
Bob, finding Doug comforting Julie at Doug's Place, quietly asks to speak with her alone. Julie refuses and Doug suggests that Bob wait awhile. Julie, extremely bitter, guesses that Phyl told him the story and he does not deny it. She demands that Brooke leave the house at once. She exits defiantly. Doug tells Bob he is sure Brooke may have misunderstood conversations he and Julie had about raising their children together. Doug admits he was in love with Julie.
At Don's apartment, Mary and Don are spending a romantic evening. Their embrace is interrupted by the appearance of Julie who tells Don she has left Bob. Mary angrily leaves. Bob returns to the house to find Brooke decidedly sorry for what she has done. She is stunned when he tells her Doug and Julie were never involved. At Don's apartment, Julie prepares to tell him what has happened. Don, angered by Brooke's accusations, discusses with Julie what little information he has found out about Brooke's mother. Julie, on impulse, decides to go to Chicago to find Brooke's mother.
Meanwhile, on the Anderson terrace, David comes to question Brooke. Brooke steers clear of why Julie is gone. David asks if people knew why he wasn't at the party. He taunts Brooke about her "fear" of liquor. When David is skeptical of his mother's fidelity and it is a shocked Brooke who comes to her defense. Julie, weary of the emotional encounters of the night, tries to sleep.
Bob, unable to sleep, comes to the living room and finds David. They talk of Julie and Bob assures David that she always loved him, something David still doubts. Bob tells him why Julie left, and they decide she has probably gone to the Hortons. Alice is alone when Bob calls and puzzled as he covers the reason for the call when he realizes Julie isn't there. Tom enters the bedroom and Alice tells him of the strange conversation. At Don's apartment, neither Julie nor Don have been able to sleep, while Mary has arrived home to tell Phyl of Julie's visit. Tom and Alice decide to call Bob and he is forced to tell them that Julie has left him.
Julie and Don try to relax with cocoa and conversation. They talk of Julie's worries about David's drinking. Doug telephones Don and speaks to Julie, telling her of Bob's real, deep concern for her but she is adamant. She's been through too much. At their apartment, Phyl and Mary realize how ashamed they both are of their behavior. They decide to go to Bob as Mary forces Phyl to face the truth about clinging to Bob. Mary comments on the irony that men they both care about love Julie. Phyl tells Mary of her conviction that she must start a new life.
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Cast: Alice, Bill, Julie, Bob, Maggie, Phyllis, Linda, Don, Jim, Mary, Hank, Adele, Stewardess' Voice, Mickey (FBO), Accordion Player (FBO).
Sets: Don’s Apartment, Mary’s Apartment, Anderson Living Room (Limbo), Airport Waiting Area, Maggie’s Hospital Room at Brookeville, Int. Airplane Window Seat, Dingy Hallway at Chicago Apartment Building, Horton Kitchen, Therapy Room at Farm, Old-Fashioned Soda Shop at Brookeville, Mrs. Hamilton’s Apartment, Farmhouse Back Porch.
Don awakens Julie in his apartment early the next morning. She is devastated when she realizes she spent the night there and remembers her decision to go to Chicago to look up Brooke's mother. Julie, bitter about Bob's doubts, resolves to put the baby's welfare ahead of everything. At that same moment, Mary tells her mother in their apartment that Julie has managed to take away both of their men. 
Bob, in his living room, has spent a sleepless night. He recalls his honeymoon with Julie and wonders whether this time he has lost her for good. A phone call from Phyl brings Bob out of his reverie. She insists on coming to the house to see him, even as he reminds her what their last meeting has cost him. Mary is puzzled by her mother's attempt to defend Julie. Phyl then confesses that she tried to kill Julie and mistakenly shot Mary, that Julie covered for her knowing all of this. At that moment, Julie is preparing to board a plane for Chicago.
Bill has come to his parents for breakfast. He and Alice discuss Laura's absence. Bill tells Alice that David finally made an appearance but avoids telling her the reason he was so late. Alice surprises Bill by revealing that Julie has left Bob. She wonders whether Bill knows more about Julie's problems than he is willing to tell. Julie, about to land in Chicago, questions her own motives in making the trip -- to see about Brooke's mother or to get away from Bob.
At the farm therapy room, Hank thinks Maggie is pushing herself too hard. When he exits to get lemonade, she remembers again her dream of Mickey lovingly dancing with the woman in the red dress and shoes, which becomes a nightmare when the woman turns out to be Linda. She can't shake this repeated image and as she pushes harder, she falls, hitting her head on the bars. At that very moment, Jim and Linda in the Brookville soda shop discuss their surprise visit to the farm to tell Maggie and Mickey that they plan to remarry.
Julie is now outside Mrs. Hamilton's apartment. Julie is full of shock and pity as she talks with Mrs. Hamilton in her dingy apartment. The woman admits that Brooke has always been ashamed of her, making up lies, even saying her mother was dead. Julie tries to cover for Brooke but Mrs. Hamilton admits that she is an alcoholic and this explains Brooke's estrangement. Julie offers her money in the guise of plane fare for the wedding, which she takes. Mrs. Hamilton admits Brooke's father deserted them when she was a baby. At the Chicago airport, Julie telephones Don admitting she feels "peculiar" and that she is hurrying back to Salem.
Hank discovers Maggie unconscious on the therapy room floor. Jim and Linda, arriving at the farm, find a distraught Hank trying to get help for Maggie. They take her to the hospital. At the Brookeville hospital, Maggie awakens to find Linda. Linda explains she has a slight concussion. Maggie is pleased with the news of the remarriage and that Jim will allow Linda to remain at the farm for the present to care for Maggie. Linda senses Maggie's relief at the news of the remarriage and Maggie admits she was worried, but states she is glad Marty once loved Linda. Linda is surprised to hear such a statement, but Maggie says if he hadn't, he never would have fallen in love with Maggie because she believes the two women are very much alike.
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Cast: Tom, Alice, Bob, Phyllis, Neil, Don, David, Mary, JR, Mrs. Bishop.

