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ATWT Court Case Decision

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I was over reading Roger's "We Love Soaps" Blog and saw this...the recap CBS had up for ATWT was for next week (weds)

The day of Alison’s sexual harassment hearing against Chris arrives and both sides prepare. Susan almost catches Emily and Casey kissing when she comes to pick up Emily but they cover and Emily insists Casey go with his family. On the stand, Brenda is questioned and admits that Chris influenced her to give Alison a make up exam but cutting Alison from the program was her own decision. Bonnie puts Alison on the stand and Alison talks about how her relationship with Chris changed. When Tom cross-examines, he is temped to use Alison’s porn tape against her but Chris won’t let him. Tom puts Chris on the stand and Chris makes a very credible witness, insisting Brenda controls her own program. The judge deliberates and fines in favor of Chris. The Hughes’ go to celebrate but Casey says he thinks Alison got a raw deal and leaves. After everyone leaves, Alison finds Chris at the bar and tells him his punishment will be living with himself. Casey later finds Emily in the office writing an editorial and they end up making love.

WOW, I know Casey is standing up for Allison because of the Emily booty call, but seriously good for him!!

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I had read it yesterday and hadnt posted it. Also Chris finally admits to Kim that he lied in court. I guess Kim is going to have one of her kiddo speeches. I also hear Bob tells Chris to leave Memorial for good. Also while we are at it. Tom and Margo celebrate their anniversary with Kim, Bob, Lisa and Nancy....shocking right?? :lol:

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They probably need to move it along since it shows how awful the other stories are :rolleyes:

Hopefully there will at least be some good fallout from it. I wonder what will happen with Chris leaving the hospital. I keep expecting to hear that Chris is leaving the show and I think that would be a mistake. Although actually he'll probably do something heroic to save somebody's life and be asked to return to Memorial :rolleyes:

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IMO, Chris should leave the hospital and Oakdale. Not just because of the case against him, but because (again, IMO) Chris has never belonged anywhere on the ATWT canvas. The writers just don't seem to know what to do with him.

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That's the first thing I thought---damn, TIIC are getting rid of him. But I haven't heard of anything. It doesn't seem like TAIC know what to do with either Chris or Mike. For instance...you could pair either one with Lily. *hint hint* Why not rev up the Lily/Em feud that started up over Dusty, by hooking up Chris and Lily?

Like it doesn't pain me that the Carly story is easily the dregs of ATWT right now. I can't remember a time I ever thought that. EVER.

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That's why I have no faith in Carly/Henry becoming partners in Metro. You just know that when that [!@#$%^&*] hits the fan, Carly will be radioactive in Oakdale. Carly will probably end up losing Metro all together.

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Es verdad. With the exception of Jordan Woolley and Mark Collier, she's never had a worse actor in a scene. That includes that InTurn winner who played Evan...remember his final audition in the Idaho scenes last summer?

What's sadder is I remember "hot Holden". When did JH become so....bland? Maybe we should become (Carly/Henry) Carry fans? Seriously....I don't understand why Trent never gets story. I thought he and Em had mad chemistry too.

I wouldn't call Chris a sexual predator....just an angry jerkoff when he's crossed. Adam was an attempted rapist.

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I could go for that. I think Henry and Carly might be hot. Henry seems to be a rescuer, so maybe when things go wrong with Holden, Henry will be the one picking up the pieces. They really should have gone with Henry/Em a couple of years ago.

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