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Y&R: Week of February 2, 2009

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Ok, thanks Alvin. I missed a few episodes so I must have missed that little tidbit.

Ashley and Victoria are "win" as DeeDee says now, but what will Viki think once she learns Ashley is being touted by her father for Brad's vacant seat on the board.....

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I'm sure Ashley is going to be livid once she finds out Victor bought the controlling share of Jabot from Gloria, just to screw over Jack, and thus her from running the company. Victor must think giving her a seat on the board will soften things, but Ashley is very into Jabot, and it's gonna piss her off severely.

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Do you have a sense of what the end game is here? Victor and Nikki I guess eventually as they are always the end game.

Speaking about Don, yes I totally agree. Don always played the supporting role fine.... Latham really misjudged by writing him as a lead.... and yeah Morrowhas no range really.... I've never appreciated his acting....

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I give Phyllis sh!t but I appreciated that she told Nick he wasn't going to slink of out the house because he slept with Sharon. She's going to hold him to those vows. I liked that.

I also appreciated the flashbacks of Brad. Don Diamont will be missed. MAB was stupid for getting rid of Brad. Stupid.

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I wish Beth Maitland would stay permanently. Traci is the sane one in the Abbott family, and since Latham disgustingly killed off John Abbott, Traci has the sensibility to be the one to ground that family. They can recast Traci's daughter while they're at it, or send her ass off to Europe to study art history or something.

Traci's returns under this regime have felt so organic and like a breath of fresh air, they didn't feel this way before.

Though, I'm kind of glad they arranged a Jewish service for Brad. Not often you get to see one of those on daytime anyway, since "diversity" to TPTB at most soaps is supposed to be mixing Protestant whites and African Americans together, nothing else. <_<

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Well from the look on Jack's face at the hospital, I think Nick is covered in Eau du Sharonit's Toilet. Neither one of them seem to have found the time to bath since their love fest.

I couldn't help but figure that maybe Phyllis is going to have a nice Newman style cage built for Nick. Either that or a chastity belt.

Sharon couldn't help but get a smirk on her face when Jack mentioned Phyllis finding out. Yet at the end of the show, it looked like she needed depends. This should be exciting, much better than no one knowing and dragging it out for months.

I was truly surprised to see Neil and Victor interacting. The segregation lately has been appalling.

How are Melody and Jess on vacation? I'm scared both might be heading towards permanent vacation territory since both have been off screen for months on end with only a few scarce appearances every now and then.

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Jess had 8 apperances in January, Melody had 9. Jeanne Copper had 14, which was the most for the month, that's not a huge gap. They were also featured pretty heavily towards the end of 2008, so it wasn't like we saw them once a week or never.

This is Melody's first big vacation in a while, she was pretty much on a lot from September to the end of 2008.

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