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CBS Fall 2015 Schedule

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Elementary still lives because CBS owns it and has a big syndication deal for it. So even if a show performs less than stellar, it makes it up in syndication. That's how CBS Corp makes a lot of it's money. Which as a company I understand. even though it sometimes screws other shows on their lineup. Unlike NBC, ABC, FOX, which are part of companies that have cable networks, movie studies, etc that bring revenue, CBS doesn't. Since the VIACOM split, it is solo with only Showtime, CBS Sports Network, and Pop being the other assets it own's. That's why CBS more conservative than the other nets and takes less risks.

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I like Big Bang Theory. I find it absolutely hilarious. I thought Two and a Half Men was trash from the start. I hated all the praise it got and how long it lasted. Such a blight on sitcoms. I tried with Mike and Molly but couldn't. Maybe I'll try again but it's the new Rules of Engagement, just like I expected it to be. 2 Broke Girls is just simply hanging on for syndication. But BG and M&M do solid numbers for them. They're not awful, just not the best sitcoms, IMO. It's like CBS has a formula, and just churn out basic sitcoms and procedurals that last forever and they're not nearly as good as many make them out to be.

I like Mom but don't watch it enough. I've heard it's really started to hit it's stride. I'll watch it eventually, I'm sure. I never get into many shows their first few years. Took me a few seasons to start watching Modern Family, just for an example.

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Mom is a great show. Not only funny, but not afraid to tackle topics most sitcoms just don't touch anymore. It reminds me of sitcoms like All In The Family, Golden Girls, Mary Tyler Moore, etc which used humor to talk about the issues of the day.

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I didn't do too well with CBS' lineup.

Sunday: Madam Secretary / The Good Wife / Elementary

Monday: TBBT / Mom / Supergirl / NCIS LA
Monday: 2 Broke Girls / Life in Pieces / Supergirl / NCIS LA

Tuesday: NCIS / Scorpion / NCIS NO

Wednesday: Survivor / Criminal Minds / Limitless

Thursday (after NFL): TBBT / The Odd Couple / Mom / Angel From Hell / Rush Hour

Yeah, WB/DC can't be happy. I'm kind of wishing Supergirl will fail on CBS so it can move to the CW where the show won't have restrictions on making it a serialized show.

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