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A New Day in Eden

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Thank you for your comments. I posted this about a year and half ago, but no one seemed all that interested except for EricMontreal.

lol I couldn’t help thinking Biff would be a dumb hick. I’ve just received another script and he refers to another character as a hayseed. Originally, the Lewis family was from Atlanta; Bryan relocated the company to Eden prior to the show’s start. I think Biff considered himself urbane compared to the residents of Eden because of Atlanta roots. Biff Lewis seems to have more on his mind than just sex; though, sex is very important. Wasn’t Marland’s Josh Lewis sort of playboy heir with a sense for business?

Regarding Betty’s ‘tragic news, and ‘loss;’ I don’t know if she lost a baby. I’ve just gotten a second script (episode #129) so my sources are the older episodes. Betty Franklin did work for Lewis Electronics so her loss may be related to the explosion at the factory. I don’t know if Betty has a love interest. In part 58, Betty invites a man named Mark over for breakfast, but the episode closes with Betty alone in the kitchen before he arrives after realizing her daughter Laurel didn’t sleep at home. Speculation on my part, but I think Mark might be Dr. Hammond. I assumed Betty called Hammond in part 66 because he handled her rape, but Betty told Frank Richardson she talked to Dr. Hammond about Frank’s paralysis. I’m now considering the possibility that Hammond and Betty were in a casual relationship, but this purely conjecture.

When I get the chance, I’ll some more details from the latest script I received.

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Episode 129 is the latest script I received. It covers the events after the party celebrating the arrival of Madge Sinclair, Jane Elliott’s character. Sorry Loyalty, there doesn’t seem to be any mention of Isabel Kitteridge, but this isn’t the party itself. I’m currently bidding on script 128 where the party occurred. Hopefully, I’ll be able to answer your question in the future.

There still is no appearance by Pam or Shelley, which is disappointing. I was hoping to get a better sense of their characters. Shelley was the subject of the conversation. Apparently, Shelley had been scarred by a man named Lombardo and was still in the hospital. Shelley was refusing to see Hank Sowolski, the young man she had begun to see prior to the accident. Hank’s brother Davey and Francie Richardson were seen at Cronies’, the local bar, talking about how upset Hank was because Shelley had continued to turn him away. Hank was mentioned in the final script. Betty called the Sowolski home to speak to Myra, Hank’s mother.

Davey was the young man referred to as a hayseed by Biff Lewis. Davey and Francie are close, but I don’t think there is a romantic connection on Francie’s end. While she seems to love Biff, Francie doesn’t love the fact Biff is only after sex. Davey seems to represent the man Francie feels she should be in love with rather than Biff. If the show had continued, its possible Francie would have turned to Davey when everything was said and done. After dropping off Francie, Davey went hunting in the woods for raccoons.

In the woods, Davey found Greg and Laurel making love at the abandoned farm house. This incident was the source material for the story Laurel Franklin wrote for Wallace’s writing course. Anyway, in the cliffhanger for part 58, Davey informs Frank Richardson he cannot wait to tell Francie what he has seen in the woods. Davey would tell Francie, who would tell Biff. I believe this was all being used for the big incest reveal.

Laurel says her mother accused her of flirting with Biff, Greg, and Logan. I wonder if the audience knew Betty had had an affair with another man and thought it was either Emmett Claybourne or Bryan Lewis and they were led to believe she may or may not have been involved with her brother. Betty goes to see Hud to talk about Laurel; Betty thinks Laurel is hiding something from her. Hud is loyal to Laurel and won’t give anything away if he does know, but I’m not convinced he knows how close Greg and Laurel have become.

Hud’s mother issues are fleshed out a bit. The conflict between Betty-Laurel leads to a discussion between Hud-Betty about fighting between parents and children. Hud has a flashback of the day his mother was killed. Ida, Hud’s mom, found a porn magazine in his room and proceeds to flip out on him. Hud says one of his teammates gave it to him and Ida said she won’t have doing dirty things in her home. Hud claims he’s innocent. When Ida threatens to tell Betty about Hud’s dirty deeds, Hud threatens to kill his mother. Later, Hud is standing over his mother’s dead body, her own stockings being used to strangle her to death. Hud says he killed her.

I’ve been told Frank Richardson, Hud’s uncle, was actually the Campus Strangler. While Ida wasn’t killed by the Strangler, I wonder if Frank actually killed Ida, his sister/sister-in-law, and Hud just believed he had killed his mother. The situation regarding Hud / Ida’s death is odd because Betty / Hud talk about how Hud was treated by psychiatrists after the death of his mother, but there is no mention of the murder.

