Administrator Toups Posted January 12, 2010 Administrator Share Posted January 12, 2010 AMC: Script Writers and Directors for 2010 JANUARY: 20 January 4- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Casey Childs January 5- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs January 6- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Casey Childs January 7- SW: Kate Hall; D: Steven Williford January 8- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Angela Tessinari January 11- SW: James Kahn; D: Steven Williford January 12- SW: James Kahn; D: Angela Tessinari January 13- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari January 14- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs January 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico January 18- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Jill Ackles January 19- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Jill Ackles January 20- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs January 21- SW: Kate Hall; D: Steven Williford January 22- SW: James Kahn; D: Barbara M. Simmons January 25- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico January 26- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Casey Childs January 27- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs January 28- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford January 29- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico Joanna Cohen: 3 Kate Hall: 4 Chip Hayes: 5 Rebecca Taylor: 5 James Kahn: 3 Jill Ackles: 2 Casey Childs: 7 Michael V. Pomarico: 3 Barbara M. Simmons: 1 Angela Tessinari: 3 Steven Williford: 4 FEBRUARY: 20 February 1- SW: James Kahn; D: Steven Williford February 2- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Casey Childs February 3- SW: James Kahn; D: Casey Childs February 4- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Steven Williford February 5- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Shelley Curtis February 8- SW: James Kahn; D: Casey Childs February 9- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Casey Childs February 10- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford February 11- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Angela Tessinari February 12- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Steven Williford February 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs February 16- SW: James Kahn; D: Steven Williford February 17- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Steven Williford February 18- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Steven Williford February 19- SW: Courtney Bugler; D: Shelley Curtis February 22- SW: James Kahn; D: Michael V. Pomarico February 23- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Shelley Curtis February 24- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford February 25- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Jill Ackles February 26- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico Courtney Bugler: 1 Chip Hayes: 3 James Kahn: 5 Rebecca Taylor: 7 Tracey Thomson: 2 Tara K. Walsh: 2 Jill Ackles: 1 Casey Childs: 5 Shelley Curtis: 3 Michael V. Pomarico: 2 Angela Tessinari: 1 Steven Williford: 8 MARCH: 23 March 1- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Casey Childs March 2- SW: Courtney Bugler; D: Steven Williford March 3- SW: James Kahn; D: Steven Williford March 4- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs March 5- SW: James Kahn; D: Angela Tessinari March 8- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Angela Tessinari March 9- SW: Celena Cipriaso; D: Steven Williford March 10- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs March 11- SW: Celena Cipriaso; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 12- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 15- SW: James Kahn; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 16- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 17- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles March 18- SW: James Kahn; D: Jill Ackles March 19- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Shelley Curtis March 22- SW: Celena Cipriaso; D: Jill Ackles March 23- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Jill Ackles March 24- SW: Courtney Bugler; D: Steven Williford March 25- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari March 26- SW: James Kahn; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 29- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 30- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico March 31- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs Courtney Bugler: 2 Celena Cipriaso: 3 Joanna Cohen: 1 Kate Hall: 1 James Kahn: 5 Rebecca Taylor: 6 Tracey Thomson: 2 Tara K. Walsh: 3 Jill Ackles: 4 Casey Childs: 4 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 7 Angela Tessinari: 3 Steven Williford: 4 APRIL: 22 April 1- SW: James Kahn; D: Casey Childs April 2- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs April 5- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Casey Childs April 6- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Casey Childs April 7- SW: Celena Cipriaso; D: Casey Childs April 8- SW: James Kahn; D: Casey Childs April 9- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari April 12- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Casey Childs April 13- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 14- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Steven Williford April 15- SW: James Kahn; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 16- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 19- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford April 20- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford April 21- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 22- SW: Kate Hall; D: Shelley Curtis April 23- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 26- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Jill Ackles April 27- SW: James Kahn; D: Jill Ackles April 28- SW: James Kahn; D: Jill Ackles April 29- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico April 30- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico Celena Cipriaso: 1 Joanna Cohen: 4 Kate Hall: 4 James Kahn: 5 Rebecca Taylor: 3 Tracey Thomson: 4 Tara K. Walsh: 1 Jill Ackles: 3 Casey Childs: 7 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 7 Angela Tessinari: 1 Steven Williford: 3 MAY: 19 May 3- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Angela Tessinari May 4- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford May 5- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico May 6- SW: Tracey Thomson; D: Shelley Curtis May 7- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford