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GH: Week of Jan 14th

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I had no idea Jax was being recasted. Where is Ingo? I hope this temp isnt here for too long

Who was that at teh end talking to Jerry

Why the heck would Elizabeth leave matches low enough for a child to reach? She just made a big deal abotu lecturing Cam about them and then she goes and puts them where he can get to them.

And on Friday's show, I could have sworn, she looked inside the window and Jake was in teh living room, but today she had to run upstairs to get him. WTH?

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i think she was just looking inside, becauase on fridays show she put jake to bed upstairs.

what? where did this fakeJax come from? wtf! there was no news of this [!@#$%^&*]. fail GH, fail.

i liked jason/anthony scenes and lulu being held there.

the baby jake drama was good and the hospital drama was great

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awful episode. About the only interesting thing is the pregnant woman is supposedly the same person who played Pamela Kingsley 27 years ago on AMC.

Dr Ford is a putz. I don't know how else to describe him. No hospital turns people away like that. And you got me what kind of monks these are. THE NAME OF THE SHMOES is a good title for Lulu's adventure.

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The guy at the bar, I can't remember his name but he is on from time to time. Blake Gibbons plays him, I think his name is Coleman? He got Courtney stripping. He recently was on Las Vegas and had almost all his scenes with Vanessa Marcil.

On Friday, Liz first put Jake in the playpen, but then moved him upstairs.

How unethical is the hospital right now? First they have Kelly tell Sam that Carly was her patient, BIG no no, privacy laws? Kelly could get fired for that. Now that annoying Chief of Staff is refusing treatment to a pregnant woman? WTF? Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Hospitals do have financial aid, trust meI have used it many a time. And why did that stupid ass girl who's name I do not know nor care to find out basically announce that the pregnant woman and Joe were baswically poor? The whole hospital needs to go to HIPPA meetings! Ok, I am off the soapbox

Of course Jason will save the hospital from exploding. Like JP said, it's not Feb so we know it won't blow up.

I guess Willem Defoe hasn't been working much now that he is the temp Jax.

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When I was watching today's ep, I said, "This has to be bad writing because I hope American hospitals aren't like that!" LOL How the hell can the refuse to help someone out? That's just insane. I hate Doctor Ford.


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The medical insurance plot is quite common. I can't even recall the number of shows/movies I've seen where the admitting nurse asks for proof of insurance or either that several pages of forms be filled out before a patient with an emergency can be seen. It's also common that the patients be sent to County or the free clinic. As to whether or not these things actually ever happen, I'm thinking it's exaggerated. I like to think that they attempt to treat patients before they get hung up on administrative issues. GH took that plot to a whole other level when they had both administrators come to the patient and then having Ford look at those soon to be exploding canteens and be adamant about not treating the patient was ridiculous. I know the money to treat her isn't coming out of his pockets so they needed to lighten him up or get Nikolas to go off on him again.

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^You got that right, NOTHING is catching my attention thus far, this show is creatively in the crapper at the moment.

The fact that they had to have some psycho hold people at gunpoint just shows how this show will use any excuse to present violence is the purest form of entertainment. GH really needs to learn that it can't rely on contrived violent situations for stories, there's many more options out there. Will this show ever learn though?

JFP, Frons, and Guza (though he isn't there at the moment), SO NEED TO GO....

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