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EW Confirms Dena Higley is DAYS' Official New Head Writer

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It just puzzles me that everyone now is saying Good riddance to Days when they know very well that Higley has been scabbing for the show. How could a fan praise the work and then revile it when the "mystery writer" is revealed? :huh:

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Most of us in here who are criticizing and hating this have already known it was the mystery writer was Dena. Toups has kept us up to date on this throughout the strike and post-strike. EW just validates what Toups said, and now people who didn't believe him can see it was true.

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Because we all know of this woman's track record. She started off OK during her first DAYS stint and then it all went to hell. Then she came over to OLTL started with a bang, wrapped up bad stories, and for a moment brought that show to #3 in the ratings. Then, a couple months later, she fizzled and the show is still recovering from the hell she put it though (though its recovering quite nicely without her).

She's no different than Megan McTavish, who also starts off well and then flops a few months in.

Call it lack of optimism, but Higley's reputation precedes her.

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That still doesn't change the fact that the very people who are saying the show is now "doomed" are the ones that have said how good the show has been written lately. That doesn't sound too much like a death sentence to me. If and when Higley becomes Hackley while at the helm, criticism will be more than justified. But dont crucify her just to crucify her. Thus far, she hasn't earned viewer wrath in terms of show quality. JMO.

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Shawn, I am not one of those people.

Not in the slightest.

And neither is Ryan and alot of people who have tned out the second Martha & Brandon were fired and when Hogan & his entire writing staff was shitcanned.

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I'm very well aware of her track record. But call it the PhoenixRising optimism in me, I know she knows the show and its history better than Hogan Sheffer ever could have fathomed. And UNTIL she f***s up at the "goop" level again, I will continue to enjoy the show. She's doing quite well so far.

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I think Dena has earned the right to be crucified. Not a damn thing makes sense on DAYS anymore. Why is EJ under threat of being deported when he was born in Salem to an American mother? Why hasn't Bo's mystery illness been given a name yet? Why are they ignoring the fact that Max and Stephanie share common relatives? Why is Ava such a one-note bore? Oh yeah, because Higley's pulling the strings....

Yes things could and have been a lot worse, but just juding by what's on right now, I'm not too thrilled..

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Luckily I can say that I'm not one of those who have been praising how good the show has been.

For me, I've been burned twice before with Higley. I defended the hell out of her when she was named the new OLTL head writer, even when everyone told me I was crazy for doing so. Going by her past work (which is what most writers are judged on until their new material starts to air), she starts off well and tanks soon after. I have not been one who has enjoyed her DAYS thus far for many reasons.

I didn't think it was necessary to fire 2 actors who IMO, are very talented and were involved in an interesting quad story. I also didn't feel it was necessary to bring on new characters who aren't needed, especially when DAYS already has a big cast. People have praised the vet influx. Well it wasn't bad before she took over (especially from maybe Oct-early feb). But she also did the same thing at OLTL. Vets front and center before they were eventually relegated to comas (already done for Stefano), preparing to kill off (already done with Grandpa Shawn) and wallpaper (which will happen soon enough).

When you've got Erika Slezak basically calling you a hack (who's worked with her fair share of hacks), it means something.

I don't begrudge those who are enjoying DAYS. I'm quite glad for them. I'm just disappointed I can't share the same excitement for the show, but it's kinda hard when I've been burned twice by this writer before.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Mar 25 2008, 08:18 PM)
Toups, you've never mentioned what people think of LML within the industry. Since her exit was due to the strike, is that getting her writers any sympathy? Do people like her? I hope everyone can agree on how bad she was.

The people she pissed off were people who works/worked at Y&R. There's no secret there. LOL She hasn't given a reason for people at other soaps to hate her (unless they're fans of the show of course LOL).

The WGA does care.

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Toups thanks for the info! :P It's good to hear that the WGA does care because I want Higley to pay for this. Have some balls and go FiCore! After what she did at OLTL with the endless lies in interviews, I'm sick of her. I don't care if her DAYS is better than Hogan, after what she did previously at DAYS and OLTL should have her banned from soaps.

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I totally agree. I have not enjoyed days since Shawn's funeral and even before as they quickly wrapped up storylines. As long and drawn out the Collen/Santos storyline was, I have a very hard time believing that John is their son. Age difference being the main factor. also the decision to terminate Shawn and Belle at a crucial story line. I also agree about the new characters. I think the Ava storyline sucks. Yet another demented woman stalking a man. I hope it gets more bite to it. Also are there other plot devices besides kidnapping? Hasn't everyone on Day's been kidnapped? I only hope that creativity and new storylines evolve or I may quit watching all together. I TIVO everyday so I can go back if I miss something. As a matter of Fact, I'm "watching" right now while I'm posting, doing dishes, cooking dinner. I guess today is pretty boring too.

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