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AMC: Wendesday, June 25, 2008

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Greenlee and Jake had a very good relationship back in 2001. Actually, Jake's pairing with Greenlee was probably the last time I tolerated the Jake character. J. Eddie Peck and Becky worked well with each other. I personally always felt a modern-day Lucy and Ricky Ricardo vibe from them. Greenlee would come up with crazy schemes and Jake would be the level headed voice of reason which she'd ignore, and Jake would come to her rescue anyway.

Ricky Paul(the second L is silent) Goldin just irritates me. If they wanted to bring on another Martin so bad, I think they should've had RPG come downstairs from the Martin attic wearing a pair of skis. THAT would've been something!

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OMG! I know you hate Greenlee (at least I think you do -- you haven't been too forthcoming with your feelings about her), but nobody has any idea who or what this Taylor McBride character's going to be like -- especially since she's a Pratt creation and he's not known for writing WOMEN. He's known for writing sluts.

Calm down.

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Kendell is one sick little girl.

Kendell: they deserve a medal, I wish I could have been there to cheer him on.

Kendell gets hot and horny off of sadism.

Ritchie's speech was very well written. I think I may add it to my signature...

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I agree completely.......

I do hope they take time and give *Taylor McBride* some history before they throw her at RickyJake. If she is supposed to be connected to a PV character...

Is it just me or is reusing names just plain lazy & uncreative.....

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I think it's more complex than that--they started off with an interesting story--was Annie lieing? Was Richie? the dad, the history, etc. Then they sorta did nothing... THey forgot about it (liek B&E largely did thsi whole run--start an interestign story then forget about it) , had some interestign potential (what happened with Richie teamed upw ith Janet? adn tehn he was with Opal for like 3 wonderful scenes and that was it)

That said, I kinda actually really enjoyed today's episode. The courtroom stuff to me was great--especially Richei's speechs which were really well written--i thought.

Skin Kendall's speech didn't bug me because... I think that's honestly how Kendall thinks-- I just hope with this upcoming (looks like) murder mystery which has potential we don't get too much of the vigilante town thing we got with Michael Cambias (who ironically was Zach's brother...).

The Frankie story I'm iffy about... I liked how Jesse had to use his police instincts to trakc down the pimp--he couldn't stop himself, but how did he find the pimp SO fast? And I hope this hero thing from him and Frankie bombs int heir face--will the Pimp actually egt arrested for sure? Couldnt' he come back and just hurt Randi more? Randi's not a good actress but hse' skinda improving--i dunno I'll give it time, it's not Ava bad or anything...

And I like Greens and Jake :D

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Speaking of Zendall, they're on wafer thin probation status with me. Gawd, how gross were they beaming over the fact that Zach acted like a complete barbarian and bashed Richie's face in? I, personally, would've like to have seen Zach feel a little torn over whether or not his form of payback was the right thing. It would be one thing if Zach seemed conflicted, Kendall figured out it was him and she loved him anyway... But for him to sit there so smug and then Kendall acting smug too... it's like, enough already. I'm sick of EVERYONE acting like they're above the law except for those that they don't like. Where's the damn humanity?

I used to root for Zach because he was always the target of the Pine Valley lynch mob when he first came to town. He wasn't part of the Cool Kids. Erica, Tad and Ryan -- the Pine Valley Citizenship Committee -- decided Zach wasn't worthy of living in town, and did their best to make him leave. Zach pointed out that everyone in town was so self-righteous and hypocritical and even showed it to their faces at times. I was like, "You Go, Boy!"

But now, he's become apart of the In Crowd and he's acting the same way towards Richie the way that very same In Crowd acted toward him. "I can do whatever and go as far as I want to and get away with it because I'm in the Cool Group now."


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