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YR: Helen Slater joins the show

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Chances are, if Y&R and B&B were to do a cross-over storyline involving a baby switch, Aly would be the one to switch the babies. The Y&R baby would be stillborn, giving Aly the idea to switch that baby with Hope's.

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Y&R is the bigger show, and Quinn is seen as a 'villainous' character while Aly is supposed to be 'misunderstood' or some crap, not to mention I see B&B putting Liam/Hope on equal footing having dead babies (the first baby Hope has will be Liam's, imo, to continue their ridiculous, uninteresting love story) for the reunion.

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yeah, Hope's baby dies and Quinn switches it with the Y&R baby, and this SL goes on for about a year before everything is found out and Hope's baby is returned to it's mom/pop on Y&R. Boohoo, boohoo - Liam/Hope reunite, blah, blah. Whatever.


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Not necessarily.

Let's say Aly does, indeed, switch Hope's healthy baby with a stillborn one that belongs to one of Y&R's characters. Everyone in L.A. mourns the loss of what they believe to be Hope's child. Aly, however, remains...er...preoccupied with the values Hope professed publicly to live by before she lost her virginity and had that child out of wedlock. Aly reaches the conclusion that she cannot stand idly by and risk that child being raised to become a skank and a hypocrite like its mother. Her solution: move to Genoa City (under an assumed identity, of course) and insinuate herself into the lives of that baby and its "parents" by becoming the child's new, live-in nanny.

Aly still makes phone calls and even brief visits back to L.A. as story permits. No one in L.A. understands why Aly suddenly pulled up stakes; all they know is what she told everyone (namely, that she felt guilty about the way she treated Hope, that she feels somewhat responsible for the baby's death, and that she needed to get away for awhile and get her proverbial head back on straight). Time progresses, however, and one-by-one, people in L.A. begin suspecting there is more than what meets the old eyes and ears in her infrequent, seemingly normal contacts -- that, in fact, she might be Up to Something. As well, the more the citizens of Genoa City become acquainted with this strange girl (with a pleasant enough disposition, but also a very sketchy backstory), the more they begin to wonder what secrets she might be harboring, as well as what kind of risk she might pose for her new employers.

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