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AMC: New Medianet Pictures

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Krystal has never been all about money. She may have been a whore, but not a gold digger. And why wouldnt Angie be friends with her? Krystal has changed and has not done any of that crazy and shady stuff since Angie has known her. Its not like Angie knew her during all that baby switch stuff or when she was picking up truckers. Krystal has grown up and is a good mother to Jenny and devoted wife to Tad. She's the type of person I can totally see as Angie's friend. As others have said, theres nothing forced between the four. Real , positive adult friendships,. Thats something we havent seen in a long time

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puhleaze, as if Angie has never cheated on a husband. She's had her own adulterous affair.It would be hypocritical of her to criticize and turn away from Krystal for having done so in the past. But thats not the type of person Angie is. She doesnt judge and instantly right people off until she knows them and since she's known Krystal, she's been a good person to her

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IIRC, Greg/Jesse were BFF during high school. Jesse and Jenny were best friends, too, and he was friendly with Tad (although Tad was too busy womanizing to actually have a male friend). Tad had left town, but come back later and worked at PVPD and became fast friends with Jesse. Tad was on the force when Jesse was killed.

When Jesse came back in later years as a "ghost," he always appeared to Tad.

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well the quote I referred to talked about Angie being friends with a lying whore. Krystal being a whore bc she's slept around on her husband and in that past said she will do so with her current husband. Thats why i said Angie would have no room to talk since she's done the same thing. Thank goodness she isnt judgemental. I dont even think Angie knows about what happened with the baby switch and even if she did, I dont think she'd hold it against her bc like I said, she isnt judegmental. Thats not the type of person she is.

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Tad was in California when Jesse was killed and he had been away from PV for two years. The reason Tad returned after being gone so long was to investigate Jesse's death (he did as good a job of that as he did with finding Kate). Tad never worked for the PVPD - he worked as a PI - not a police detective. Tad and Jesse established their close friendship while he was a ghost - LOL! Jesse appeared to others as well such as when he escorted Gillian to heaven.

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