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GH: Week of Feb 25th

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I posted my rant in the last week's thread but I will also do it here

The hell of Sam

Oh poor Sam! Woe is me little miss pixie had the nerve to tell mommy, who for some reason still puts up with the Ho, that the TMK has put her through hell. Well gosh, Sam, but the people who have ended up dead due to this psychopathic killer (odds are you know the motives well since you are psychotic yourself, wench!) have no connection to you at all: not a friend, not a family member, not an in law, not a meal ticket, not someone to help her count President Bush's lies by 5s, no nothing. But the good mom Alexis made sure to give Sam exactly what she needs...a phone for her to play games. How about Catch The Low Life Piece of Trash Witch? Sam should be an expert on conquering that game! All this woman ever suffered was getting run over by a car but that is nothing when you see how they picture her as Super Witch that can overcome any odds. Not only that but she trashes one of the deceased's best friends (Liz) right as she is mourning. Some good ole poor Sammy Sammy who suffered so much...yea Sam your life is one big ole woe fest. How many have you told by now? Go crawl under a rock and stay there, Spam!

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Ive said this before but Claudia = Faith, even more so after today's show. So she's obsessed with Sonny and fixated on Kate. Hmmm, kind reminds me of Faith being obsessed with Ric and fixated on Liz. They really need to move Claudia on from Sonny bc this is going to ruin her fast as it isnt doing her character any favors

The Diego explanation wasnt so bad but I dont get why Lorenzo would fake his death and why would he keep that from Skye. Thats a hole in the story that makes no sense

Everytime I see Mariana, I see Brenda bc she looks so much like Vanessa Marcil. Too bad she doesnt have her fire and is just a big bore

Who the hell is dressing Carly? Girl has NO style

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I think she is worse than Faith. Although I wanted Sarah Brown back, I didn't want her back for this. Claudia is fast becoming one of the most offensive women characters out there. Do TIIC think we will like her because she carries a gun and demands sex all the time? Hell no.

I have been saying this for weeks, I think Laura Wright is pregnant. When they published the picture of her and Sarah Brown, it sealed the deal for me. So to answer your question, I think maternity is dressing her

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Add me to the list of those who can't stand Claudia. I can't stand Sonny either but I love that he played her for the whore she is today. This chick isn't even the interesting kind of crazy, she's just plain nuts and that's it. She's a crazy ass, gun carrying, sex crazed mobtress who I want off my screen weeks ago. I can't believe SJB came back for THIS!

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SJB is a dynamite actress so I will love her in this role until they ruin her beyond comprehension by ruining her character. As it stands now Claudia is still an interesting character who has depth, insight and layers and the writing hasn't turned her in sight out and made her a plot device yet so she still has an advantage over 70% of the characters on this show right now. The show still sucks but atleast the writing hasn't turned Claudia into a mess where we can't/won't be able to understand where she is coming from.

Yes, I can do without the whole "I need sex" thing. But I am still interested in SJB's performence and Claudia's backstory to ignore it. More over I still find myself interested in her storyline and now it looks like she may be mentally ill, along with the new relationship she is developing with Johnny.

I was watching old episodes of GH. My the years have NOT been kind to Maurice Bernard. That man looks rough by comparison to young 90's Sonny. Yeesh!

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I have no faith whatsoever that Guza can actually write an interesting story for Claudia. To me, she's ruined. Which sucks because I adore SJB. I think she can pull off anything and she is still interesting to watch, but with what they made her spew out today, I don't want to watch. They need to have Claudia tone it down a lot before she jumps Johnny

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I think we are going to find out Claudia was abused. That's why she is so over the top in needing control in reguards to sex. I think we will come to find out Claudia has big time problems. I think they need to bring Ric into her story and get rid of boring Marianna.

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Thats what I was thinking, the other day when they showed her as a little girl with the red shoes and then switched to her as an adult with red shoes and Trevor came in. Im thinking he might have done something to her. Either that or her father, thinking she was her mother

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The forgetful Sam

How forgetful good ole Sam is in the face of danger with a gun toting Diego around. She tells Moron #1 (she being #2) that her boyfriend will be along any minute to take him out so he better be on the run for his life. Oh oopsie, Piggy Sam, but you do not have a boyfriend! Remember that you dumped him the moment that you figured out he would not be your meal ticket in town so you got to find another poor sucker to feed your sorry behind. Yep Lucky is long gone and there is not a thing you can do about it. I guess she just hated the fact that he still wanted to be a part of baby Jake's life while not putting all his focus and energy on her skank self. So now it is Super Sam vs. Text Message Killer...a fight that will go down in Skanky History! How about they both put us out of our misery and make a pact to kill each other? We can only hope, right?

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I still like Claudia -- and that is entirely due to Sarah Joy Brown.

Liked the scene where Johnny hugged her and they bonded for, like, a nano-second.

However, I am disappointed that a boring-ass mob war has been rendered even more boring by the fact that it is all based on revenge... because Sonny won't give her some. For f*ck's sake. Is the Magic Penis really all that?

Sarah must be really hard up. From K-ville and The Closer to this misogynist shite. As usual, the women are rendered weak, victimized whores. At least Faith had a sense of humor back in the day. And she ran over Courtney -- "hop hop, little rabbit." Big plus in my book.

Also, Sonny is the biggest dumb-ass ever. He thinks Claudia and/or Johnny has his son. So he's going to kill them, essentially guaranteeing that Michael will never be found? Not that I mind seeing Demon Spawn off my screen, but still. Sonny has reached new depths of bone-headedness.

I don't like watching women being strangled, either. Those Sam strangulation scenes were nasty. The only thing that saved them was the fact that Kelly Monaco and Ignacio Serrachio have this, I don't know, vibe. They seem to really enjoy being in scenes together and are playing this whole crappy SL like it is comedy.

ETA: All these Brenda banners and avatars on this thread really makes me miss her!

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I didn't like those scenes either. To me whenever soaps do brutality I always find it to be cheap and abusive story telling. I felt the same way with the Satin Slayer on AMC when the killer became more brutal in his attacks. The ones with Babe and Kendell were the worst and I found the story telling disgusting. This was similar in that it felt like a rape scene. When ever they have scenes directed in such a way in reminds me of that same powerlessness and violation as a woman being raped just without penetration and the substitiuion of a murder weapon. I find both equally as devestating and disgusting.

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