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AMC: How do you think Charles Pratt Jr. will do as AMC HW?

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Honestly, I don't think he'll do well. I just don't think his writing style fits in with what All My Children is about. I highly doubt he's been a fan of the show so he doesn't know its history. He'll be in the job one year tops and then there will be another search for a new headwriter.

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On the surface, it might seem like he's the total opposite of what AMC is about, but I say give him a chance. As I said about Sheffer coming to Y&R, who know, it might be a blessing in disguise. Both men are known to build strong script writing teams, so if anything, the day to day writing and dialogue of the show might definitely improve.

Give him a good 4 months into his tenure. If he still sucks, then you know the chances of things getting better are slim. But really, I think soap fans have been burnt so much over the years that we don't judge things initially without any biasness.

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He won't do well. He is so not right for AMC and it's not just on the surface.

Pratt's shows have all had the same style, whether they existed before him or whether he created them. They are very "california", very young, lots of bimbos and himbos, very one-dimensional characters, and all the stories are triangles. Ryan Lavery is his type of male character, and Cameron is his type of male actor.

He has never demonstrated any interest in diversity, which is not good because the Hubbards are pretty much the only thing even remotely working.

He had no interest in older characters. Lets not forget that under him GH fired Anna Lee, John Ingle, Kristina Wagner (twice!), Kin Shriner, Lane Davies and others.

So bascially everything that's working on AMC is what Pratt doesn't do. And everything not working on AMC is what Pratt does do.

And maybe I'm being overly critical here but I don't think Pratt's extreme wealth makes him a good candidate for a soap like AMC. His economic position has clearly influenced his writing, with everyone on his shows being wealthy.

I also don't like the idea of AMC's headwriter not being based in New York and thus never interacting with the actors.

Finally, if Pratt doesn't work, I don't think there will be another headwriter. I think at that point it's game over.

ETA: I do agree the dialogue will improve. But the average viewer isn't going to watch because of better dialogue if the stories still suck.

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I honestly do not know what to expect with Pratt. All I know is stuff I have heard from others. Do I think he is the right choice? Hell no but it is the choice that has been made and I guess its wait and see time much like it was with B&E. I honestly can't formulate an opinion on how he'll do. If he does everything LeClerc is suggesting, this show does not have a prayer. B&E the past two months have been presentinhg a show that is balanced, diverse and showing us the veteran characters in leading story. The storylines still have been mediocre and best, but something tells me it could be miles above what Mr. Pratt has in store for us. But, on the other hand as Alvin said, he could be a blessing in disguise.....

We shall see.

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I think it's going to be the same situation as GH. He'll start it with a bang, with one good story that will give the show a shot in the arm, but then fizzle out when that story ends. Then we'll get the triangles and the misogyny. Then Erica will be placed on the back burner. Then we'll get a story where Kendall must repent for sinning against Zach. Then we'll get a story where Opal and Myrtle die in some catastrophic event.

Or he could just continue the reign of terror that B&E started. Either way, we're screwed.

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