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Y&R: Kevin Schmidt Out

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WTF?! So now Noah will be MIA again when all his family is front-burner, and Nick and Sharon continue to hog up airtime with their overdone drama?

Word of advice to the IDIOTS at Y&R, Kevin Schmidt is NOT Vanessa Marcil where he's exceptionally too popular to recast. I hate the casting at Y&R as of late, but how hard could it be to find a charismatic young recast for this role?

Noah doesn't need to be away for months and then pop up during the Summer for some lame Summer teen storyline or something.

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He's already misused and pops up after weeks of neglect simply as filler with Eden or to tell Sharon what a bad mother she is.

Now he'll be gone for months, while his entire family is involved with front-burner stories? Seems very strange to me.

I'm not a fan of Schmidt or SORASED-Noah, but the character is needed and it's a shame they haven't a clear idea of who he's supposed to be.

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He's misused, yes, but it's a more tolerable type of misuse than "Noah cheats on his girlfriend and this shows what a man he is," or, "Noah rapes a woman and she says no but means yes," or "Noah is stalked by a mysterious person he met at boarding school, who may be Matt Clark's long lost child," other wonderful stories.

The Newmans are so hollow these days, even when they are on the front-burner, they bring nothing. You could replace today's Nikki, Nick, and Victoria with cardboard cutouts. If Noah isn't a part of that, fine by me.

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Maybe the show likes it this way. It isn't like he isn't the only young actor who is recurring. This way they can use them when they want and don't feel obligated to write them story. The actors playing Noah, Eden, Abby, and Ryder are all recurring. The only new younger character who is on contract is the actess who plays Daisy and guess who we see too much of? Yep, Daisy.

So while it is to the show's benefit to hire new or younger actors as recurring, they have to work around their schedules and both actors who play Noah and Eden have recurring roles on nightime or other network shows. I suspect both young actors are off filming other roles once again hence this Paris storyline being written in all of a sudden. If the show wants to make Noah more central they will. If not, I suspect they will be happy to use Kevin Schmidt as recurring.

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