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GH: Week of Jan 14th

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Ummm....you know, this thing with Nikolas is ridiculous. No one sees him having long, in-depth conversations with himself...IN A FREAKIN HOSPITAL!

If he's going to at least talk to "Emily", maybe he should get a blue tooth headset. That way someone will think he's on the phone...and not a crazy person.

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Jason was so rude to Sam. Not that she hasn't deserved it for the things she's done, but here she is trying to tell him what happened and he cuts her off.

Now if Sam had said to Elizabeth "screw you and your baby," Jason would be the first threatening to hurt her.

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yeah he was rude but it was understandable. It was good seeing Sam be the one to convince Joe to let Liz and Jake get treated. I liked that he mentioned that to Jason when he started to yell at her since she was the one to step up and help them. I guess Lucky's words did hit her and its good seeing her act accordingly.

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GI Jason A Real American Hero

GI Jason is there!

Here are my impressions for today.

For being in a lot of pain, Liz's lip gloss was very glossy. When I am in the hospital, which for me is like every other day, my makeup never looks that good

I hate Trevor. He is like a cartoon and I can't see past his nose

Is it just me or is there ever increasing sexual tension between Johnny Zacchara and little Baldwin boy?

They are killing Scott. He used to be a character that I loved to hate, but he is being written so poorly that I just hate him. ALthough it would have been kinda cool for Lucky to shoot Jason.

Ric the new Mob Lord. I would actually like to see Sonny and Ric put their differences aside and squash Trevor and little Zacchara. And get them both off my screen.

Love Kate's hair, mine is slowly getting there.

Of course Nikolas was still angry after they let go. Hello, why couldn't the doctors, who have gone through YEARS of school and hopefully have some intelligence LOCK the door after they induce this blackout? Nikolas has a tumor, it doesn't make him stupid. And for GOD"S SAKE, why the hell haven't they, I don't know, EVACUATE the hospital when there is a guy with a bomb strapped to him which I am really convinced is fake?

Someone wake me up when the writer's strike is over and Frons is fired

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lol. when my sister went into labor she called me and i was all "OMFG! OMFG! what are you doing! call 911! now!!" freaking out and she was calm and like "chads stsrting the car, he will drive me. it will be okay. besides i have to put my makeup on and finsih spray so it doesnt goo all crap when im hav ing a baby" and i was all "bitch, please!" and she was all "what if i have a hot dr?" and i was all "okay. i see the logic now" anyways... end of story...

there is so much sexual tension there. they are a slash fan dream come true! same with spin/jason & lucky/nick

kate howard has the most fierce hair in all of tv. u go tish, u go! and send pix!

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LOL when my sister went into labor with her second child, she told her hospital that she had to take a shower and shave her legs. The hospital was a good half hour away.

I know, I love Megan's hair. The front looks like it (except mine is brown) but that back is way to short. It's growing nicely.

And forget about Nuke. It's Jogan all the way :)

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lolz. woman crack me up!

i really dont know how megan ward's hair is real. its always flawless. even GH tries its normal lets screw this up look on her it works!

thats GH real story right there - def up with shewLu johnny & logan turn to eachother one drunken night.

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