It dawned on me Josh Collier was another suspect in the case. When he arrived in Eden, the murders began and Miranda had learned Josh’s first wife Corrine has drowned under mysterious circumstances. At the start of part 57, Josh encounters Miranda swimming in the nude. He announces to her that he had come to pick up the purse left behind by his date Gail. Miranda gets very upset and they fight back and forth. Miranda won’t get close to Josh, and Josh gets her to back up to the edge of the pool. Josh returns to his hotel room where he and Gail Lee have sex.

Miranda and Madge have a rather lengthy confrontation where Madge reveals a substantial amount of backstory. Madge had been involved with Bryan when the Lewis family was still living in Atlanta. When Bryan went to look for somewhere to relocate Lewis Electronics, Miranda paid Beau, one of Miranda’s lovers, to seduce Madge and marry her. Miranda, who went with Bryan to Eden, intercepted the correspondence sent by Madge and Bryan in order to think the other had fallen out of love with the other. Madge learned that Miranda and Beau had had an affair and Beau told Madge how Miranda had paid him thousands of dollars to marry Madge. Madge came to realize Miranda did all of this because Miranda was in love with Bryan. Miranda denies everything, but Madge says she will not leave Eden until Bryan is her husband.

After leaving Davey, Francie agrees to go off to the country with Biff that evening. In the woods, Biff describes his ideal situation for him and Francie: he would come home from work to their apartment where Francie would be cooking in just an apron. You can guess where the rest of the fantasy goes from there. Francie is okay with it as she thinks this means Biff wants to settle down and marry her. Biff informs Francie he doesn’t want to marry her; he just wants to put her up in an apartment so she can serve his needs, not her father’s. Francie gets upset and asks to be driven home.

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Thanks for sharing these details with us. Some of it is fascinating, and very daring. The parts with Hud and his mother seem overheated or remind me too much of stuff like Carrie.

Francie seems like the traditional heroine having to deal with people who aren't traditional.

Sowolski - Marland used that name again at Loving.

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There definitely is an incest element going on here. In the final episode, Francie learns Hud has been keeping Ida's room just as she had left it before her death complete with a mannequin in the bed. Very Norman Bates-esque. Betty Franklin is aware Hud has seen a psychiatrist, but I don't understand why there isn't some sort of question revolving around her death.

In a towel, Hud has a fight with his mother about self pleasure (I haven't reviewed the guidelines regarding language use) and then kills her with her own nylons. Yes, it's a bit of an odd scene which is why I posted it. The serial killer terrorizing Eden was called 'The Campus Strangler' so I assume this had something to do with the manner of the death. I suspect the whole nude leg thing was suppose to suggest whoever killed Ida was also the serial killer as it may have been similar to one of the other murders, but this is just a guess.

I didn't really even pay attention to the 'good looking' part, but I was surprised by Ida's age. How old was she suppose to be when she had Hud? Hud is clearly a teenager? Was she sixteen? And if that's the case wouldn't this add another layer to conversation?

Regarding some of your previous comments, Carl, I don't know who played Kevin Wallace, the professor who raped Betty. None of the scripts have any cast members listed and I'd never heard of the character prior to the final script. He doesn't appear in episode 29.

When I read the last script, I thought Francie was an Erica Kane-type. A poor girl trying to marry into money, but this script makes it clear that she was a heroine in the traditional sense. I tend to like her character more than Laurel despite all the perils of Pauline in the final episode. She has sacrificed her own happiness in order to take care of her father. While she has come to care for Biff, Francie isn't willing to sacrifice her own moral code to please him. The Biff-Francie conflict plays out nicely in the fantasy scene. I think I'll try and post an excerpt from that one later if you're interested. Laurel, on the otherhand, comes off as immature and naive as her mother claims she is.

Steve Carlson had a sex scene in part 58. After returning from the retrieving the purse, he and Gail Lee (Victoria Tan) make love in his hotel suite. I also wanted to mention that Josh Collier (Steve's character) is seen smoking in the hotel room. Somewhere online, there was an article on tobacco which said several television shows were being paid to incorporate acceptable tobacco use into their shows. I guess this is one example of this.

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An excerpt would be great.

The part about the shows being paid for a tobacco scene is strange, but then they probably needed every penny they could get. This would be a good setting for heavy smoking, as the whole show sounds very atmospheric and overheated.

I noticed the 32 part as well. It's strange. I wonder if they were going to have some big paternity revelation about Hud, or say she was his sister.

