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Eden Riegel getting hate mail!

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Actually she's an aggressive self-promoter, no passive about it! LOL!

Julia Barr is a different type of actress. The kind that was a team player for years then got treated like garbage and put out to pasture, a.k.a. the unemployed kind. I guess it's different for me because I don't see any "Is Bianca Coming Back?" dramas. I've always assumed it's understood that Bianca's in and out, kind of like Ruth or Livia. This seems almost generational. Certain viewers adhere to baby boomer concepts of loyalty while I think ER is exhibiting a classic Gen-X/Gen-Y work ethic which can be summed up as "What have you done for me lately?"

I haven't seen Andrew's comments about AMC. Can someone point me towards them?

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8/14 Suds Report

• Meanwhile, Mr. Eden Riegel, a.k.a. Imaginary Bitches’ genius Andrew Miller, tells The Suds Report, “We’re thrilled to have AMC moving to L.A.! Especially since they’ve been trying so hard to incorporate imaginary characters into their storylines (Annie, Spike’s imaginary mom). With our two shows being in the same city, I hope they’ll feel comfortable coming to us for help and maybe together we can expand the opportunities for the imaginary community.”

There was also a link to his "47 dollar budget" Twitter comments in one of the early AMC's moving threads.

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Talk about contortionist style twisting! Let me know when Ruth or Livia has had 13 weeks of story that had to be jettisoned because Lee or Tonya decided to leave to pursue pilot season year after year. Let me know when a 9 year veteran of the show was fired to finance the brief return of Meriwether or Pinkins.

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Bianca and Reese. You mean to tell me it wasn't the least bit obvious when Tamara Braun was left to fend for herself for two months playing a hated character that had no connection a single soul on the canvas after Eden bolted a third time for pilot season?

Vincent Irizarry was let go to make room for Eden Riegel's paycheck back in 2006.

The good news is that we won't have deal with her until at least the fall of 2010. AMC starts production in Los Angeles just a few weeks before pilot season. She's proven thrice before that she'll abandon this job in a heartbeat to chase after jobs in a genre that clearly doesn't want her. She's freakin' Eunice Higgins all over again.

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Wow. Tamara Braun was "left to fend for herself?" Did they at least leave her with a sharpened stone for defense?

Didn't Eden come back first? So wouldn't it make sense for her to leave first? And is it possible Tamara Braun stuck around because she too is a businesswoman who had enough sense to make the most of a crap situation? I know that's not as romantic as poor Tamara left to scavenge for roadkill in the streets but, it's possible.

As for VI, I have ZERO recollection of what was going on in 2006 on or off screen, so I have no comment about that.

Obviously you and I see this situation very differently. I'm an actor fan first. Not just Eden. All my faves. I'm loyal to actors over characters and over shows. It's one of the reasons I don't "do" recasts. I think we've reached "agree to disagree" territory.

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I'm not trying to make it romantic by any means. Face facts. An actor came on specifically to play opposite another actor who bolts in the middle of a storyline and is left to play a character that is not only hated by every character on the show, but hated by fans. I don't need to romanticize that or exaggerate. It's what happened. And then once pilot season is pretty much done, Bianca comes back, sprinkles forgiveness upon the Reese character, tinkly music plays, another drawn out farewell for this overrated character played by a marginal actress commences, and then off into the sunset they go.

Oops. Too romantic.

But that's beside the point. My main issue is why is this woman tweeting about a show she doesn't want to commit to? Not everybody is a fan first of this actor and would appreciate her shutting the hell up. Hence the alleged "hate mail." She should not be so surprised (if she is... but then again, why would she be tweeting about it if this was run of the mill?) that people are not digging either her or her husband or her Imaginary Bitches making the 47 dollar comment. It's like I believe in my signature after someone started having bitch fits anytime someone didn't like their opinion: "It's your opinion. If you don't like others LAUGHING AT ITS BIASED INANITY then keep your mouth SHUT!"

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Eden didn't bolt. Where did that come from? Her contract was over and AMC did not extend it. It was obvious that ABC wanted to keep Tamara Braun which is why her contract was longer than Eden's contract. Tamara would not extend after being disappointed with the story so ABC got Eden to come back to send the characters off together. I will never understand why so many people are convinced that AMC wants the character of Bianca full time when everything that it does indicates otherwise.

And another thing, I don't believe for a second that AMC did not recast Bianca because Eden was so strongly associated with the character. They recast Kendall and Greenlee who were huge fan favorites. I suspect that ABC was relieved that when Eden left. It took the pressure off. Eden's short stints suit both parties.

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Bianca arrived before Reese, didn't she? They both had the same contracts. Bianca left in February and came back in April. And after the debacle of that story, who would want to stay there? And Pratt was all "I didn't know the length of her contract". After that kind of disrespect I wouldn't stay on the show either...

I just don't realize from where is getting all that hate for Eden Riegel.

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And this is how crap gets started around her. I, personally (won't speak for others), don't hate Eden Riegel. What I hate is the wishy-washy, non-committal approach she has to the show that made her any type of name whatsoever. I STRONGLY DISLIKE the fact that her 2 second storylines eat up screentime from other characters and stories that need to be told, all because they have to be done before she bolts for pilot season again. I STRONGLY DISLIKE the fact that any story that IS given to her, is made to be sooo sensational because TPTB feel the need to get the viewers attention before she bolts for pilot season again. I STRONGLY DISLIKE the fact that even though she made a choice to leave, she keeps dangling the possibility of coming back, only to leave again. I STRONGLY DISLIKE this woman is using this character -- a character I connected with (ER's shrillness aside) and rooted for, and now has made me not even care about her because of her whims to come and go as she pleases, because she can't get a job anywhere else.

Eden Riegel can go on and gain success in anything she does! I have no problems with that! Imaginary Bitches was inspiring, and I was among those actually thinking it could be a great cable series. But this is MY show. I'VE been watching for twenty years. I was watching before she came and I've been watching after. If she's going to come, COMMIT! Play out a storyline in full! Quit it with the "let me get a few paychecks before I go back out and search for a real job" approach.

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