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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Regarding the "bitter" statement, you would think that Obama had said that they were ignorant and stupid instead of "bitter." His statement was accurate as pertains to some people. I am still not singing a happy song when I fill my car up and might even say I can be bitter about it and health care and cuts in education funding. And I certainly don't think he meant that "bitter" as a constant state either but it doesn't matter. It's an issue to me for people who want to reach and find a "real" reason to be against a man they probably didn't care for to begin with.

I don't think the comment hurt him since I think people had other reasons for not voting for him and I don't think people are obligated to find reasons for not voting or preferring any of the candidates anyway. I think when you don't care for a person then you find additional reasons to justify it so you don't feel/sound silly about the real reason.

It's not hard for a person giving it any thought to understand that you can associate with people without taking on all their views. A lot of what's going on is based on the fact that some people tend to be reactionary instead of contemplative and again this sounds like another "legitimate" reason to use instead of the real reason.

This is kind of complex but it's not the case that everyone voting against Obama because they don't want a black man in such a high office, is naturally being racist. It may be that some of those people are ignorant of the fact that a black man can be just as effective and intelligent as a white man. The way of thinking may come from a lack of social interaction between those people and black people among other reasons. I think it becomes racist when it's done because of hatred as opposed to what is ignorance. Sexism is a different matter since people can be against a woman no matter what race she is. I say this to make my point that Hilary Clinton being a woman is in no way just like Barack Obama being black. As far as I can tell black men are the most hated people in the world and black women are slightly better off when it comes to the hatred.

Barack Obama can have 20 times the campaign funds Hilary Clinton has and still be at a greater disadvantage because of of his skin color and that's just a fact of his life. He's doing remarkably well despite that and what he really needs to do is not trade negative barbs with Hilary Clinton.

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The reason why I feel it hurt him is because you just don't know what the voting public will vote on, and what will help make their decision. Heck, I still remember back in 2000, when most of the MSM touted GWB because he seemed "presidential", whatever the hell that means. Wonder if he still seems like that 7 years later.

I also heard a comedian that was on Jay Leno sometime last week who said that, and I'm told this what he said, "How close to God do you want him to be? He doesn't have any kids coming out of the woodwork, no baby mama problems. He doesn't ahve a record......so what domyou want?" And I heard that JL sat there and couldn't say a thing.

I think that does well in summing up what many feel about his chances.

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Of course I have. :lol: But clinton is out of this race if she doesn't win North Carolina which has like 111 delgates. Obama is still leading hillary by over 100 delegates. The press is probably saying that because obama has had several chances to put hillary away but she always makes a comeback. She has 10 million donations in 24hours with 50,000 donators being new, it just doesn't look good. I'm really scared for obama, because the tide seems to be turning especially with McCain/republicans aiming at him also. But obama's biggest problem is the senoirs not voting for him, sure the youth is voting for him now, but when it comes to the general election the youth seems to sort of bail when it comes to voting.

I am for obama, but if he isn't the nominee I will be happy to vote for hillary. Both candidates are good for the party.

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As far as I heard with the exit polls, the remark was said not to have hurt him. I still think that people give a lot of artificial reasons for the choices they make. Seeming "presidential" is a perfectly legitimate sounding reason to people who may have not favored Al Gore for one reason or the other. Obama is inspirational to a lot of people and that alone to them is a reason to favor him. It's out of his hands what happens with him and I just think he needs to wash his hands of the cat fighting and go back to the way he started.

I'm drawing a blank here myself.

Obama wrote two books which I haven't read but my understanding is that he laid it on the line. In the absence of real dirt the next best thing is to dig up artificial dirt until you can make something stick. Paint him as a Muslim by emphasizing his middle name but on the other hand raise a great raucous at his choice of ministers in a Christian church. He's too clean or not clean enough.

I find that this whole process has brought up some interesting issues particularly about the Democrats and I think the effects of it will be seen down the road. I think it's nerve wracking to worry about all these things that plague him and the other candidates as some of their supporters do. You can't will someone to like you if they don't.

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That is fine...I just do not like the sound of someone making them out to be two different things when it is not universally accepted. I am not saying you did this but just stating that people have different opinions on there being synonymous or not. Either way, I would be very cautious if I were either of them on their Iran or Pakistan comments

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Although I would like obama and hillary as the ticket, I really think it would go against obama's message if he is the democratic nomination.

Did anyone watch rev. Wright's interview on PBS? I really don't think it was a good idea, I think he should of remained quiet. This is the last thing obama needs. I didn't watch the interview, but there was an article about the interview on cnn about him talking about the media's opinions on his videos on youtube, “I felt it was unfair,” he told PBS' Bill Moyers according to released excerpts.“I felt it was unjust. I felt it was untrue. I felt that those who were doing that, were doing it for some very devious reasons."The persons who have heard the entire sermon understand the communication perfectly," he said.

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Well, I think that it makes JW look foolish. And, it the Republican Party wants to keep using this type ofattack over the fact that they could hit him on his inexperience on some policy issues, that is their right.

But........I just read this morning that McCain has now flip-flopped on his economic plans.He now imbraces the same plans he decried, so........that is where Obama can win the whole thing. Just paint McCain out as a huge flip flopper on everything and not being in touch with american voters.

But.........this IS the same electorate that put GWB in the WH twice.

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