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Y&R Maria Arena Bell speaks

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Well hello, didn't you read my last post? Although I didn't feel anything from Christel, still, I'm sure all of the Laner's are eating her up in this story. I still think a better actress would have done this story better justice even with the writing.

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Some people have selective leanings...

This storyline has never centered on the cancer issue, it's always been about Lily and her realizing how she wants and needs to be with Cane and Neil and Devon not being too happy with that. Cancer is almost an afterthought.

Certainly a better actress would have brought more depth to the role though, despite the writing. But I don't blame Christel for all the bad writing for her character.

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It is very odd that Neil and Olivia have been written out of the cancer story. I'm not as critical of MAB as certain other people have been in the last few months (not mentioning any names :D ) but there have been a lot of "WTF moments" lately.

They should have given COLLEEN the cancer story (instead of killing her off). TS is a stronger actress than CK and Colleen has a history of cancer in her family. Plus, Colleen hasn't been shoved down the audience's throats the way Lily has in the past year.

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Including you

The decision making process of this writing team is highly questionable. As someone mentioned Lane didn't need this SL on top of the P3

reveal. It could have waited if they had the patience to just play out the beats of the P3 fallout.

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Especially you when it comes to Cane/Lily.

Not like you respond to posts about anything else.

I didn't entirely skip over another post from the same poster when he corrected himself.

Lane, if they must be together could use a story that isn't about them wanting and needing to be together. There's other stories couples can be involved in. This cancer story is about Lily being sure and then not so sure about wanting to be with Cane. From the beginning, that has been their storyline.

Then again, every storyline is rushed on this show, so we're never gonna get fully thought out stories.

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Exactly and certainly not only Laners as well. I've come across many on other boards who were never liked Lane or Lily and this story is resonating with them. Its not written to its fullest potential but frankly its the only story I'm currently watching. And yes I happen to think that Ck is doing a great job, DG and others. Do we even know if KSJ taking 6 weeks off isnt by choice? Or a mutual decision, he felt like he wasn't getting enough airtime so he took some time off?? If ptb can have Colleen and Mac visiting her, I highly doubt they wont do the same with Neil. And this story is not exactly dominating the airwaves anyhow.

And I don't know why people keep equating the way Lily is acting with all cancer patients, there is not a cancer handbook that every pt subscribes to. We all don't act alike even in sickness. And having had a personal/family experience with it, I can say all I'm seeing from Lily I've seen before. Most of the beats in this sl is being played not all but most.

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It's no secret that I'm a Lane fan and they really are the only the characters I'm interested in. I find the rest of the show

as horrible as you find Lane although the Sep 17th stuff looks somewhat promising especially if it means the end of that story.

Lol, I didn't consider the DG disclaimer as an amendment to the sentiment of the original statement.

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Ha Ha heee heee That's a good one. TS might have been good in Far & Away where she can use her own accent. But on Y&R she was hardly use. How can you tell who is better between the two.

Olivia I believe also had cancer. But CK can't pull off a heavy storyline that why they switch gears to Lame love.

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The suggestion to give this to Lauren is great! For such a vain and bitchy character it could be a new era for her. I think the writers have forgotten just how deeply connected Lauren is to both Y&R and B&B. She's a major character with ties to the masses. At this rate I wish she'd just go back to B&B. They don't need another female lead, but I'm sure with their packed half hour show we'd still see her more than on Y&R. I do think Michael is done story wise, but Lauren still has potential.

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I agree about Lauren, but I never get these statements like Michael is done story wise. It doesn't make sense. If they can continue to write story for Victor, Jack, Katherine, Jill, Phyllis, etc they can write story for Michael. He is a complicated character with a rich history. It is the writers ineptitude and stubborness in refusing to write him a story that is the problem not anything inherently wrong with the character that makes him impossible to write for.

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