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The first time I saw those scenes, I was repulsed. After seeing more clips and hearing audio of Beverlee's Iris being hysterical at the drop of a hat, I understand her choices more. I think the real mistakes are in the later scenes where she goes so over the top without any shading. It doesn't help that Mac is so calm, which only shines more of a light on her histrionics. She also lacks the charisma which Beverlee used to help make you care about an unsympathetic character. 

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I expect that I may be made the target of - HOW DARE YOU speak like that about this GOD amazing actress-do you know she has a million awards... very soon... I'm accustomed to this...  But... I just can't LIE. That's how I feel.  

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Maxim, you have not written anything nasty about the actress.  You have respectfully critiqued her performance. I have also been critical of Ms Shelley, as have several others. You have no reason to feel like a target.  We all feel how we feel.  And you have expressed your feelings respectfully.  That's my opinion anyway.  

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These days... some people (or maybe I should say a person or two) don't even need a reason to start coming and making drama out of nothing. I've seen it in topic after topic. Especially if an opinion about something like that is shared publicly. I only said this in prophylaxis for a potential drama bait-moment. I appreciate your words so much and I'm glad you understood my intent was not bad. I think none of us have anything against this actress. We are all just being HONEST. 

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How long did she play Iris exactly? Or should I phrase it - How long were you pulling away for?  

I couldn't have said it better. 

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Without looking it up, I'd speculate about a month and a half.  Then Iris was off the canvas again for a while.  During that period, it has been said that Beverlee McKenzie informed Paul Rauch she did not intend to return to AW.  That's when Rauch offered McKenzie a staring role on his new soap, TEXAS. So McKenzie eventually returned to AW, just a month or two before the premiere of TEXAS, then she was off to Houston.   

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Aaaah! That period! Thank you for the info! God... I want someone to make a MINI-SERIES about Beverlee McKinsey's last year on AW and her transition to Texas and subsequent quitting. The star! The drama! The top-name billing! EVERYTHING. If Jessica Lange was not in her 70s... I would cast her as Beverlee. 

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You words, my promise. 

Edited by Maxim
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You may be correct about that.  Iris was on and off the canvas so many times, for so many reasons, between 1978 and 1980 -- it's difficult to keep it all straight.   I do remember, Iris had extended visits Millie Marbury in St Tropez two different times during this era, and both visits were at least partially on camera.  Does anyone else remember Giorgio??   

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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The Beverlee McKinsey / Carole Shelley replacement would repeat itself a few years later when Constance Ford was ill with pneumonia and was replaced early in 1983 by Peg Murray.  This replacement happens right at the time when Rachel and Steve are going to Florida to be married, and Steve is killed in a snowstorm in a car accident, while Rachel is blinded. Murray just wasn’t Ada….


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Peg Murray was likely cast as replacement Ada because she had played a very similar character on Love of Life in the mid to late-1970s -- a long-suffering working class widow with a trouble-making daughter.  Of course by this time on AW, Rachel was no longer a trouble-maker.  

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