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Y&R: Kay Alden or Maria Arena

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Do you know anything about the bible Kay Alden wrote for AMC? I know I've asked that in another thread, or maybe it was in the beginning of this one, I forget. Either way, I am on a mission to find out what was in that bible. I'm dying to know!

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without a doubt.

they need to take away the growth shes had over the past 20 years, but they also dont need to have her be all loving and happy.

its about time Lauren got fed up with Gloria and Eden -- and hell, Kevin too just for good measure. Lauren should take Gloria on -- and win!

I mean on on. Like gloves off full on i hate you mother vs daughter in law status.

Have Lauren bring her own mother back to town as a caretaker for Fen and have her remove Gloria from Fen's life.

Have Scoty come home and let Lauren be busy with his life instead of kevin and Edens.

and in the end, have Michael & Lauren's marriage fall apart because of Gloria and let Lauren walk away.

Then have Michael lash out at his mother and her leave town - kevin, jana, and eden all can go with her.

And then have Michael trying to win lauren back as shes sluttin it up with JT or Nick or someone.

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Every time I think I couldn't have more affection for you JP, you write stuff like this. That is honestly a story I want to watch. Every piece of ti. It keeps my Fisher-Baldwins, but in a much more interesting way that could spin off repercussions for YEARS.

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Hi Sylph. I haven't seen Jeff Beldner in a while. His partner and my ex are very good friends, so I was only acquainted with Jeff through my ex. We broke up a few months ago. In her MIT talk, Kay really seemed to have a grasp on the characters. How that would've translated into her storytelling is anyone's guess. Maybe her bible was flat-out terrible, but it's hard to imagine that B&E's bible was superior. They obviously sold themselves to Frons based on their Crash outline, which worked for about 2 weeks. I'm guessing Kay's bible would've had stories that were more character-motivated. I would kill (and then some) just to get a gander at her bible too.:)

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Based on Friday's frankly STELLAR episode -- and in response to the original question posed by this thread -- I must go with Maria Arena Bell.

I know nothing of the backstage machinations at play or even what sort of people Alden and Arena Bell are. I'm just going by what I see on my screen. B&B is currently excrement. But ever since Bell + Sheffer (and I was not a fan of his) + Rauch (ditto) joined forces, Y&R has been a joy for me to watch. I haven't missed an episode.

And what DeeDeeee wrote about Lynn Marie Troll's alien production of Y&R? Was God's honest TRUTH.

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Hey, thanks for the info on that. I'm with you though, I would love to see her bible. I agree that I think what she wrote was all character driven. I get the feeling that she was interested in using the veteran characters prominently in the way she did when she wrote Y&R. Now if that is the case, that definitely would never have worked with Frons as he doesn't care about character driven stories that involve the shows senior cast as the foundation.

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Man, that's a bummer! :lol: Now I remember the whole story. On second thought, I don't how much you could actually get out of him: if I recall correctly, he is painfully shy and I wonder whether he would give anything away.

rain1 was the one who to my question "Was it any good?" (Kay's bible) replied with a flat, decisive — no. And I trust rain1, who also classified Kay as a "worker bee". Which is also true.

And as for B&E, I'm not sure those people even wrote a bible! :lol: They probably just had a pitch meating with no story documents whatsoever! :lol:

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B&E write a bible? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That'll be the day. Those two hacks just go with whatever there is and pull [!@#$%^&*] right out of their asses! I don't even think they would know where to begin if they had to write a bible. Actually, I highly doubt they even know what a soap bible is. They have managed to ruin every single show they have ever written for.

Has anyone ever seen this quote by Megan McTavish (who is quite the hack herself):

These are not youngsters struggling to make mortgage payments or feed their children. Their sole intent now seems to be piling up more money for themselves

-Megan McTavish

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It was widely reported (maybe via rain1) that CRASH was not even a B&E creation. It had already been plotted out by The Writer, prior to her being canned, and B&E just dressed it up a little. B&E were hired so damn fast (and they were still working for DAYS) that I am sure no bible was ever created, and it showed. Within 3 weeks they were playing the same stuff everyday.

It wasn't until December they started to seem to get some sense of a grip on things.... then the strike happened, and then they were fired.

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