Members Greg's GL Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Wales, Wales, didn't get that? It's like, well, Russia is right next door and the other side is like Canada and you see...when Putin raises his head, where you do think he's looking? Alaska! Don't you get that??? <<Shakes head and wonders WTF>> Ummmm.'s called a photo op. What your candidate sacrificed his campaign for. And not a very good one, I might add.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr. Jay S.W. Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Tsk Tsk. Mccain has to suspend his campaign to go to Washington to handle this economy business. Barack went to Washington to handle this business, and he's still ready to debate tomorrow. Looks bad on Mccain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members George008 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 You're right. I guess congressional leaders discussed and negociated nothing. It was all for a picture... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Where did you see the ad, Greg? I can tell you with certainty that one individual making a statement about suspending a campaign one second does not immediately translate into the pulling of ads across the country the very next. How do I know this? 20 years in TV and radio. From network television to cable to local stations from Los Angeles to New York and every little small-market burg in between, ad time is bought and spots scheduled, spots shipped from a production house or delivered digitally, dubbed real-time into video servers or files copied... A program log is created and printed, a playlist generated, processed, then loaded into a master control manual playback or automation system, then executed with or without master control operators... Imagine the steps required to change and/or remove content from a program log. I've dealt with it on multiple broadcast stations feeding programming to different markets... Now factor in the ignorance and stupidity that often comes with broadcast, both big and small markets... Dude... there is more to this than most people realize. When the FCC was big on fining stations in the aftermath of Janet Jackson's Super Bowl breast, we were charged with making sure content was appropriate. We had a standing corporate rule that condom ads could not be shown on our stations... Well, how many times did said ads run? Controlling local inventory was easy... network required rolling over those spots (technically not easy)... but don't forget about barter spots in syndicated programming. Anyway... if I see a spot from McCain, then I forgive him because there are hundreds of broadcast tv stations and thousands of radio stations and scores upon scores of cable and satellite stations. Understand that one man can only control so much... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Casey....there was negotiation this morning before McCain even got back to Washington!! Conveinently, McCain was there for the photo op, so good for him. I hope it was worth the risk to his campaign. GoldenDogs! Hmmm. I can't say I'm as well versed in the internal workings of network TV as you are. I admit that. And if you look at my post more closely, I stated that there was a new ad touting everything he did on Capital Hill, apparently before he even got there! You see what I'm saying? I actually could probably overlook this issue if he were running his old, tired, pathetic, lying ads. But on this occasion, he's airing a completely new ad. How do you explain that? I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say about that. And let's not forget that I'm in Florida (a former battleground state, but I can assure you one squarely in the Obama slot this time around). Therefore, you just know we're getting all the fresh, hot-off-the-press ads from both campaigns! Would you be so forgiving of Obama if he were to announce that he's suspending advertisements one day and broadcasts a new one the very next? Hmmm. Somehow, I believe that you might be a little more cynical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Alrighty then....I move that her views on foreign policy be discussed in Political Science classes across the nation. No student can ever fail using that specific knowledge....and the nation's students will be better off because of it. I know Harry Reid is very biased but his summary of what McCain said in that meeting is very funny GGL. I hope it gets clipped. He said something to the effect of McCain spoke for the last couple of the meetings and he didn't know what McCain was talking about and that McCain said absolutely nothing. Now I am sure the problem was that Harry Reid didn't think what McCain said was useful but it was funny hearing his version. Two things that I heard Obama say that made sense is that the Democrats had backed down from trying to load a couple of things onto the package since they could address them on another track. I wish I could remember the second thing but the first was regarding bankruptcy. As it stands people with more than one property can get relief starting with the second property but those with only one house aren't privy to the same advantages and the Democrats wanted to change that to include the owner with one home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted September 25, 2008 Members Share Posted September 25, 2008 Do you know when the spot was produced, Greg? Do you know when it was delivered to your local tv station? Again, you have to write, voice, and edit the spot. Then you must buy time on the selected networks/stations. Then you must distribute that spot. Then that spot must have a contract keyed into a traffic management system that interfaces with the billing department while placing the spot in slots the campaign has purchased. Then an operator must dub that spot into the playback system. Meanwhile, traffic/programming departments are creating a program log and automated playlist (they do this the day before). If a spot is hot off the press, then spots must be manually added to the program log and playlist by all of those same people... But you are also forgetting a very important thing. It isn't just the McCain people that produce campaign ads and buy time. Remember the 527's??? The most negative spots are produced by other groups that are not controlled by McCain or Obama... Think about it. McCain may suspend his campaign and pull spots... that doesn't mean the 527's have. So, knowing that the mainstream media, liberal pundits, and average Americans are watching... why the hell would McCain BLANTANTLY go back on his word? Let's bring