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GH: I have a bad feeling

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Am i the only 1 who has a HUGE problem with GH making War Heroes into robbers ,killers , rapist and thugs!

If the writers had a clue they would have Cody working for the feds and thin the Mob scene out some! We all know nothing would happen to Jason or Sonny but they could put the Russian and some of Johnny's Family in Prison!

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Nope, you're not the only one. It's sad that whoever is coming up with these characters have some kind of agenda against soldiers.

Connor, Logan, Cooper, Cody were all either rapists, abusive, drug dealers/addicts, terrorists (because Cooper was a terrorist) or worse.

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i dont have an issue with the men that use to be in the war being not so perfect on gh. i eman cooper was pretty much a nice guy who did a bad thing because he had to. and logan had isues for various reasons inclusing what happened to him over there.

besides, this cody thing isnt new. we knew he wasnt a good guy when he first came on and was invovld with cooper and logan.

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Not by a long shot. It's one of the most offensive things about GH right now. It's obviously so agenda driven. Show me someone with PTSD, that's fine and could be a good story, but don't bring in three soldiers fresh from the war and tell me everyone of them is a criminal. That reeks of political agenda and the audience is not that gullible.

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