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AMC - Friday - April 22, 2011

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"David is the blame for you losing for eyesight in the first place" I wish they would just let this go

"I save lives Kendall. I saved yours" Thats 2 so far for this episode!

She isnt regressing for Super Doc. This is how she always is even before Griffin joined the show. Remember just a few months earlier, she was risking going to prison (and she did for a few days) bc she was breaking the law to help Greenlee? The law means nothnig to Kendall. When it comes to helping her family and friends, this is how she ALWAYS acts. This isnt something new bc of Griffin. Its typical Kendall.

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No Kendall was actually growing and maturing and learning from her mistakes. She dropped the investigation into Zach's death cause she felt her boys needed her instead she was in Griffins business 24/7, I guess her talking about her boys is lip service and I'm tired of it.

Griffin isn't really her friend, she doesn't even know him that well, otherwise she wouldn't have thought him guilty of murder. She's been regressed for Griffin since day 1. Kendall doesn't trust easily and was written to trust him and Ricky right off the bat

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So she matured and grew in the span of what 2 weeks? Thats the amount of time between her breaking the law as Rylee's cheerleader and her meeting Griffin. Back in November she used her boys as cover as she helped Greenlee skip bail when she was on trial for murder. This was only like 2-3 weeks before she met Griffin. Id hardly call that a true change. At her core, what we are seeing today IS typical Kendall and has been ever since Alicia Minshew started playing the role. It's been consistent even up to last year prior to her meeting Griffin.

Griffin is her friend. She's spent the last 5 months becoming his friend. She trusts him enough to help him and he's been there for her as a friend throughout this time as well. Kendal's number 1 goal now is to figure out Zach's murder and she will do as she sees fit to achieve that. She finally trusts that Griffin is on her side and that Ricky is responsible and has been manipulating her. And you konw what? She's right

LOL...I swear those two lines are the most repeated ones on AMC. It drives me nuts!

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