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Y&R Casting Spoiler accidentally leaked?


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In the 9/22 SOD, there is a picture of Stacy Haiduk at the Emmys, showing off the cat tattoo she has above her left ankle.

Now, I'm focusing on the "would have", instead of "will be". Past, not future. (Actually, I think it's is more something like 'past conditional' or whatever, but I forget all formal grammar rules).

If Patty remains viable and on canvas, then they can show the cat tattoo in a future love scene.

If Patty is off the canvas, then of course the kitten tattoo becomes a lost opportunity...

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As much as I love Stacey,keeping Patty on the show would be another ridiculous mistake to add to MAB's list.

Surely,after everything that goes down next week,Patty will be caught and committed.Maybe she'll be around till November sweeps,but there should be no long term for this character.

I'd have Paul investigate Patty's missing years and find out an abusive relationship with another man triggered this psychosis.This could lead to a story with Paul trying to bring this guy to justice.

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Truly, between your scenarios, I continue to find Patty eminently "rescuable".

My vision of it is that her current story comes to a close before the end of September.

Alas, my intuition is that she'll be committed, and she will be Adam's pawn to effect a baby switch (taking Sharon's baby and giving it to Ashley).

But after that, I would like to see Patty get bona-fide mental health care. The show can go two ways with that. They can either "rest" the character, and have her therapy occur off screen. Or (what would be more interesting to me) is if the therapy occurs, in part, on screen.

Through that therapy, we would learn that there is some dark secret in Eau Claire that ultimately took this fragile woman (who got past her Jack history) and truly bent her. But she cannot remember the trauma and that puts in motion your storyline for Paul....which I find intriguing, and far less plot-driven. A "mystery" that is constituted by "What trauma drove my sister mad?" sounds both psychological and ... even a bit like a psychological thriller. That is totally cool with me.

Regardless, whether Patty is "healed" onscreen or off, I'd much prefer the end result (ala Michael Baldwin) to be the eventual return of Patty...and for us to share her journey to reconcile with her family and rebuild her life.

The absence of Mary Williams from this story is such a gut punch. It totally robs this tale of much of its emotion.

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Why do you say this? Seriously? I am fascinated by the ability to heal from psychological damage. In principle, soaps should be better able to explore this than any other medium.

Anyway, I put it out there. Now the Y&R writers will "steal" it, right? Somehow, I suspect they have better ideas than ours....

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Sorry Mark, but you cut the current management/writing team at Y&R too much slack when they obviously don't take their time to properly plan storylines, don't think about writing characters in corners that can't come out of, and don't properly pace important storylines.

All of what you're saying could be accomplished with a skilled HW, but this regime has shown that they can't do that kind of storyline and they probably have no intention of doing it.

Patty committed too many horrible crimes in such a short amount of time. If the Abbot's or Newman's ever "forgive" her for what she's done, it would be totally unbelievable. There's no redemption for this character, especially when her motivations are so very weak. Don't give me this she's mentally ill crap and that her motivations will be revealed after the storyline ends, that's not soap opera writing.

All I can say is, good riddance Patty Jane, if she's gone soon. You had promise, but all of that was wasted the minute they tried to make you some one-note psycho that reeked too much havoc on the main families on this show. I certainly do not want to see any of these major crimes whitewashed. If people couldn't get over Gloria and the skin cream fiasco, they certainly won;t get over someone who caused brain damage to a little girl, killed an innocent dog, and killed off a core member of the Abbott family.

I could never buy any future relationship between Patty and Jack too. I don't see Jack as the type that would welcome someone back that killed his niece, harmed Summer who he loves very much, and someone his whole family will probably hate after she tried to kill and killed Colleen...

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Too bad Patty's revenge didn't include coming back to town as a sophisticated, sexy woman. She could have come to town seduce Jack and do to him what he did to her (no shooting anyone this time) or just dump him. Maybe even ruin Jabot's image (even more) or help Jill take it over.

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