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Days: Monday, Feb.11

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I'm still trying to watch the show, but it's hard to watch it with EJ's baby screaming like that! Good Lord! That little tike is quite the screamer! Thank goodness I'm not a parent because otherwise, I'd have Social Services on my ass.

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Granted, I missed the middle. But a lot of it seemed like filler. The Bo/Hope scenes were just circular, and although I love Tony and Anna, it just seemed like two actors trying to make much ado about nothing.

I did like Lucas and Sami's good-bye (although it reminded me a lot of Todd's goodbye on OLTL, when he was going to jail for Margaret's murder. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. *snicker)

And gee - ya think Victor will somehow save Bo's life. I see Jessica Buchanan's kidney all over again.

Maybe I'm looking too deeply into all of this. I need to take a break. My head hurts. :-)

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Aren't EJ/Sami suppose to be in a safe house? How safe is it if people keep going up there? LOL

I liked the Sami/Lucas goodbye scenes too (didn't they have one last week??? LOL). Good or bad, they have 15 years of history. I kinda wanted a montage. :(

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There was a lot of filler in this episode. I think they maybe even made the babies cry on purpose just so EJ and Tony wouldn't need dialogue. ;)

Not being a Lumi fan, I thought those scenes were excruciating. Too many good-byes between these two; just cart him off to prison! They are clearly paving the way for his speedy return, with the talk of early release and prison overcrowding, but whatever break we get will be nice. IMO, they need to use this time to overhaul his character and figure out a purpose for Lucas besides him hanging out with Sami. Given the behind the scenes drama with the writing team, I doubt that will happen.

The Bo/Hope scene was very strange. Bo has been married long enough to know that you don't tell a woman you have a huge, important secret and then not tell her what it is. If I was Hope, that would drive me crazy! My mind would conjure up all kinds of horrible scenarios involving everyone I knew and loved, and I would worry myself sick over it. Another strange conversation was the Marlena call to Sami. It seemed kind of random for her to place a transatlantic phone call just to tell Sami she believed two dead people were enjoying the afterlife together.

This episode was obviously just killing time, waiting for the adventure to kick off later in the week.

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Well, there were guards outside the safehouse so it is still being protected. People can still come and see them.

The writing for Tony is a bit off. I don't mind him not wanting kids but the way he so much as refused to even go near them was a bit much.

Anyway, this episode wasn't too bad. Lumi's scene was ok but we've seen this like 3 times in the last month. Ali and Bryan were good and Sami did seem to show how much she softened toward EJ but I didn't really care. Too much rehash and I am glad for the break from Lucas. I thought we would be in the midst of that by now but we are now so moving on...

EJ, Tony, and Anna were awesome other then the little Tony complain I mentioned. Hilarious stuff. Love tough Anna and Tony digging a bigger hole for himself. These two handle romantic comedy so well and loved EJ's reaction. EJ with the babies (who are adorable) was so cute. His redemption is happening at a nice pace. I am enjoying it and like seeing Tony and EJ interact with Anna tossed in.

The plane stuff was pretty good. The Ava stuff is so mysterious and suspenseful. Loved the shot of her watching the plane take off and the tension already building for Steve and Kayla. Bo and Hope's talk was nice and true to them as a couple. I am glad Bo is already on the road to telling her and all the mentions of Hope not eating and being tired...this illness thing is really intriguing. Loved John the !@#$%^&*] and his admitting he saw Santeen. His line about seeing nothing but green was funny too. I like that Marlena told Shawn Sr about what John saw. It provided a comfort and seeing Kayla, Steve (love him calling him Papa Brady), Marlena, Bo, and Hope all with Shawn Sr, caring and talking to him was so sad knowing what is about to happen. Nice seeing Belle, Shawn, and Claire too. Cute and Phloe were hot. So much chemistry and that end scene was pretty good for setting up future story.

That ending was very good. The way the plane jolted at the end actually jolted me laugh.gif. Very realistic and love the outdoor plane shots. John did seem like he wasn't shocked by anything and he was on the phone an awful lot. Perhaps he was talking to more then the captain. He was awful anxious to take off too and considering the images he saw during the brainwashing, I wonder if this could be his doing. His "uh oh" line at the end is suspicious too IMO.

