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"Thanks for Coming" to HBO


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I recognize the need for adult comedy in the current TV marketplace, but seriously? HBO already has a show ("Hung") about a guy who's, uh, simply too much for the ladies. Now, we could have a show (this one) about a girl who's "just not feelin' it"? Since when did HBO become Showtime?

Also...? Good Lord, talk about T.M.I.! Between her book and this series, I'm beginning to wonder if we're becoming too candid a species. I know I would be mortified if the general public learned I'd never achieved an orgasm. Because, God knows, when this show takes off (and believe me, it will, lol), I'd have every freak in greater Manhattan coming onto me ("Hey, I hear you're lookin' for a few good men!") everywhere I turned!

Seriously, HBO, you can't coax David Chase into creating another series?

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LOL, Thursday night HBO, every teen boy's (wet) dream. :lol: I'm hardly a prude, but I tend to agree with Khan. I don't mind a little salaciousness in a series, but when the whole concept of the show is built on such, it gets a little tired and pandering. I haven't seen Hung yet but I'm assuming it's like almost any HBO series, well enough written to not be dismissed for its apparent gimmickiness. Then I read that MTV was doing a similar show about a teen boy, and that really seemed like overkill, not to mention inappropriate for that network's younger non-premium cable audience.

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I feel bad enough watching MTV at my age; giving me a series where I have to imagine the lead character as being a well-endowed teenaged boy just makes me feel like an absolute pervert!

In other news: Not to be outdone by, well, anyone, the Playboy Channel has announced its' first foray into scripted television: "Coming Home," chronicling the struggles of a mobbed-up businessman and his childhood friend/partner running a strip joint in their SoCal hometown. [/joke]

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I agree with this, definitely. I have no problem with the sexual nature of a show at all...like, at all. But when that is the #1 thing and story/characters/etc comes second, then there's a problem. It's like how Glee's singing and dancing and #1, and its stories and characters come after that. So basically, this show comes off to me like Glee with dildos.

As for MTV. Ugh. I've given up on their scripted series. I haven't tried the new show yet, I hear it's funny, but after "My Life as Liz," I have no hope. That show was just ridiculous and offensive and stupid and pretentious in a million different ways.

Scripted porn would be pretty spectacular, IF the storylines and sex scenes were orchestrated separately from each other. Basically, if one of those sexy 90s primetime soaps went all the way.

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It was stupid, stupid, stupid. First of all, MTV could never make up their minds about whether the show was real or scripted, then it was revealed that it was "real," but a lot of it was fake, like The Hills. Which, okay, not a big deal. The "character" of Liz was just so unlikeable, though. All she did was bitch about living in this town and all of the "popular" girls that she hated, but the thing is, any time one of the popular girls did anything that could justify Liz's loathing of them, it came off so fake and scripted that it made you question what parts of the show were real and what parts were MTV's doing. And to top it all of, Liz herself was a walking cliche. Indie music listening, "Donnie Darko" watching, "quirky" socks wearing, vintage clothes shopping, hair dying hipster, and all of those things made her "better" and "less shallow" than her popular classmates.

The above is probably a jumbled mess of words, but it's just hard for me to articulate the white hot intensity of the hate I had for that show. I made several long, long posts about it on TWOP that I don't feel like going find. The main this is, though, I am just so done with these types of shows, these "cheerleaders and jocks are evil bullies! The dorks are really the cool kids!" shows, especially when I'm being told that they're realistic portrayals of high school and teen life. Please. It's time for a show that looks that subject in a less cartoonish way.

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