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German soaps: GZSZ, UU & AWZ


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I started that new GZSZ spin off and it was worse than that teen soap from Nickelodeon „Spotlight„! That show was not IT lol 

and that unter uns anniversary story is completely bs lol The even casted one former gzsz actor to play a young Werner Weigel. As an Oldtimer watcher since 1994/95 this whole storyline ruined the original Margot Weigel feud with her sister Sophie who were both mad in love with Werner. 

Rote Rosen is losing a lot of fan favorites and cast member/characters… Ben is leaving after 13 years and his wife Tina will be axed because of it after being with the show for 5 years. Amelie will be leaving in May 25. Hendrick will be out

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  Hendrick‘s exit is the only bummer and Ben. Amelie‘s actress already took a 5-6 month break like last year and seemed like she was ready to move on. 

I wish they from Sturm der Liebe would finally confirm the exit of one of the longest serving and running cast member Eric Altenkopf as Dr Michael Niederbuhl. He has been with the show since episode 884 from July 17th 2009. I would be recasted because I LOVED him and Rosalie and I still can’t believe they axed Natalie Aliston as Rosaie Engel 2 years ago

There are rumors about his exit but nothings confirmed and it’s driving me nuts coz I don’t want to lose him

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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“Das Erste/ARD”-Network seems really desperate when it comes down to their morning line up. They cancelled their Talkshow and will air re runs of their crime shows and quiz shows ofc. 
The two Daily’s Rote Rosen and Sturm der Liebe will be safe until 2027. BUT they will have a two week winter break starting next week around December 18th.

BUT there is something interesting happening. With their two Daily’s being renewed until 2027 Das Erste will bring over the soap opera “Dahoam is Dahoam” that will air their  3500th episode next year. Dahoam is dahoam has been airing 4 times a week since 2007 on the BR (Bayrischer Rundfunk.. With shows from the Bayern region) and Das Erste will air Dahoam is Dahoam on their main network starting from January 7th at 16:10! It will air after Rote Rosen, Sturm der Liebe and the News.. They won’t air the brand new episodes and they won’t start with episode 1. They will start with episode 2246/2247 from 2018 and since this show has a runtime from like 24-28 minutes we will get double episodes a day!

This is such an interesting development to have 3 Daily’s airing on ARD again since Verbotene Liebe and Marienhof died. Maybe this will help to stop those ridiculous summer breaks for Sturm der Liebe (the best daily right now compared to snoozefest Unter Uns, AWZ and try hard GZSZ)! 

SAT1 has been lucky with their new soap opera “Landarztpraxis” and it already managed to survive 3 seasons. BUT during the breaks SAT1 tried so hard to establish another daily’s and all 3 shows that came after it flopped badly (even with former fan favorites from other shows). Die Landarztpraxis started with 60 episodes and for a 80 episodic 2nd season in 2024 and will return on January 2nd with season 3. Season 3 will have 120 episodes. This show really is doing good.

the Spreewald Klinik is another medical soap that managed to get a 2nd season renewal for 2025. 

Germany has currently 6 Daily’s.. 8 with the seasonal breaks of Die Landarztpraxis and the Spreewald Klinik 


Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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