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B&B: Week of May 05, 2008

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Katie's not a bitch. She's in pain. She has her BROTHER'S heart in her, who killed himself for HER, since SHE misunderstood what he was doing. Go ahead and make peace with that! She's mourning, she's just had a heart-transplant, she's in denial, she's shocked, angry, repulsed. Calling her a bitch is an over-over-oversimplification IMO. :)

Anyways, great episode. Nick is now far more tolerable--Alden paved this way for this less jerk-y Nick during recent weeks and I'm glad it's continuing. He was downright adorable with Katie and I love the underlying romantic feelings that his actions have. Ashley Jones was just fantastic. I'm very glad they let her show her grief and had Bridget accuse herself of what happened to Storm. Also nice to see Rick and Eric interract (was this their first one on one scene?). Poor Rick, Eric doesn't even think about him :lol: And that ending scene was extremely great. Heather Tom has been nailing it. She should get an Emmy for this.

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Great stuff from B&B today! Janice Ferri Esser wrote a very Y&R-like script in terms of dialogue ("a vessel for Storm's heart!") and I loved it! :lol: Nice stuff between Stephanie and Eric. I really love how they have captured both sides of the heart-transplant issue. You don't get too many multi-dimensional scenes on daytime anymore.

Heather Tom: I bow at your feet. You are a goddess.

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Katie was right that Storm's actions should not be celebrated. This situation would not have taken place if Storm did not buy the gun in the first place.

Heather Tom rocked in her scenes today with Brooke and Donna.

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I am really enjoying B&B. I haven't changed the channel once. All of the actors have shown such restraint, nobody has gone over the top. It's great. I really like Stephanie and Eric broken up but friendly. Susan Flannery looks like she's lost a noticible amount of weight, good for her.

The way B&B is right now is classic Y&R. It's that special brand of melodrama and darkness which made Y&R so compulsively watchable. Kudos to the whole writing team, it's great stuff.

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Re the Katiee isee - I love it. She did have a role into the acoan that led to all of this. She overreacted, and rightfully show IMHO, and ended up getting shot. Storm did kill himself. Yes he did it to make sure katie would get aheart, but think of it from katies POV. Her brother killed himself so she could live. That must really suck for a person, honestly. I can see both sides of it. Donna wants to place Stormie on a pedistool. Katie cant do that, she feels resposable for what happened. Brooke seems to understand both sides. I love this storyline. Very good move B&B.

Also, i think heather Tom is playing this perfect. You can see the anger and pain as well as the sadness and the hurt all at once. Not over the top at all. But then again, this is heather tom. when is she not perfect?

I am also love the bridgett/nick situation. i am very intersted to see where it goes with bridgett/nick/katie.

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me either. For once, Im on Donna's side. I loved her defending her brother. Im glad Katie feels guilty for what happened bc it was her overreaction which landed her in the position she is in. Girl better go sign up for some major therapy bc a super bitter Katie will be annoying as hell

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It's Brooke and Donna's relentless propping of Storm's actions as "heroic" that grates on my nerves. They're not even saying it was a tragedy that Storm was so screwed up that his actions (re: Steph, Stephen and even his beginning obsession with Ash) lead to this horrible, horrible situation. They're acting as if everything had been normal in his life, and one day, his honor and duty led him to kill himself so Katie could live.

Also, I'm a little miffed Brooke hasn't been a little more focused on her last harsh words to him, and acting as if part of the reason he probably shot himself was because he didn't want to be someone's bitch in jail.

And how crazy it is that TWO CBS shows have stories about reluctant heart transplant reciepients going on at the exact same time?

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