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I really like the pace of the Boyd / Nicole relationship so far. I never would have thought to put them together, but they do have loads of chemistry.

Kylie / Evan has me cringing. I like the story, of course, but it is hard to watch because you know it's going to go completely wrong sooner rather than later.

And Roimata now deciding to have a baby to feel connected to TK again? And her strange relationship with Josh. I can't not watch this all go to hell. LoL

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Things are getting very messy with Roimata and Kylie. Evan is not what it takes to get the perfection that is Vinnie. The actor playing Evan is doing at great job with this SL so far.

Superstitiously, I have no idea how Roimata could be into Josh when she has TK. He fills out a pair of jeans like nobody's business. But he is such a square, like Sarah, I don't see why them boring bitches ever divorced.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I'm going to need Brooke and Vasa to hang out a hell of a lot more. And I'm so excited that Brooke is now going to try to seduce Boyd for his money. She was already the best character on the show and now this just amplifies her perfection.

Thank God we won't have to deal with a naive Bella trying to become a painter. I love the ditz, but it's good to see she's not that stupid.

And I love hearing about the old Nicole in this episode. I wonder if Brooke's pursuit of Boyd will somehow/eventually make her fall back to her party girl ways. I sure hope so!

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I agree with you, Bright Eyes, on two things. Brooke is the best character on the show. Love that look she gets when she starts to realize her current scheme is not working in some way.

And I hate Sarah. She's been better in the last year or so and was OK when she was first with TK but in between that she is so disagreeable, I'm glad she's fictional. Just so self pitying and proud. The scene I recall when she had an attack of MS and Bella had to break in and rescue her, but she still would not let Bella call 111 proves her pride comes before her child's safety. And when she made fun of Daniel for being confused since he originally though she was his sister - her feelings came first, it was clear. Well who wouldn't find that unsettling? Her parents must have spoiled her to raise him that way for her and it shows - she is a spoiled princess.

She divorced TK because she did not want kids and he did - even though he said he was able to live with that and she came first before his having kids, she divorced him merely because someday he might resent her for it. Then she ended up having his kid anyhow.

The show has a long history of female characters who are unpleasant to everyone else but others still cater to them and baby them and reassure them. Besides Sarah, there was Alice, Morgan, Maya, Zlata, Jill, and now we have Ula. Maybe they think they are showing strong, spunky women and that's a good thing, but you can be a strong woman without being a spoiled, demanding shrew.

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Is it wrong that I'm happier you hate Sarah than like Brooke? I've never wanted to see a character get put in her place as bad as Sarah. Rachel came close the other day. I just wish someone would make her life hell. And at least with Ula you have people like Vinnie and Nicole reassuring the audience that she's not always in the right. Everyone lays down at Sarah's feet and it makes me puke. And speaking of people I hate, I like Boyd, except when he's looking down his nose at Brooke. He good use a swift slap, too.

Didn't Maya end up going psycho?

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I love Alice lol her drunk scenes were awesome.

Morgan though urgh i'm counting down the days til her death, Irish pace is at the bit where she's just married Gerald & she's being a grade a cow to everyone.

We're at the nutty Maia stage, few months after she killed Ethan and isnt coping at all, she went on holiday with her sisters looking after her son (they made her leave without him as she's nuts) she randomly arrived home & took JJ to the park not leaving a note, so Tania thought he'd ben kidnapped.

Edited by soapgirluk
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