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AMC: The Kate Collins/Janet Green Appreciating Thread


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Wow, I can't believe this thread is up to 26 pages and I'm just now seeing it! Kate Collins is my favorite daytime actress EVER (No.2 is Julianne Moore) and it was so great seeing her back on AMC. She carried this show earlier this year...sort of like she did in the late 80's - early 90's. Granted AMC was infinitely better back then, but I have a hard time remembering many storylines---but I sure remember all of Kate's stories!

Some of the best:

*Natalie the vixen comes to town and tries to steal Jeremy away from Erica. I still remember the first day Kate showed up. I was instantly a fan.

*Nat moves into Cortlandt manor and becomes Palmer's nurse and enters into one of Soap's best triangles:Nat/Ross/Ellen.

* Ross rapes Nat. I hate rape storylines, but as those go, it was one of the better. For one thing, it wasn't a stranger, but someone Nat had been involved with romantically. I still can't believe Kate wasn't nominated for an Emmy that year.

* Nat reconciles with Jeremey and has a lovely wedding and then it was zzzzzzzzz for a while.

* One of Nat's patients leaves her his fortune and she becomes the richest woman in town. Adam marries her, trying to rebuild his fortune by taking her's.

* Trevor appears...text book "soap chemistry" at its best.

* Kate's shining moment: playing Nat and Janet. Not only did she deserve an Emmy nom, she should have WON.

My friends still make fun of me for this: Back before Internet and we had to wait on soap mags to give us the news, I was in the supermarket with a few friends and saw the Soap Opera Weekly headline stating that Kate Collins was leaving AMC. I shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and scared half the store. :-)

I actually found a tape not long ago of a bunch of Kate's apperances on Oprah, Donahue, Good Morning America...she was really quite the big star back then. I'm glad she's had a great life in Chicago, but I've missed her. I'm glad she gave this brief stint on AMC as a gift to her fans.

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If I can get them converted to DVD, I sure will! The Oprah clip is from @1988--Kate has long, long hair and is on with Jean Le Clerc (ex Jeremy). The Donahue clip is @1990 and it was when Kate was doing that play about back stage at a soap. Then the GMC interview is when she was hot and heavy in the middle of the Nat/Janet stuff.

I also had some other talk show appearances like the Dr. Ruth show and a couple of times where she actually hosted Good Morning America, but I fear they are lost. :-(

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