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Days: Chandler Massey wants Will & Wilson to Live on even after he leaves

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1. no one cares about 'Wilson', let's be really real here. That fanbase is mainly built of straight women/girls that are into slash, and think they are 'OMG, so cute/hot!!!' and will be on to the next hot, gay couple that rolls up.

2. could he be any more 'IDGAF' about what happens to Will? LOL

truth be told, Will/Sonny is just too boring and cheaply written for anyone to genuinely get emotionally invested, beyond how pretty they are to look at. I mean their stories always involve them potentially breaking up, but it's just cheap thrills because everyone knows it's not gonna stick (and this has nothing to do w/ how SOLID they are as a couple, more how painfully obvious it's just busy work for the 2 gay boys...).

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Really glad to see Chandler supporting his character and WilSon. Chandler seems to be such a stand-up guy. Although I hate to see Chandler leave the show.. I do want the character of Will Horton on my screen. He is a legacy character and is driving story like none other. I say give the character a rest for at least three months before bringing in a new actor... and then integrate the "nuWill" in the cast very slowly and carefully

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No, Chandler doesn't, but he's saved his own ass by saying what a majority of WilSon fans want to hear.

Remember when he gave that interview, in which tons of WilSon fans were pissed that they thought that Chandler wasn't happy with the storyline and didn't speak highly (in their opinion) about WilSon?

These last 8 to 10 months, Chandler's going to have to be "fan base perfect" and not say anything that will make folks upset.

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I'll never forget the reaction, because I didn't think Chandler had said anything wrong or demeaning about his character's new storyline with Sonny (or Freddie) at that time. An actor should be able to say that they're going to miss working with another fellow actor, without having it be interpreted as he "hates" his new scene partner.

Only with certain soap fans, is when we get things all screwed up.

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