this back down to earth here and be reasonable. Even us partisans can use common sense, too, you know... The mob mentality doesn't suit any of us... Oh, yeah.. editing this for the Obama thing. YES, I would be willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this if the issue were flipped BECAUSE I know how TV and radio work. McCain and Obama BOTH are where they ought to be this evening. As taxpayers, our representatives damn well better be in Washington right now giving their constituients a voice on this issue. We're talking about $700 BILLION DOLLARS. Their asses SHOULD be there for as long as this issue is up for debate and negotiation... not in freakin' Mississippi for a stupid debate we have 40 days to fit in. If *I* might be the next President, you bet I would want to be in Washington putting *MY* two cents in... Either Obama or McCain will be dealing with this in a little more than 4 months. They belong in Washington. Anyone who doesn't see this is being ridiculously and inappropriately partisan at a time when the serious business of government takes priority. So there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 Wales.... I have to say that even though I know which candidate you are supporting in the election, you are still able to see the Dem/Rep parties with an unbiased approach for the most part. I love that about you! Sometimes, I'm secretly jealous knowing that I could never be as unbiased Regardless, the other part of the bill that you are referring to is the economic stimulous that some Dems were wanting to stick onto this bailout package. Obama did agree that it was needed, but said that it could be handled at a later time. And I ask you, is that showing leadership or what? He could have easily towed the party line and insisted that the stimulous be included, but chose to go the other way. I haven't heard Reid's synopsis of what transpired with McCain but it sounds interesting. Do you have a link??? And I'm sorry, but why are Casey and GoldenDogs so quiet tonight? I'm not a night owl like some of you, so I'm really hoping to hear more out of my conservative friends before I call it a night.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Greg's GL Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 You go. I have to admit....that I have no idea when the ad was produced. I have no first-hand knowledge of these things in either campaign. You got me there, my conservative friend. The only thing I will say, however, is that it wasn't produced by a 527, cuz McCain was there very proudly saying "I approve this message" and it was paid for by McCain/Palin 2008. Actually, ICAM that this is "ridiculously and inappropriately" partisan. But I ask you, which of the two candidates started this [!@#$%^&*] and MADE it partisan???? Huh??? Ummm. I think it was McCain with his grandstanding.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 How is McCain grandstanding? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 I heard Harry Reid on MSNBC but I'll guess that his words may show up on Huffington since they like that sort of thing. GGL one of the reasons I switched over to being Independent is because sometimes I prefer the Republican candidate and sometimes the Democrat....especially locally or statewide. I see the faults in both. KO is saying that McCain admitted to not having read the three page Paulson plan two days ago. Three pages that was made available to him last Friday. This morning the newsradio station I listen to said that a two day Palin fundraiser that had been scheduled for O.C, had been cancelled because Obama raised $9 million in a single night at Beverly Hills. I don't get how one relates to the other but their bottom line was that while Palin energized some California Republicans, she wasn't moving the other California voters on whole. How is he helping? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 True on the Ouija Board and Big-Mouthed Biden. I think Hillary is great, but it was lose lose for the dems. It isn't her fault it's lose, lose, it's just a fact. She's a black and white figure, people love her or hate her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 Wales, I'm shocked. Answering a question with a question? Poor debating... and from YOU, of all people!! Tsk, tsk!! But I'll amuse myself by responding... John McCain is doing his job. He is paid the salary of a Senator from Arizona. He is there to represent the people who elected him to be there. With $700 Billion dollars or more in taxpayer money at stake, that is just the responsible thing to do. Now, this may not be an issue for the people of Illinois. Perhaps they are used to Barack Obama shirking his duties as their elected representative. Whether voting "present" (which is basically not voting at all) or perpetually campaigning for higher office for most of his career in the Senate, Barack Obama has NOT been there to function in the offices the good people of his state have elected him to. By the way, John McCain headed for Washington this week understanding that a deal would not be reached as quickly as the Washington elite and mainstream media pundits led us to believe. Despite the crowing all day long that a deal was imminent by those folks, as well as a gleeful Roman here in this forum, no deal has been reached. John McCain was right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 So you're saying McCain is brilliant because a deal wasn't reached? He's helping because he decided to show up and do the job the people of Arizona elected him to do because he didn't need to do that job before now? It's responsible to show up for this but it wasn't responsible to show up for any of the bills that came up between April and now? And I was asking about McCain not Obama. I don't see why either one had to go to Washington today so mentioning Obama does nothing for me. I'm not going to feel pained or run to his defense because you threw his name in unnecessarily. If you want to educate me on debating etiquette then at least follow the rule where you stick to the topic. And the answer to my question is he isn't time I'll label it rhetorical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted September 26, 2008 Members Share Posted September 26, 2008 I stated their purpose in Washington, Wales. It's their job. Period. I remained perfectly on topic and you know it. But the thing is... I love chatting with you so you can get away with just about anything -- even diversionary tactics in debate -- and I'll overlook it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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