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Treme: David Simon Speaks


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Anyone else still watching?

Finally watched last weeks episode (stupid on demand channel was having some issues) and it was the best one yet (and the most soapy, :) )

I have a crush on Lucia Micarelli, who plays the violinist, Annie. Her boyfriend's a dirtbag, and seeing him cheat on her when he's the obvious settler in the relationship and not the reacher (sorry, I watched How I Met Your Mother last night) is even worse for the wear. However, it usually is the one with more to lose that cheats. I hope she leaves his ass and becomes successful with her music.

The will they or won't they between Annie and Davis was great television. Thank God they didn't go through with sleeping together. It just continued to show how much better a person Annie is and I really didn't want to see Janette take another hit. Though, like Davis, I have no clue what the heck you'd call their relationship.

A moment, I'm guessing might have taken place in this week's episode, that I am dying to see, is Ladonna tell her mother the truth about her son. I'm sure it'll be heartbreaking. I hope Ladonna doesn't get too much heat for keeping it a secret until after Mardi Gras.

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I watched two episodes of Treme over the weekend. What an amazingly talented cast and the writing is heartbreaking at times. So of course, the show gets little publicity compared to True Blood.

My favorite scene so far was when Antoine and the Japanese jazz fan talked in the club about loss, music, and generosity. Beautiful. Wendell Pierce is a fine actor.

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I find Cray's suicide so depressing and futile, I really haven't wanted to talk about any of it. Why would he do that? I'm not even one of those people who think suicide is the coward's way out. I think there are times when it is a legitimate action, but Cray's seemed so unnecessary. I don't see how Toni will ever get over her anger at him.

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No Julia, it's not your fault! :lol: I shouldn't have kept checking out this thread before seeing more eps, it's all good. :D I'm so bad with names anyway and I couldn't even tell you who that character is, if I continue to space out on names and go by faces like I usually do it'll still be a surprise. ^_^

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