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AMC: Monday April 28th, 2008

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I don't get Stausse's appeal, besides the obvious. She just seems so vacuous, like she stepped right off "The Hills." Maybe it's the writing. Then again, I'm not a huge Leven Rambin fan, especially of her atrocious portrayal of Ava. I just don't get her, but the critics seem to adore her.

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I loved the Jesse/Angie/Frankie scenes and Opal introducing herself to Ryan was hilarious!

Richie playing with Ryan was fun, too, but I really loved Richie's confrontation with Annie in the elevator. I agree that Crazy Annie is so much more interesting than bland Annie and I hope the writers keep her this way.

As far as Josh and Amanda, I think Stausse is the better actor between the two and I would rather have Josh written out and Amanda replace Babe in the triangle with JR & Richie.

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As much a I love Ritchie, he has lost his purpose. The storyline is stagnant and stale and they've dragged it out too long with no progression. He and Babe ahd good chemistry and potential, much like her and Josh but they've wasted that and have ruined. There is nothing they can do to salvage this storyline and they need to scrap it and move on now. He needs to leave JR and Babe's sphere. Also they need to redeem him. The evil angle and doing stupid stuff for no reason is doing nothing for his character. He doesnt need to be good, but he doesnt have to be psychotic

I think they should try him with Amanda and start a triangle with Josh. They need to put both pairings on equal footings and not say Josh = good and Ritchie = evil. Lopsided triangles dont work. They could also play up his relationship with Opal and have them close and him have a sweet spot for her and vice versa

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