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This scene is one of the last in part 58. After Francie put Frank to bed and got rid of Davey, she and Biff snuck out to the country together. Included in this scene is Biff's fantasy of 'the good life' for him and Francie. This is also the proposal Francie received, which is mentioned in the episode guide.

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I’ve been away and will need to play catch up, but I wanted to mention I’m received three additional scripts and have three more on their way. The current batch of episodes I received include 127, 128, and 131. I’ve skimmed and looked over different things so this will be rather random and more in reference to other things I’ve mentioned.

Loyalty, there is no mention of Isabelle Kittridge in the cast lists or run down pages, but its possible she might be mentioned in the course of the dialogue. Also, Pam, the young woman who Miranda seduced, doesn’t appear. Hopefully, Pam will appear in one of the other scripts I’m waiting on. I suspect episode #125 may include Pam / Miranda’s seduction. At the very least, it should include the fall out.

Carl, a young woman is found dead on campus in episode #131. She was strangled with panty hose so Hud’s flashbacks were related to the murders. In the end of #131, Lockhart informs Bryan Lewis that Biff Lewis, Bryan’s son, and Kevin Wallace, the professor. So Lockhart is aware of Kevin’s history in the final episode. ‘Betty in danger’ is Betty knocking on the door of Professor Wallace’s door. Wallace is not seen.

I’m still not sure regarding Betty’s loss, but Biff mentioned one person died in the explosion at the Lewis Electronics plant. I’m still thinking this is related. I do believe the show was written with the intentions of appearing nightly as the explosion was in episode #117 and Shelley is still in the hospital.

Biff’s blackmail plot involved Shelley Novack. Biff knew a majority of the young women who died at the hands of the Campus Strangler. Shelley covered for Biff the night Susan Walker (the first victim) died and blackmailed him for money. Biff blackmailed someone else in order to make the payoffs.

Shelley’s attacker was Gino Lombardo. Shelley wanted to drop the charges because Lombardo’s family suffered enough as Luke has committed suicide. Who Luke is and how he fit into the story is unclear.

Josh Collier was implicated in the murders in a more complex manner. Lori Novack hitchhikes her way into town. She tells Biff she is seeing her cousin, Shelley. Realizing the connection, Biff claims he is Josh Collier and he sleeps with Lori. While in the car, Lori finds stockings and gloves and informs Captain Lockhart. Obviously, Lockhart suspects Josh, but eventually realizes it is Biff.

One of the scripts I have belonged to the actress playing Lori Novack. Her lines are highlighted and there is some rewritten dialogue / motivation scribbled in. Lori seems like she was going to be a bit of a schemer based on the side comments. Unfortunately, I don't know who she is.

Biff smokes pot in the part labeled ‘Sweet Honey.’ The smoke is used to introduce a flashback. It sounds like it might have been rather effective.

I’ll post more as I make my way through the scripts.

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This is all fascinating. You are so kind to share this information with us.

The pot smoking = flashback does sound like an interesting technique.

I wonder if Luke killed himself because he was gay.

So Biff had to use another name because Lori would have known he was shady, or was he just doing that to implicate Josh?

Did we know anything about Susan Lewis other than that she was killed?

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I've read through most of part 56, which covers the second half of the party at the Lewis home to celebrate the arrival of Madge WHITEHEAD. All the soap books list Jane Elliott as Madge SINCLAIR. I'm not sure if Sinclair is simply a misprint or her married name. Marland would reuse the name Whitehead on 'Loving.' Society matron Millicent Whitehead was the aunt of Hemsley, the man who was married to Jack Forbes biological mother at the time of her death.

Madge's party is interrupted by Lockhart, the chief of police. Lockhart arrives to speak with Biff about the murders. Biff claims the gloves belong to Amy Stanley, a young woman he picked up in Elkhorn, NM. Amy's car had broken down and Biff bedded her during their brief time together. Biff admits he told Amy he was married to Francie and they had children together. While this was clearly a lie he told Amy, I assume it would have been used in the eventual split between Francie / Biff. In the scene I posted, Biff claimed he wouldn't cheat if he was shackign up with Francie. I'm sure Francie would have seen this as the proof that Biff couldn't be faithful.

At the hospital, cousins Lori and Shelley visit. Shelley felt no man could love her with her scars. Lori thinks Shelley should be grateful and mentions Bryan Lewis offer to pay for her plastic surgery. Shelley is upset because of the tension with Biff Lewis and Lori is intrigued by Shelley's hatred for the Lewis family. This would all play out later in part 61.

