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Madonna - Hard Candy [2008]


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Yeah the surprise for me was a couple of years back, I felt that way about Pharell--he was everywhere. And for the most part his tracks on the last Gwen album, Great Escape weren't my faves. But I find his work--largely much more interesting here. I have loved Timbaland before but he needs to disappear for a while, rethink his sound and come back. It's oversaturated. One of the tracks i'm enjoying more and more IS with him and Justin--Dance 2Night but still...

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Maybe she's not into the music; maybe she's just running out this last album for Warner before she moves onto the greener pastures of Live Nation -- either way, Hard Candy is a rare thing: a lifeless Madonna album.

So yes, a solid enough album by the standards of most pop tarts, but from the mistress of innovation? Pretty mediocre.

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It took me a while to warm up to the album but I love it. The reviews for this album were bound to be polarized-- you have a pop queen teaming up with hip hop stars. IMO it's just as good as any other album Madonna has produced recently and definitely proves that Madonna knows what she is doing. My favorites are Candy Shop, Beat Goes On, Voices, Devil, etc.

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Definitely one of her best albums ever!

"Devil Wouldn't Recognize You" and "Miles Away" are classic Madonna and two of her best ballads in years. Some people have compared DWRY to other artists, but most of the artists they mention would never sing a song this dark. The beats-per-minute and production might be very Timberlake, but the lyrics, melody, and vocal style are completely Madonna.

"Heartbeat" and "Give It To Me" are amazing.

Can't figure out why people don't like "She's Not Me." That song is epic, and it's true: they never will be her.

Seriously, "Voices" is right up there with "Mer Girl" and "Gone" as one of her best album closers ever.

And it's so great to hear her actually SING on this album, showing off her range and that classic Madonna voice, unlike CONFESSIONS which seemed to have so many processed and soulless vocals. Still love that album, though.

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Oh yeah, I love "Incredible" too!

And I know what you mean. I was glad that she finally started singing "Ray of Light" in her lower register on the CONFESSIONS tour, and it sounded much better that way. The only time I ever saw her pull the really high notes on that one off live was on the Oprah performance back in 1998. Excellent.

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There are a couple of hideous Ray of Ligth PAs out there, I think youtube has one from MTV from aroudn that time that's embarassing too... I admit I wasn't as keen to see this tour as I was the last one, but I'm starting to get excited again. Anyway I still dig the album even if I find it asa whole not as good as the usm of its parts (it kinda slips outa my mind as soon as it's over) which was the opposite of COnfessions where I thought much of it was greated because of how it worked as a whole. But it hasn't made me burn my 90 or so Madonna CDs or stop collecting her singles the way it has some wacko fans ;)

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My favurite Madonna songs are those that mesh the traditional and modern electronic. Strings + electronica. Like Frozen. Frozen is such a fantastic song, Craig Armstrong wrote one of the best string arrangements ever.

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Aw Frozen, she Co-Wrote it with Patrick Leonard and William Orbit, and she produced it with Orbit, it's such an Orbit production.

It was such a daring first single choice, at the time, from the Ray of Light album, but it payed off very well for her at the end.

Though, I think she needs to get back to more traditional instrumentation again, she's always been a dance artist, but I think she's slowly trying to come out of her eletronica phase.

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I didn't even bother buying this album.... I just knew I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Ah, Frozen. What an amazing song. The whole album was amazing..... I miss that kind of amazingness from her.

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