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Days: Actress to briefly return

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Yes to Marie (I've wanted her back forever, sigh) and Bill and Laura and Mike. We have room for Kate's billionth squeeze/Rafe's daddy but can't find a spot for Bill. We can bring on Gabi and Rafe's mother (according to Camila Banus they are but we've heard no casting) but have no room for Jennifer Horton's mother. We can bring on Dario and Deimos and Daniel and Fynn and everyone else but Mike Horton who?


We can bring on redheaded Melissa Archer as a newly created character Serena instead of Sarah. They even both started with an "S". I swear Tomsell somehow trolled us with that one. And they can bring on some random hunk as some random Kiriakis relative who happens to go by Xander, when there's Alexander, a real Kiriakis, who had a brother and a father canvas.


We can cast Sarah Brown, Chrishell Stause, Kassie DePaiva, Melissa Archer, Lindsay Hartley, etc. and have no idea what to do with them until they're written out and killed. Or get a non exit. Or paired with Brady which often equals both.


We can bring Melanie back 6000 times but can't recast Stephanie or use Belle for 8 years. Or bring back Carrie Brady. Nope.


This show has had many lost opportunities over the years.

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Having thought about it some, I'll have to say no to bringing back Laura.  JER did a number on a number of characters, making it next to impossible to put them into realistic situations again.  Laura was one of 'em.

Believe it or not, I'm ambivalent about bringing back a boatload of Hortons.  On the one hand, DAYS' signature family needs to be beefed up -- even if it means phasing out the DiMeras, the Kiriakises, and yes, even the Bradys.  But, on the other hand, do all those long-missing Hortons (and in some cases, their heretofore unknown offspring) absolutely need to return?  Furthermore, how do you bring them back AND tie them in with current characters and stories in ways that will seem organic and won't alienate viewers who aren't as invested in the show's history as longtime fans are?

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It's not as much as they *need* to return, but when you have lackluster Daniel for 8 years why couldn't that have been Mike Horton? Just for an example. For new viewers it's still a 'new' character, yet the core audience has a connection with the character. It just doesn't make sense to have so many newbies that fail to catch on when lots of actors over the years could have been cast as characters that mean something to the show. That's where I'm coming from on that. Not every new character needs to be connected [and with Days that is a plus but the writers fail to do their job and really establish newbies] but a lot of wasted time over the years on failed character after failed character.

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An easy one would be Bill Horton, which (I admit) is odd since the character hasn't been *seen* consistently in Salem since 1988. But, Bill has easy ties to Jennifer, Lucas, and Kate.  As far as bringing him back, his grandson recently died!!! Maybe Bill realizes that it is time to come back to Salem to support his family. I can't remember if they even addressed Bill at all?!!?  I have no problem with them bringing back John Martin as Bill, even though he only played the role for a few days.

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