Sets: Anderson Living Room & Terrace, Neil’s Office, Don’s Office, Poker Club, Tom’s Hospital Office.


On the morning of the same day, Neil, at the Poker Club, is trying to talk J.R. into advancing him money for that night's game. J.R. reminds him that he has been on a losing streak, even suggesting that he take some time "off", but Neil will not be dissuaded.
Meanwhile, at the Anderson home, Bob is pacing the floor hoping to hear from Julie. Phyl and Mary enter to find him devastated by his actions of the night before. They try to console him. Phyl admits that she spent the last months deluding herself, thus making it easy for Brooke to manipulate her. Mary tells Bob that Julie spent the night in Don's apartment, having no where else to turn.
Alice comes to Don's office seeking news of Julie. Don assures her that Julie is all right, but when he reveals why Julie left Bob, Alice is angry and dismayed. She assumes Julie's trip to Chicago is to see Laura.
Bob still hasn't dressed when David comes down to the living room with a note Brooke has left. A stricken David reads the letter to Bob in which Brooke apologizes for her behavior and says she needs to go away to think things through. David blames himself because of his drinking. Bob tells him of his accusation to Julie and both contemplate what they have done to the women they love.
At Tom's office, he receives a call from Neil's nurse asking him to cover for Neil's patients. At Neil's office, Tom talks with one of Neil's elderly patients and learns that Neil has indeed neglected many of his patients, letting Greg take the load. Tom calls J.R. and is told that Neil left some time before. At that moment, Neil appears at his office door. Neil tries to bluff his way through an embarrassing situation. Tom tells him of Amanda's visit with the news that Neil has promised to give up gambling. Neil continues to give the story credence until Tom informs him that he knows Neil has played in an all-night session.
Bob comes to Don's office to ask about Julie. Don angrily confronts Bob. Bob is contrite and as they talk, Bob realizes how wrong he's been, although he knows Don is still very much in love with Julie. Don regards Bob no longer with hate, but only pitying him for what he's lost.
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Thanks so much for these.

They give a real sense of how stories were playing out. I never knew Don and Mary had any involvement.

Still believe that Richard Guthrie as Steve Olsen could have worked as well in the story instead of unnecessarily aging David!

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Cast: Tom, Alice, Doug, Bob, Neil, Robert, Don, David, Rebecca, Hope, Ben.

Sets: Neil’s Office, Doug’s Place Bar Area, Don’s Office, Horton Living Room, Doug’s Place Back Yard, Tom’s Hospital Office, Airport Waiting Room.

Don and Bob continue their argument in Don's office. Don tells Bob that Julie has flown to Chicago. Julie begins to feel strangely as she waits in the airport for her flight home. David has gone to his grandmother, Alice, for sympathy but she, instead, reminds him of his rudeness to Julie and Brooke in not coming to the party.
Meanwhile, in Neil's office, he continues to deny to Tom that he played poker the night before. Tom calls his bluff by dialing J.R. and Neil admits it's true. After telling Neil that he intends to pay off his debt, Tom confronts him with his belief that Neil is a sick, compulsive gambler.
At Doug's Place, Don tells Doug that Julie is in Chicago. Rebecca and Hope enter and Doug introduces them to Don. Robert and Ben enter. Don remains as Doug joins them to entertain them with a song. Doug rejoins Don and the anger between them begins to show. They argue because Julie spent the night at Don's apartment. Don can't agree with Doug that Julie should return to Bob. Doug tells him that Julie must think not only of the unborn baby, but also how David will be affected.
At that moment, David has come to Tom's office seeking his help and advice. As Tom tries to reassure David that both Julie and Bob love him, David confesses his earlier memories have prevented him from believing them, that the knowledge that he was given away as a baby have over-ridden every effort Julie has made. Tom tries to take the burden of guilt for that decision but David admits he can only cope with the reality of his lost feelings by drinking.
At Doug's Place, Neil salutes Doug with a drink. In the backyard at Doug's, Robert pushes Hope in a swing as Rebecca watches. Robert invites Rebecca to swing when Hope turns to the sandbox and Robert's love for Rebecca can be seen growing even as they talk casually of their backgrounds and lost dreams. Inside at the bar, Neil refuses to tell Doug who started the rumors about Julie. Rebecca enters and is introduced to Neil. Rebecca thanks Neil for covering in front of Doug the fact that Neil was once her doctor. She assures him that she is now fine physically and emotionally but Neil expresses skepticism. Rebecca is shaken by his words that he can see she has not really put the past behind her as she claims.
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