May 10- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford May 11- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico May 12- SW: James Kahn; D: Michael V. Pomarico May 13- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles May 14- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari May 17- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Angela Tessinari May 18- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs May 19- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs May 20- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford May 21- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico May 24- SW: James Kahn; D: Casey Childs May 25- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs May 26- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Steven Williford May 28- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs Joanna Cohen: 3 Lisa K. Connor: 5 Kate Hall: 3 James Kahn: 2 Rebecca Taylor: 4 Tracey Thomson: 1 Tara K. Walsh: 1 Jill Ackles: 1 Casey Childs: 5 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 4 Angela Tessinari: 3 Steven Williford: 5 JUNE: 22 June 1- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles June 2- SW: Kate Hall; D: Jill Ackles June 3- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Shelley Curtis June 4- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Steven Williford June 7- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico June 8- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico June 9- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs June 10- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs June 11- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs June 14- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford June 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico June 16- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Michael V. Pomarico June 17- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs June 18- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs June 21- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford June 22- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs June 23- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico June 24- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford June 25- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari June 28- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Angela Tessinari June 29- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles June 30- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico Joanna Cohen: 6 Lisa K. Connor: 3 Kate Hall: 4 Rebecca Taylor: 8 Tara K. Walsh: 1 Jill Ackles: 3 Casey Childs: 6 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 6 Angela Tessinari: 2 Steven Williford: 4 JULY: 21 July 1- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico July 2- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs July 6- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford; Location: Anthony Pascarelli July 7- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Steven Williford; Location: Enza Dolce July 8- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce July 9- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce July 12- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce July 13- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Anthony Pascarelli July 14- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs July 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford July 16- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Steven Williford July 19- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs July 20- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Shelley Curtis July 21- SW: Tara K. Walsh; D: Steven Williford July 22- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Anthony Pascarelli & Enza Dolce July 23- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Anthony Pascarelli July 26- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico July 27- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico July 28- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico July 29- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford July 30- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 2 Joanna Cohen: 3 Lisa K. Connor: 4 Kate Hall: 3 Rebecca Taylor: 6 Tara K. Walsh: 3 Jill Ackles: 1 Casey Childs: 6 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 7 Steven Williford: 6 Anthony Pascarelli: 4 * Enza Dolce: 5 * AUGUST: 21 August 2- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Steven Williford August 3- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari; Location: Anthony Pascarelli August 4- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce Nini August 5- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce Nini August 6- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Angela Tessinari August 9- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Steven Williford August 11- SW: Kate Hall; D: Steven Williford August 12- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico August 13- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini August 16- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico August 17- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico August 18- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Enza Dolce Nini August 19- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Anthony Pascarelli August 20- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Anthony Pascarelli; Location: Enza Dolce Nini August 23- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Anthony Pascarelli August 24- SW: Kate Hall; D/Location: Anthony Pascarelli August 25- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Anthony Pascarelli August 26- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs August 27- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles August 30- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles August 31- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Shelley Curtis; Location: Enza Dolce Nini James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 4 Joanna Cohen: 5 Lisa K. Connor: 4 Kate Hall: 4 Rebecca Taylor: 4 Jill Ackles: 3 Casey Childs: 4 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 6 Angela Tessinari: 2 Steven Williford: 3 Anthony Pascarelli: 2 Anthony Pascarelli: 5 * Enza Dolce: 6 * SEPTEMBER: 21 September 1- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs; Location: Anthony Pascarelli September 2- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs September 3- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico September 7- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs September 8- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico September 9- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 10- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Shelley Curtis; Location: Anthony Pascarelli September 13- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Angela Tessinari September 14- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Anthony Pascarelli September 16- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 17- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 20- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs September 21- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 22- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico September 23- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Enza Dolce Nini September 24- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Anthony Pascarelli September 27- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Angela Tessinari; Location: Anthony Pascarelli September 28- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs; September 29- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico September 30- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 5 Joanna Cohen: 3 Lisa K. Connor: 4 Kate Hall: 4 Rebecca Taylor: 5 Jill Ackles: 2 Casey Childs: 10 Shelley Curtis: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 6 Angela Tessinari: 2 Anthony Pascarelli: 5 * Enza Dolce: 6 * OCTOBER: 20 October 1- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Anthony Pascarelli & Enza Dolce Nini October 4- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini October 5- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 6- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 7- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 8- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 11- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini October 12- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Jill Ackles October 13- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 14- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Anthony Pascarelli October 15- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico October 18- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford October 19- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Jill Ackles; Location: Enza Dolce Nini October 20- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs October 21- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs October 22- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Angela Tessinari October 25- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari October 26- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs October 28- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford October 29- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 3 Joanna Cohen: 4 Lisa K. Connor: 4 Kate Hall: 4 Rebecca Taylor: 5 Jill Ackles: 5 Casey Childs: 4 Anthony Pascarelli: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 6 Angela Tessinari: 2 Steven Williford: 2 Anthony Pascarelli: 1 * Enza Dolce: 4 * NOVEMBER: 19 November 1- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 2- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 4- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford November 5- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 8- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 9- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 10- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Angela Tessinari November 11- SW: Kate Hall; D: Steven Williford; Location: Enza Dolce Nini November 12- SW: Kate Hall; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 15- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 16- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs November 17- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico November 18- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Steven Williford November 19- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford November 22- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs November 23- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs November 24- SW: Kate Hall; D: Steven Williford November 29- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Casey Childs November 30- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Casey Childs; Location: Steven Williford James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 4 Joanna Cohen: 1 Lisa K. Connor: 3 Kate Hall: 5 Rebecca Taylor: 6 Casey Childs: 5 Michael V. Pomarico: 8 Angela Tessinari: 1 Steven Williford: 5 Enza Dolce: 1 * Steven Williford: 1 * DECEMBER: 19 December 1- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs December 2- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Jill Ackles December 3- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Jill Ackles December 6- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford December 7- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Michael V. Pomarico December 8- SW: Kate Hall; D: Angela Tessinari December 9- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Steven Williford December 10- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Jill Ackles December 13- SW: Kate Hall; D: Jill Ackles December 14- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Shelley Curtis December 15- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Michael V. Pomarico December 16- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Michael V. Pomarico December 17- SW: Lisa K. Connor; D: Casey Childs December 20- SW: Rebecca Taylor; D: Steven Williford December 21- SW: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten; D: Steven Williford December 22- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Casey Childs December 27- SW: Kate Hall; D: Casey Childs December 28- SW: Joanna Cohen; D: Steven Williford December 29- SW: Chip Hayes; D: Anthony Pascarelli James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 3 Joanna Cohen: 5 Lisa K. Connor: 4 Kate Hall: 3 Chip Hayes: 1 Rebecca Taylor: 3 Jill Ackles: 4 Casey Childs: 4 Shelley Curtis: 1 Anthony Pascarelli: 1 Michael V. Pomarico: 3 Angela Tessinari: 1 Steven Williford: 5 YEAR TOTAL: 247 (-3) James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten: 21 Courtney Bugler: 3 Celena Cipriaso: 4 Joanna Cohen: 38 (-10) Lisa K. Connor: 31 Kate Hall: 39 (-8) Chip Hayes: 9 (-51) James Kahn: 20 (+10) Rebecca Taylor: 62 (+4) Tracey Thomson: 9 (+5) Tara K. Walsh: 11 Jill Ackles: 29 (+19) Casey Childs: 67 (+15) Shelley Curtis: 11 Anthony Pascarelli: 4 Michael V. Pomarico: 65 (+36) Barbara M. Simmons: 1 (-2) Angela Tessinari: 21 (-17) Steven Williford: 49 (same) Anthony Pascarelli: 14 * Enza Dolce: 18 * Steven Williford: 1 * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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