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Your memories of Guza's GH

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Jane A awesome post and I totally agree...with every single word.

what strikes me is how he not only gutted the show but mocked it in such a way that alienated (many) fans ...e.g. would choose key moments e.g. Nadine and Nik first waltz on the exact date of Nik and Emily first waltz I mean its no reason to make fun of these fans in this way ...same thing with Tracey/Luke getting married on Laura's birthday...little petty things like this would tick me off....why do this ??? what was the reason? You're making $35,000 a week and you have to mock fans?

And I could always tell the characters he didn't want to write for they started pouring coffee at Kellys or Kate going low rent getting into bar room brawls and all that nonsense..

There is so much wrong with how Frons allowed his best bud to destroy the show I just don't know where to begin its like I'd have to write a dissertation. It was so methodical and thorough...and some of this is Brian Frons as well its not all Guza....he meddled in the storytelling big time. Bottom line Guza was a lousy writer he may have won some emmys but many of those were just one shot wonders (and only some of them were good the first time around and he kept repeating himself and most of them were C rip offs from movies. e.g. Clink/boom and many of those are Coppola ripoffs.)

"overall storywise."

He was such a bad writer I just can't think of anymore words to describe the horror of Bob Guza so I would say he's not a storyteller, hates women (in story) and had no business what so ever being a head writer for a genre whose audience comprises mostly women.

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Even with the good characters left there is no heart. Robin a lot of its writing I know but something Robin had as a child and teen just never translated to her character as an adult. I buy her as a good moral character, boring now and not with the heart she used to have. All this mish mash about how realistic a couple Patrick and robin are, who wants realism good heavens. Wheres the drama, the angst, the heart. And Liz, nada not one bit but then I never bought her ever as the heart of anything on the show. She was a bratty teen that became somewhat rootable when she and teen Lucky had their romance. Laura, Felicia, Lesley, Lila, Georgie, Emily. They are all dead and gone for the most part.

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