Good show to start out what should be an exciting week.

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Overall Today was really good!!!

I loved the scene with Tony/EJ/Anna.I liked Tanna are fighting.They are so funny :D

Can't wait to see more of them.

And the plane scene was really good.When they finished it.More Drama coming up for this days.

Love this Showwwwwwwwwww

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Oh lawdy, the dialogue was stinky today.

The only part of the show that I really enjoyed were the Tony/EJ/Anna scenes. The three of them work well together. And no, there wasn't a lot of dialogue but at least the scenes had some movement and entertainment value unlike the rest of the show.

The rest -- kinda dullsville except for John, a character I used to hate but now absolutely adore. He looks at everyone with such disdain and he's firing off those smart remarks so well. :lol:

The conversation between Bo and Hope was especially trying. "I wanna tell you something, but I can't, but I will, but I won't, just trust me OK?" OK, whatever.

Sami and Lucas. I tried to muster up some sympathy for them but all I wanted them to do was speed it up and say goodbye already! And when Lucas said to Sami something like "I'm going to prison to keep me from doing something dumb," I thought what kind of sense does that make? It doesn't! :lol: And then for Lucas to mention to Sami not to trust EJ. Why did you mention him at all doofus? That's why your arse is going to jail -- 'cause you're a dummy! Adios Lucas. Two months is not long enough.

I hope the dialogue improves soon. :huh:

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Not my favorite episode for sure but I managed to watch mainly compliments of EJ/JS. The EJ/babies/Tony/Anna scenes were the ones I liked best but Tony seemed totally off. The last time he acted like himself was when he met with EJ at the church before leaving for Europe, but it's getting worse. I adore TP and I know it's nothing he's doing -- meaning it's the writing and I won't be happy if they screw up a character that was *Finally* fixed after years of being written plain wrong. At the rate this is going I wouldn't be surprised if someone decides it would be smart to make him Stefano's biological son again - and that sooo would Not work!! :angry:

Anyway felt terrible for James Scott having to experience the one baby crying makes any others in the room cry too thing. He did great but I'm sure all three (adults) had headaches after the scenes were finished. Loved the patience EJ showed and his good natured banter and bribing. I loved bad EJ, but I'm loving this version too -- and I totally appreciate that EJ is one of the most layered characters currently on the show.

Which brings up a non-layered character -- why isn't lucas gone already or instead of having a dozen goodbye scenes couldn't they just have shown more John? I'm sure this new and improved John could have filled up that airtime with some fantastic zaps that would have brought glares from everyone on the plane. I'm seriously liking John now :) And I'm still soooo not caring what lucas does as long as it's not on screen. And hearing him tell Sami it's her fault over and over sure doesn't make me want him to stay around. And I'd rather hear the babies cry than Sami - and the fact she's blubbering over the self proclaimed idiot just makes it (and her) more annoying.

Pretty much a boring episode, but it could have been worse.

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Currently, I'm on a DAYS viewer strike. While the WGA strike is over, I can go on strike as Dena's DAYS is on the air.

This is about the second time I when on a viewer strike since JER 2nd tenure on days and monday's episode was so off that I thought that I was watching OLTL with CBS production values; it just didn't have that Days feel like a couple of months ago.

I feel bad for the vets who have to deal with the writing they have to read through and the backstage problems that is going on right now.

In my opinion, Feb sweeps '08 isn't a big importance for Ken; he's more concern with march being possbility the most crucial month in tha show history and that's where I be more scare with because we don't know what the hell is going to be written in that month or who could added to the writing team (JER maybe?) or who will be fired for May sweeps or Jul sweeps.

I hope that monday show don't become the norm for DAYS or else a 1.7 is a good number for them.

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This episode was awful. Not at all the same show that was on last Thursday. This was a constant stream of horrible soap cliches and missed opportunities. Unless I missed an episode, why on EARTH did they not have a scene with Sami finding out that Colleen wasn't dead? Or Roman, EJ, Caroline, Lucas, Doug, Julie, etc. for that matter? Instead, they show *Lexie* hearing the news last week? Dumb. Maybe even worse than not having a scene where Kayla finds out Benjy's dead. What is this garbage, and where did my good Days go already?

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