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I have praised her a lot, with good reason. One of the best things about Brooke, which absolutely hasn't been the case on a US soap in years, especially for a schemer like her, is how obvious it always was that the writers loved her as well. They took care of Brooke when she had a comeuppance. They never just called her a bitch or a slut or shamed her in anyway. She was always able to keep a level of self-respect. Her relationship with Boyd is a great example. When they would argue over a lie she had told, she was able to have a point of view and even the saintly Sarah sometimes had her back. Or Bella. Or Grace, when Boyd was actually the one being a 'pompous prick', which he was actually called at one point. The writers were always fair to her and even had some characters, like Dayna, look up to her. In fact, that is the best thing about Shortland Street as a whole. The characters are always written fairly. Even the psychopaths like Bree and Josh were sympathetic, but never kept around as cartoons or some ridiculous 'redemption'. This is why, even with the two huge losses of Brooke and Vasa, I will continue to watch my Shorty, happily. For one, I still have Queen of Ferndale, Rachel Mckenna, who actually got to keep her maiden name even after getting married (WHAT?!?) and Bella, a character that is a sweet, good woman, without being saccharine or idiotic. The moral center of the show. But more importantly, even with these losses, the show has never failed to entertain because, even with some of their limits, they know when something isn't working and actually rectify some things on air, like Grace having had twins in her first stint off-screen. They always have a balanced cast. Every single character has down time and every single character gets their time to shine. And the best of all, they deliver. Climaxes are epic, without being done just to shock and awe. Roimata's rape, Josh's hero disease, and the latest, Sarah succumbing to the virus because of her MS, just as she had found a cure. I can't wait to see what this show has in store for me next, but I do know when that December finale rolls around, I'm going to be left on the edge of my seat to see what roller coaster ride they're going to have waiting for me next season and beyond.

Sorry for blathering on. I just have so much love for this show and I can't help but want to shout it from the roof tops.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Seeing the beautiful Ben Mitchell back on my screen has been delightful. He is just so sexy. Seeing what they do with TK, without Sarah, should prove interesting. The show doesn't likes surprises, so I wonder if they'll have him hook up with a newly single Bella, or even Dayna, instead of him and Harper getting back into bed.

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It is nice to have TK back. Harper is obvious but she likes Boyd now.

Garrett and Rachel is interesting in that how can Bella be a cow to Rachel?

If the house Kylie owns with Emma and Lana has gone up so much in value, couldn't she get a loan to fix the bathroom? Though she's better off selling and using the capital gain as a down payment on a place where she can afford the payments. And without having to rent out to others, though that is always part of the Shortland Street plot - people have to live together!

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Shortland Street

Frankie Adams l Ula Levi l Exits February - http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11366471

I'll miss her. The show did a great job at giving Ula a true coming of age story the past few years. She has grown a lot since she got pregnant as a teenager. She lost her best relationship when Evan left earlier this year, and now the small family unit of Vasa/Ula and Vinnie is gone, too. Making her a paramedic was a genius way of keeping her relevant and in the thick of it at the hospital and seeing her be a guardian to Honour has really shown how far she has come. Obviously, this means the end of her and Garrett, the poor bastard. I wonder how fast it will take him to go back to his playboy ways and who his next conquest will be.

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This show is effing cruel messing with my emotions like that! Everyone pray for Nicole, please! If she dies, I will be completely destroyed. I also have to say, I love how Angela Bloomfield played the hostage scenes in the elevator. Not hysterical, but so just annoyed that she had to deal with some crazy a long with everything else. Rachel McKenna is QUEEN of all of soap land! And an absolute salute to her finally breaking off a piece of Garrett! I also hope the woman Dallas hooked up with is Ula and not Kylie.

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I've been watching some classic shorty clips on YT, mostly the famous serial killer story, and it's crazy that only two characters currently on the canvas (Chris and TK) were around for it. This show may have a high cast turnover rate, but you wouldn't notice by watching with their seamless transitions.

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So happy my show is back!

Thank God Dallas' makeover came and went quickly. It was horrifying and offensive to make such a beautiful man so completely unappealing.

This Pania chick may be getting in line to become the new schemer of the show now that Queen Brooke is gone. She is super shady, but it's understandable since it's all about TK. That man is pure sex.

Rachel is such a boss having Garrett as her toyboy. If more women were like her, they would easily rule the world in a heartbeat.

Now, if Nicole doesn't wake up from her damn coma, I will be a mess. Harper not going to see her out of respect for Vinnie was a nice touch. Another strong woman. The end of today's episode was so damn good too with TK crashing her first date with Boyd to tell her that he doesn't want to lose her. That is awkward soapy goodness I can take over and over.

I can't remember the last time I saw a slap on this show, but I was damn happy to see Ula haul off on Honour. That was a good firm slap and much needed and this being Shorty, it's actually a big deal and not something people just due to blow of steam.

And then there's Kylie being careless Kylie. I hope she never stops being such a mess.

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