Biff returned to the party and manipulated Aunt Miranda into getting Bryan to keep him in Eden; he cannot leave due to the suspicion of rape and murder. It also seems Biff doesn't want Bryan to know the truth because it might get back to Francie, who works at the Lewis plant. Miranda is less than pleased by the growing tenderness between Madge and Bryan. Bryan discusses his sons in a rather enlightening scene and admits he treats them differently because of the man he himself has become. I might post some of that later. In the background, Miranda witnesses Bryan and Madge embracing and is jealous of the relationship.

Josh Collier talks with Betty Franklin and Gail Lee about his investigation into the development of Lewis Enterprises. Knowing how the show ends, its clear this is all meant to reveal pieces of Betty / Bryan's prior relationship. Josh admits the company began to grow two years after the death of Bryan's first wife, which shocks Gail. Gail thought it was Emily Lewis' death that spurred Bryan's drive, but with Betty's talk of being an office manager and Madge's reference to Bryan's lost love all pieces should have been falling into place for the audience.

In Part 61, Greg and Laurel stumble upon Luanne Butler's body on the campus of Eden State. Greg and Laurel report the body and talk in the student union about all the awful things that have happened in Eden. Lockhart questions Biff about his whereabouts the previous evening; he explains he was with Francie (part 61 is still playing out the same day that begun at the end of part 58). Biff goes to visit Francie at the factory; she's still sore about Biff's 'proposal' to shack up. Upset about Biff's comments, Francie informs Biff that Greg has been sleeping with Laurel Richardson.

While Laurel and Greg are discovering the body, Biff is visiting Shelley at the hospital. Biff is concerned because Shelley wanted to speak to the police. In a rather lengthy fantasy sequence, Biff imagines Shelley is confessing she provided Biff a false alibi for the night Penny Landis died. When Biff gets to see Shelley, Shelley tells Biff she only told Lockhart she wanted to drop the charges against her attacker. Shelley claims she is a new woman. In the notes, the actress playing Lori is suppose to play the scene as if Lori wants Biff for herself.

In some minor scenes, Miranda / Betty discuss a mysterious phone call; the details of this plot point are unclear. Miranda complains about how the murder will affect AURIC's decision to purchase Miranda's land for a housing development. Gail informed Josh she had been reassigned, she, too, works for AURIC. The two come to an understanding that their relationship was more 'friends with benefits' than 'happily ever after.' They talk about marriage, but Gail says they wouldn't be able to make it work. Josh tells Gail he knows Gail was attracted to Bryan Lewis. Gail seems to be a rather significant character, but this seems to be her exit arc.

Carl, Biff says Lockhart is upset because 'the man he arrested ended up hanging himself.' I guess Luke was arrested because they thought he was the Campus Strangler and killed himself in prison.

Biff lied to Lori because Lori was coming to Eden to see Shelley. Shelley had blackmailed Biff with the information regarding his alibi in the Campus Strangler murders. Biff didn't want Lori to tell her cousin about Lori / Biff's sexual liason because he thought it would fuel the fire.

Susan Walsh was the first victim of the killer. If episode 1 pops up, maybe we will learn more about her.

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Here is the Bryan / Madge scene on the terrace during the party. Captain Lockhart has just taken Biff into the foyer to discuss the Campus Strangler case and Bryan has been stewing on the terrace. I thought this was one of the better scenes and gave a rather interesting insight into the Lewis men.

From Part 56 (Episode 128, Part 2)

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This is the Madge / Miranda confrontation that follows in Episode 129. Madge and Bryan return from a moonlit walk to find Miranda in the living room. After a few loaded comments from Miranda, Bryan leaves and Madge moves in for the kill. The Atlanta backstory is fleshed out a bit and the dynamics between Madge / Bryan / Miranda become a bit more clear.

At first, I was a bit disappointed we don't get a take on Miranda realizing Madge has figured out all the sordid details, but I've come to appreciate it more. Miranda refuses to give up until the moment she says 'I don't need your pity!'

This scene is part 58 and follows up to one of the concluding scenes of part 57 where Madge announces to Miranda:

"Look, Miranda, I know you came between Bryan and me once before. I want to talk to you about that now and I want you to listen --- very carefully."

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The dialogue between Madge and Bryan is beautifully written. A lot of this show seems clumsy to me but this is the type of material Marland did best.

I wonder why Biff would give the name of a man that Shelley would know, instead of just a random name.

Did we know anything about Louann?

Wasn't Madge Sinclair the name of an old character actress?

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