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B&B: Week of March 31, 2008

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Who needs Pam when you have Ashley! Her scenes today when she went off about how crazy Brooke is was hilarious! That was too funny insisting that Brooke needs professional help bc it is true. in many ways. Im surprised Brooke didnt barge in and go off on her like she did to Taylor. We need more Ashley!

Yuck to the Rick and Taylor thing. He is coming across like a stalker. Getting in her bed naked waitng to have sex? Someone needs to slow this boy down. I REALLY hope this is a fantasy

LMAO at Phoebe talking about how grown she is and how so much has changed with her bc she's a woman. Bitch please. You still look like your jamming out at the Hannah Montana concerts

This Nick thing with the all the Logan sisters except that skank Donna wanting him is disgusting. This just might be soaps first quad featuring mother, daughter and aunt

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Nick = man ho. I cannot stand to watch the Logan women fawning over him. He is the New Ridge.

I haven't seen yesterday's episode yet but as of last week I was loving Taylor & Rick. I do hope Brad Bell isn't ruining them. :rolleyes:

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Am I the only one who's noticed the decreased role that Ridge now has? He is no longer a leading man on the show and is very supporting in what they give him. His airtime has decreased over the past several months and he hasnt really had much of a story besides this triangle with Brooke/Nick which really hasnt been one. Brooke has so much story with Nick, Bridget, Taylor, Rick, Stephanie and the Logans, etc... and Ridge hasnt been a strong part of any of that in the past few months. He's less of a neanderthal and actually makes sense when he is used. I have to say he's been a lot more tolerable since they've eased up on the overexposure he used to get. Im actually back to liking him which is something I havent done in years

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they're definitely making brooke more of a stephanie character: someone with an impactful presence that can transition into many stories. but they are still retaining the character's essence and not making her into a stephanie clone. that's a good thing.

as for nick: he is the male version of brooke. and the ridge to his brooke is brooke. LOL! many women fall for him, but his heart belongs to brooke. the soap's known for incestuous pairings thanks to the infatuation of the forrester males with brooke and thanks to tay whoring her way through 3 clans. but nick/bridget/katie is something new since it has an aunt in it! budge should just get so hurt that she lost nick to another logan woman, and then leave town!

as for ridge: the reduced screentime is good. but expect more from him, since he'll be against the ashley/storm pairing, which is rumored to be ruined by brad bell's writing. read the b&b spoiler/rumor i wrote.

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Donde sta the B&B posters? Are you all so disgusted by TayRick that you cannot bring yourselves to post?

Personally, I thought the Taylor/Rick scene was the hottest thing in ages on B&B. Like, scorching hot. Especially when he said "like hell you do" and started kissing her. Go TayTay! But then, that's JMO. And B&B usually axes the pairings I enjoy. <_<

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Rick and Taylor are the least of what's keeping me away. I think they are one of the few good things on the show right now, along with crazy Pam. However, Ridge and Brooke rehashing their relationship and Nick going after both Bridget and Katie are just too boring for words. Donna/Eric (and his "little helpers") are revolting.

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I'm not a big B&B watcher. I don't especially like Crazy Pam, I've always resented the rewrite of Steph and Eric's relationship, and ZenRidge leaves me confused.

Storm seems to be a powderkeg. I don't know what's more disturbing...the way Brooke regresses to a child around him all of the sudden or the way he just flips out anytime anyone's daddy issues get discussed.

And I'm not sure I've stopped puking from the Nick/Brooke flashback the other day. :)

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Donna looked ridiculous as hell role playing as a jungle woman and pouncing on Eric like a cat. LMAO at him sleeping on her. Pam is good.

I dont get why Brooke and Storm dont understand why Ridge has a problem with him. Storm nearly killed his mother. For once , his anger is justified

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