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GH: Week of Feb 25th

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ITA, and the way the shows fetishize such acts with the slo-mo, the pounding music and extreme close-ups. Like a sex scene, essentially. They did this yesterday with Diego leaping onto Sam's back as he tried to garrotte her. They also did a lot of it last week when Nikolas was having visions of Emily being strangled. Lord knows I've never EVER been a fan of Natalia Livingstone's Emily, but watching her choking and the close-up of her face turning red... it was like torture-porn for whoever edited all that. I had to FF.

Murder mysteries are one thing but I'm not sure this particular explicitness has a place on Daytime. Especially since soaps do so much better in murder mysteries when they insinuate the threat.

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I agree. I personally couldn't believe that they had Diego attack Sam like that. From behind in such a way it actually seems misogynistic and abusive to women. The way he completely came behind her and then sattled her in such a dominative position was something I didn't expect on a Soap. The same with Natalia's exit scene. I didn't see the need for the gurglings and the inevitable fall. GH is perhaps the worst case of this. However I also remember a very disgusting scene with AMC's the Satin Slayer where the serial killer slammed Babe against an SUV truck, strangled her, taunted her with a needle and then threw her down on the floor and threw floors on top of her face as his signature "mark" personally I thought the scene was digusting as it seemingly idealized a type of rape-dominance and bukkake. Even Kendell was forced to come onto her attacker as a way of survival. Thew ABC soaps do have a problem with this whole violience against women thing. One would think that they hate their viewers.

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Faith, um I mean Claudia needs to get a life and move on from Sonny already. At least Faith had the comedy working for her. They are just making Claudia look pathetic

Really? This is GH, the most misogynstic and violent soap towards women. They had Sam, pulled by the hair and punched in the face while pregnant. And lets not forget that graphic scene of Bill Munroe beating her. What Diego did to Sam didnt phase me

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Robin wasn't bitchy today!

Patrick is such a moron.

This is the guy who practically paid someone to write in the sky "I DO NOT WANT TO BE A FATHER. EVER. P.S. I DON'T WANT KIDS."

Yet suddenly he's all interested in Robin's child? Come on now. I'm not that naive. This is total BS.

Not only did I have to roll on the floor laughing when Joe said they want to name their child "Patricia," (while also cheering that Robin won't have to suffer this horrible name for her child...now if we can only deep 6 the whole Mattie thing), but I did just not believe any of it. What company would hire someone under investigation for a violent act like bombing a hospital and waive the 6-month insurance period? Please!

Patrick is soooooo awesome. Patrick is sooooo great.

I don't buy it, GH. Not after 1 day. GMAFB.

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Robin was such a bitch. I love her, i do. She is one of my top 3 on GH, but she was.

Patrick was good. So what he flat out told robin he doesnt wanna be a father. He was being honest and open with her. Should he have lied and faked it and been unhappy and carried on an affair instead? No. He actually did an adult mature thing.

Robin is prego now, she KNOWS he is the father and she isnt telling him. She doesnt plan on telling him. She is lying and keeping it from him. Someone needs to remind her how she outed the father of a baby - twice - because she felt it was wrong.

and dont give me the bullshit excuse of he said he didnt want to be a father. so what? he is going to be one now and he has as much of a right to know as she felt Nikolas & AJ did.

Claudia is awful. After today i view her in a way i never thought i could view anyone. She is lower than Sam! who knew that was possable? She has got to be the most pathtic useless annoying stupid whinny bitch i have ever seen on a show.

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LOL. right?

I really want this killer thing to end, the hit and run thing to end, and for them to try and restore sam as a viable char for me. It isnt impossable, just get her outa Liasons world. Hell, give Sam a life! Isnt she the host of a tv show? come on, i am sure she has something she can do aside from play poor me liz is so evil and jason broke my heart. it is old now. like years old almost.

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Yeah, it's coming to that point. That "time to give up GH" point. Yesterday's show was so boring! How on earth did you all get through it?

Scrubs are boring. Sorry, but they are. They'd be less boring if they were let out of their little Scrubs bubble every once in a while and allowed to interact with others. I mean, I may hate Sonny and Jason, but Robin used to be a major part of their lives. And that corny "where going to name our daughter Patricia after heroic Dr. Drake" shtick? My teeth hurt from all that saccharine. Lazy writing! We've had that scene so many times before, no?

And even though Robin was ratty, I totally get where she's coming from. Patrick doesn't want to have children or a committed relationship with her. So he needs to stop with the mind games and cuddly toys in order to assuage his own guilt. BTW, Patrick totally knows he's the father.

Diego = TMK = Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We had a whole episode of Sam tied up and Diego laughing maniacally. WTF?

Baby-voice Liz asking Jason's permission for Lucky to take Cameron and Jake away for the weekend. [!@#$%^&*]! And snore.

Claudia still panting after the Magic Penis and the Borg Penis? Yeah, that character is on the road to Ruinsville.

Jax: "And don't think Jason is going to become our baby's guardian, either!" Cue sad music and Carly's "Oh, dear God, no!" face. OMG! What would the CarJax baby do without mob assassin Jason to protect his every move? Why, he might experience a normal childhood! Can't have that.

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That child is not born yet. So far Robin hasn't done what Carly did, what Jax did. Remember how Jax came clean with Courtney when Spencer was born? I imagine it would have been like that for Robin if it didn't come out sooner.

I think Robin has every right to be annoyed with Patrick. He sends her mixed signals all the time. I do not think she was a bitch to him yesterday at all.

It doesn't change all of the crap he's said about not wanting to be a father.

It wasn't a grand gesture.

It was nice of him to take a baby step, but I sure as hell am not naive enough to herald it as a defining moment for Patrick Drake.

He stopped off at the hospital gift shop. Big deal. Same thing with Valentine's Day. He didn't even have to leave work! In the words of Shania, that don't impress me much!

I never said that Patrick doesn't have a right to know the truth. He does. But I don't give a [!@#$%^&*] if he doesn't know til the baby's born. Its Robin's body.

Yeah it may have been "mature" for Patrick to say he didn't want to be a father, but for Christ's sake, leave it at that. Get out of Robin's life if you feel that strongly about it. Don't run around ruining things for her.

Its not Robin's fault that the condom broke. That was the last thing in the world she would have wanted. Just look at how scared she was to have sex after she contracted the virus. She waited 3 years before she had sex again and felt comfortable about it. But it did break. And she's dealing with that. It doesn't help to have Patrick running around spouting all this crap about not wanting children all the time. The "mature" thing would have been to tell her the condom broke. The "mature" thing would have been to look science in the face and think, "hey, this child could be mine." The "mature" thing would have been to ask Robin if he is the father. But instead he puts her through all this bullshit while she's pregnant and dealing with this sucky situation.

Excuse me if I don't fall all over myself feeling sorry for Patrick.

Man up!

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