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Days:January 4 2008

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Don't think he meant to post a spoiler....probably from Canada as that's the episode I saw today also. Probably just thought that was the episode everyone else saw. I forget all the time that the US doesn't see what we see until the next day.

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DAYS is seriously firing on all cylinders as of late. With the past week being Marlena-centric, it was so incredible. :D

The whole show is rocking right now, and it has nowhere to go but up, up, up.

On top of that, the balance of characters is just wonderful. Sometimes we have characters showing up in the second or third segment, and they interact with different people. It's so great! :D

I applaud DAYS for the best 2 weeks in a row that I've ever seen since I started watching. Keep it up!

5 stars.

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Me too. It's great.

Today was superb. The show has been solid for months now but the last 3 days have been flat out amazing. Whoever said that someone has a firm handle on the show is right. It's so cohesive now and everything just clicks. I think we have Ed to thank for that. He's been a godsend.

Love the Marlena/Belle/Philip scenes and Marlena sniping at Philip. The little Philip/Belle moment while alone was nice. Jay and Martha play well off each other. It was also nice to see Marlena interacting with Claire. Loved the Crystal phone call too and Belle picking up. Ashlee is doing very well right now. Marlena is so fierce right now, even with that phone call, and loved the music and suspense when she was on her way to Crystal and pulled out the gun. Also loved when Belle called Roman to help her. All the beats are being played now and people are moving all over the place and I love it and I love not knowing what to make of Crystal. I tend to think she wants to help and is sort of grasping at straws in a way.

Stefano was amazing today. The lighting of that scene in the beginning with him near the fireplace, drinking brandy was superb. Loved him throwing the glass into it and his scene with the "houseguest" was classic. It was a nice nod to the Pawn days and to some of the flashbacks we used to get of Stefano and John smoking cigars together. Also loved the scene of Rolf with the "houseguest" and how he grabbed him before he could give him the needle. The end was a perfect cliffhanger as you didn't know who was coming after Marlena. All you knew was he had a knife and the music set the tone, along with Marlena pulling out her gun. Loved it. Classic cliffhanger that we should get every Friday.

I enjoyed the tension of the Lucas/Carmine scenes and him kind of toying with befriending him. The part where he offered him a magazine was funny. Also, liked Lucas' scene with Kate. I love seeing these two interact again and love seeing their whole family lately coming together to help each other. Philip has his hands full helping his family. Kate got arrested and now Lucas. Of course, there is also Chloe he needs to help. They should all be glad he has power laugh.gif . EJ punching the cop and ending up in jail with Lucas had a weird hilarity too it and Carmine added to it. Good stuff.

I liked the Sami/Roman scenes and the acknowledgments of her past mistakes and how Lucas forgave her. Fiery Sami has been back of late and is it weird that the Will phone call was the best acting Gerse has ever done and we didn't even see him? laugh.gif I'm glad they got him to do it because it added a nice touch and had to do a double take and then I saw his name in the credits. Hope Will is recasted but it was a nice touch. Nice Carrie mention too and I enjoyed Philip speaking to Sami for Lucas and her only ending up going to see him to give him a piece of her mind. That is the old Sami and I was LMAO when Philip asked her to be easy on him :lol: . After watching on Soapnet again, I also noticed when Sami was talking with Carrie on the phone about Will and she was giving her all these excuses since Will didn't want to talk to her that Sami called Carrie a "bitch" under her breath. Ah...good times :lol:

I hope they can keep this up because 2008 is off to a fantastic start.

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