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AMC: SOD Spoilers

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Thanks Betty!

Ricky Paul Goldin has left his role as Gus on Guiding Light & has been cast as Jake Martin, Tad's brother. Ricky is glad that his new character is a member of a core family.

Erica will go on the run with Carmen, but against her will. When the prison van gets into an accident en route to the prison, injuring the guards, Carmen decides to go on the run, to kill her boyfriend who got her into the mess she's in. Erica tries to talk Carmen out of it, but Carmen points a gun at Erica & forces her to come w/ her. Erica manages to leave a trail by leaving a note in a lipstick that contains her name & son-in-law Zach's phone number. Ms. Lucci praises the scenes as being well-written.

AMC is casting the contract role of Cassandra, Angie's adopted daughter. Cassandra will have difficulty adjusting to having Jesse as part of her family. Dre will cross romantic paths w/ Cassandra.

Look for Greenlee's attraction to Ryan to deepen on 3/31...for Annie to attempt to seduce Aidan...& for Angie to begin to figure out what really happened to JR (4/1)...

The following week, Krystal finds it hard to move out of the mansion...Ryan comes clean with Kendall...Carmen gets Erica to confide her feelings for Jack...Jesse wonders if he'll ever get all of the answers he's looking for...

Carolyn Hinsey wonders why AMC can't have a happy medium...we went from babies 24/7 to pole dancing. Why can't Kendall have a scene with one of her children? Enough with the plot driven drivel of Kendall being stalked by a fan & of Robert trying to kill Jesse!

A viewer is thrilled with the increasing screentime Joe & Opal are getting...a letter from a viewer who loves Angie & Jesse, but who is disappointed with the transplant storyline, & it's blatant disregard for the procedure's realities...another viewer is so disappointed with AMC that's it's difficult even to rant about the show...

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Erica leaves a note for Zach in LIPSTICK??? Why on earth would Erica have lipstick w/ her in a prison van? She would have been stripped of all of that fluff before leaving for prison. I knew they would make this another unrealistic prison visit for Erica. I'm sure she'll be wearing high heels and make-up the whole time! I wish Erica would just go away already!

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I didn't say AMC killed itself on that day. I merely was responding to the notion that the show is going nowhere fast....

The show has been dying a slow death since 1997 if you ask me. Incidents like the one you are referring too have helped it along.

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Are we including 1997 as the last of the good years? I loved 1997. Betty Ford Erica. Maria being killed in the plane crash. Nutso Jim Thomason. Erica and Dimitri before the miscarriage. The Sam, and then Maddie drama. All that Jonathon Kinder stuff. The Holiday's explosion (or was that 98? But ooooo, I have the actual explsion and some of the aftermath and it's clipped, so watch for it on You Tube soon).

God, I miss that AMC. :(

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