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Lack of Racial Diversity in Daytime

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I also like the actress that plays Nadine.

It just seems so stupid to have so many talented actresses on the show only to waste them but then it is GH. lol

Lainey & Nik would make a pretty couple & her being a doctor she could've helped him through his anger issues.

I could also see Lainey & Patrick too.

They have nice chemistry & there would be good dramatic potential from her friendship with Robin.

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Bi!Felicia writes itself.

A Felicia/Donna/Eric triangle would be hella progressive.

Thomas should stay straight IMO.

The male Forrester who should be gay is Rick.

The show missed the boat by not making Rick bi especially when Torkildsen played him.

Yes! I love Lesley but she's a bad fit at Spectra.

Spectra should always be run by a fierce diva.

Can't you just imagine a fierce gay dude reading Stephanie ass? LOL

Yep. Jasmine as played by Lisa Turtle. lol

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LMAO! Eric to Felicia: Your sleeping with my girlfriend? Felica to Eric: Your Married!! why do you have a girlfriend?!

the greatness would be epic.

Thomas just has no one in his age range so they have to bring someone on regaurdless. guy or girl. plus a bi gay could lead to drama with his sister...

Rick has girls in his age range tho. However him being gay would have worked. Esp when JACOB YOUNG was in the role!

I agree, Leslie does not fit in at Spectra.

A firce diva gay guy would be amazing. brooke could try to seduce him and he could deny her. he could shamlessly flirt with eric, thorne, nick...

(thorne as gay could also work... im sorry but WH can so play it... )

yes!! Lisa Turtle!!! OMG! i watch clips of Dylan as a stripper. Dylan Niel is soo hot.

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LMAO. "Oh, Daddy! Once she went Flea there's nowhere else she wanted to be!"

Thomas is/was in a weird position cause they SORASed him before his sisters when the three of them really don't have any peers.

LOL. Jacob Young SO wanted to tongue down half the male cast.

Jackie makes a great rival for Stephanie & Lesley is a great actress but they really should've kept her with Eric.

The stuff with her at Spectra feels forced.

Brooke would so be the gay guys hag. :P

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DITTO IA IMO Jackie is a good fit for Spectra-- it's just to bad that she's been written as the obsessive mother from he!!. She needs an Eldon ( remember him from GH) to set her straight ( no pun intended). As a matter of fact an Eldon character would be a welcome addition to B&B. Can't you just see him READING Donna, Steph, Felicia. Priceless.

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@Money, you did read the rest of my post, didn't you?

We basically agreed that the ethnic cast in OLTL are basically white i.e., "If they ripped Layla's skin color off, she'd be as white as Sara." Why read one line and ignore everything else? Especially when we agree on the blandness of these characters? Jeez.

I wonder why everyone is so embattled over language? As if the Vegas speaking spanish occasionally during an episode would increase their cultural background 100 fold. There are other ways to represent ethnicity. Any sort of cultural addition, from the food they eat for dinner, to the holidays they celebrate, or little traditions and expressions would add incredible depth to these characters. Look at Brad on Y&R going to synagogue or celebrating Chanukkah or putting up Jewish props on set etc. etc. Did he speak Hebrew? NOOOOOO. Even his mother barely spoke Hebrew.

The Winters family bother me the most because Dru was so "ghetto," if you will, when she first came on. But there are only traces, if that, of her African-American heritage because of the writers. And they don't have to include the stereotypical "watermelons, fried chicken" ish. For example, they could've discussed Lily's interracial relationships with Cane and Daniel in a more realistic way. A slanted look here or there. A brief comment. But no, it's like interracial relationships now are completely accepted by everyone when they're actually not.

And this would include the "White" characters, too, who all seem to be whitewashed without any family history, religion, culture, or tradition. For example, why the hell don't the writers on Y&R bring up Victor's ethnicity? They would've had a perfect opportunity to do so when his father was dying. One character who did have some sort of cultural background, however, was Paul's mother, Mary.

Again, I don't even think the writers are racist or prejudice at all. I just think they're either too lazy to create such complex characters and are so concentrated on spooling a good plot that the Vegas speaking more spanish than English is the furthest thing from their mind.

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