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OLTL July 8 Preview

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Is there an AMC one? I can't find it.

I think PP should really try some targeted marketing of both shows (although OLTL especially since the feel is less classically soapy) this summer to a younger audience- OWN is great and wonderful for the non Internet crowd but start marketing Kelley Missal, Andrew Trischitta, Corbin Bleu, Denyse Tontz to a teen/college audience. I really do think the younger leads are strong enough to help pull in some new viewers on Hulu.

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There isn't an AMC one as far as I can tell. There's the general commercial that shows up during breaks of other shows but no promo like this one. AMC has the benefit of having always been ("always" being the last month LOL) the Monday show. I think the heavier promotion for OLTL is an attempt to level the playing field a bit and judging by the Hulu rankings, this is one time when PP was right to be a little reactive.

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I could've swore I saw an AMC promo a few weeks ago.

I think AMC will always be a little ahead because of the brand recognition, which will always be a stronger brand (Erica Kane, etc.) IMO than OLTL. But that being said, AMC has also been a stronger show after the first several weeks. OLTL is good if all over the place, but AMC is better.

I reserve the right to change my opinion if July turns into the Month of Celia.

I do think there needs to be more promotion for both with A.J., Miranda, Pete, and at OLTL, all the kids but particularly Jeffrey and Dani. And you know, Andrew Trischitta is not at all bad on the new show IMO. All it took was a little rehearsal time and to not be playing a cardboard sociopath.

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These are the kinds of reactive moves they can make without panicking everyone but these promos aren't even that easy to find on Hulu when I'm actually looking for them. I think the product could pull in new viewers but as a soap fan from age six, I can't begin to figure out how you get someone who has no soap history to log in to Hulu and check these out.

I agree on the Monday thing helping AMC rankings look much better last week (although it seems a little stronger all along anyway but who knows if its significant in terms of actual numbers) whereas OLTL viewers were probably stretched over Monday and Tuesday, which meant it didn't get a top 5 either day. I also think AMC might also benefit from having more lapsed fans out there in the universe generally who checked back in. Slightly worried OLTL alienated some fans in weeks 1-2 with all the club stuff- although I guess if they checked out after a few eps, they weren't dedicated anyway.

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I agree.. I am shocked that I haven't seen any interview of them in the teen magazines, I know Twist talked to them but nothing came out of it..

I think OWN should seriously do promos.. like the ones from Summer 2002 and the CBS ones we discussed

All it took were writers who were able to use him wisely, and that definitely benefited him, many people like him now then how he was on ABC

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I think the first several weeks were OLTL's strongest, but they also benefited from running 4 days a week - something the air shows are clearly still being built, cut and structured for, which has hurt the pacing on the show at the moment. But part of it, too, was the writing which was built for character over plot but just a little too slow. It's recovered a bit but still has a ways to go, if Todd, Blair and Téa will just please get out of that hotel room and do things about the tattoo people.

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I tried to make that point about Lucci and the AMC brand on another board and posters just kept being like but she's on Devious Maids now. Thank god for SON- its a place for the thinking soap fan. Love you all.

Agree that the ep reduction hurt OLTL way more- I liked the early weeks before the tattoo story went to hell too- my only point about those eps was I think the club stuff (Dusky, the random DJs) could have alienated some of the more traditional fans- probably the same ones who got the cursing ban enacted. But I do think its getting its groove back after some waffling in late May/early June- well except the Todd/Victor stuff.

AMC seems to have somewhat gotten the message on Celia- she had what 3 minutes the past 2 weeks? If they keep her to 1 ep a week with Colby & having nightmares, I'm good.

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I like the music and know some of the artists, so the club doesn't really bother me. I like the aesthetic that adds to the show and I think it's appropriate for the "edgier," more urban show. If I never see Dusky again it'll be too soon, though.

I don't like that I seem to see more of the club environment and the ins and outs of its every employee on some days of the week, though. Sure, Bruce is cute and could be talented, but do I really need to know this much about Cutter's staff and what they are doing?

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When I was a middle school/high school in the 90s, All My Children along with DAYS/GH were the three soaps to watch! Even in college, people would watch those three along with Passions. No one I ever knew ever watched OLTL.

I think AMC should be marketed to the old school soap viewer and Degassi show lovers.. while OLTL should be marketed to the cable loving crowd since OLTL seems more like a cable show then AMC does.. especially with incoming head-writer Marin G being known for working at HBO.

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In terms of marketing to the college kids: I've seen ads on Yahoo! (okay, I'm not a big fan of Yahoo!) and You Tube ran a commercial before the video that I viewed on the site. I don't remember seeing ads on Twitter. I don't have Facebook so...

I remember once seeing an ad for Devious Maids on Hulu right before an episode of AMC, so I wonder can AMC/OLTL run an ad on Lifetime? Has anyone seen one?

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