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I'm convinced the show is punking me by keeping her around longer than Evan. 


With the truth seemingly out about Margaret, I hope she's given the opportunity to slap the hell out of Victoria. She is a deliciously nasty cow. 


Does Shortland Street have form for lying to the viewers? The promos say it will definitely be Curtis/Margaret/Victoria/Virginia who shot Drew, but they be faking us out and have it be someone that's not even a suspect? Like Millie or something?

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Well I wouldn't go as far to say they have form for lying, but sometimes promos over the years can be misleading/misdirecting, 4 examples I can think of:


A print advertisement asking "Who killed Oscar Henry" in early 1999, when he actually initially survived and languished in a coma until finally being killed off in May.


The episode outline for the final episode of 2007, which said that Luke Durville and Alice would have a scene together, when they didn't - a scene featuring Luke and Alice was released as part of the series of videos mentioned below but (unlike the other scenes) none of their video was never in an actual episode.


A series of videos showing various characters being revealed as the Ferndale strangler, but not having one that saw Joey revealed as the serial killer. The first half of all these videos were actually scenes from the show - except for the aforementioned Luke and Alice video - and would end before the reveal seen in the episode eg Scotty and Shanti argued about her arranged marriage and then Scotty strangled Shanti. The argument was actually seen in the episode but the part where Scotty strangled Shanti was of course left out in the real episode.


When the whitetails opened gunfire in the hospital operating theatre in 2008, promos said there would be 3 casualties. Of course casualties doesn't actually mean death, so three characters were injured and noone died!

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More and more I'm convinced Victoria is the second shooter and I can't wait for her to go down. I hope they explore her misandry a bit more before she goes. I think she shot Drew in part because she believed he was a misogynist, when in fact he's definitely a Philogynist.

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The countdown to Victoria's comeuppance has officially begun! It was months and months ago I remember twigging that she may be headed for a breakdown of sorts, but I never imagined I'd be gifted with a scenario like this. Like I said before, I'll be severely disappointed if Margaret doesn't get to batter her. I am surprised, however, that she hasn't grassed on Curtis about breaking his parole to get him off her case.


Maybe it's just the greasy hair and how he's always so soft spoken, but George still gives me shady vibes. I don't like him.


I hope with Mo backing the wrong horse (Victoria), it's actually Margaret who leaves him in the end. I've been fantasizing how interesting she could be with poor, single Jimmy. She deserves some fun, and he'd certainly light up her life. He feels like too much of a spare part these days, and I need that to be rectified soon. He's become my favourite male character on the show.

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I love when they have Chris do comedy. One of my favourite episodes is when he and Rachel have to clean the hospital. "Cleaning? But that means things are dirty." I still remember and crack up thinking about that line to this very day. Hilarious.


By the same token, Nicole's reaction to Leanne being psychic was perfect. Sally Martin is one of the best at reacting. I'll always remember the look on her face when the doctor told Kylie she didn't have cancer, but did have chlamydia. This recent cancer story reminded me of that glorious moment. I'm surprised they haven't brought it up at all.


If I was Arlo Gibson, I would be ecstatic at getting my first talking down from Rachel. It's a fantastic right of passage at this point.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Do you know if Murray's exit today was a permanent one? The shows official twitter account made it seem that way. The long lost brother thing was an odd thing to create if they weren't going to do anything with it. Murray never really did much for me so I can't say I'll miss him much, though I liked him more than Wendy. Though Evan and, especially Bella, are all I truly cared about, it is said to see the Cooper family disintegrate. I had an inkling when the Hannah's were brought on that it probably meant they'd be ushered out. Strange to watch one era of the show eclipse another before my very eyes.


What truly upsets is that we may be losing Jimmy, too. What a shame if that's the case. He brought such fresh flair and fun to the show. He's quickly became one of my favourite male characters on the show since I started watching. At least with Murray and Wendy, their ousters felt like the right time. I still feel Jimmy could have a strong place on the show if they chose to write him. Like I said before, it would be a great idea to pair him with Margaret once she returns and her marriage ultimately crumbles. She needs a man like him who isn't judgemental, made mistakes himself, and could lighten up her life in a heartbeat. 

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I started watching this show last year with 2010 episodes. I didn't expect a hospital drama to work for me but I instantly grew fond of it! I chose this one over Aussie soaps because my big obsession over a decade ago was the NZ teen soap The Tribe which starred Beth Allen and others such as Ari Boyland (Brodie). It's obvious they have a very tight budget but they make the best of it. Right now I'm watching episodes from when Bella arrives (already like her, nice she's still on unlike most others) and Libby returns to get married with Gerald. I loved Damon Andrews on The Tribe so it's cool he's writing the episodes I'm watching. Is he still with the show nowadays?

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Always great to have another Shorty fan posting with us. I started in August 2012 at NZ pace, so you're watching a period slightly before my time. Bella is a favourite of mine as well. A truly great heroine character, that never gets too dumb, or preachy, or saccharine. A rare feat. I hope you soak up as much Brooke (my favourite character) as you can. I miss her so much.

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I had a feeling the 'writing was on the wall' for Jimmy when Bella started having feelings for Boyd. A shame really, but Joel Tobeck's not the type of actor who would stay too long. As for Murray, he could be back but I think his exit is permanent as well.

I don't know if Damon Andrews is still with the show. Google only brings up mentions of the Virgin Mary apparition in cup from 2011.

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