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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I would have to guess more than 4 weeks. LOL

If B&E did go back to work in December, then that means the scabs only wrote for two weeks from November 5th to late December. That makes no sense. LOL

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Going by last airdates for breakdowns:

AMC: November 5 - January 14 = about 10 weeks in advance

ATWT: November 5 - January 24 = about 12 weeks in advance

B&B: November 5 - January 21 = about 11 weeks in advance

DAYS: November 5 - January 24 = about 12 weeks in advance

GH: November 5 - January 3 = about 9 weeks in advance

Y&R: November 5 - December 24 = about 7 weeks in advance

I think GL and OLTL will go into late February, so that's about 17 weeks in advance.

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We also have to take into consideration that the writers knew a strike was coming. I bet they had basic outlines and scripts done, the EP's finished them up. The last episode Tom Casiello worked on in November was the DAYS Christmas episode....yet Hogan's material didn't stop airing until last week.

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The stuff that is airing now on AMC was only taped about two and a half weeks ago (tape date & air date are always very close this year because of the two weeks they lose during Christmas break). I could see B&E returning to work in late December, and being credited NOW because they did some quick, extensive rewrites on scab material before it was taped in early-mid January.

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I think you mis-read Casiello's comments. He didn't say anywhere that the Christmas episode was his last. He just said that he didn't know how his Christmas episode would turn out because writers can't have any contact with the studio.

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Hmm...okay that makes sense. Don't know why I didn't think of that. LOL So say you're right, this means that B&E went back and rewrote a ton of stuff from November 5 and on, while continuing to write new material........damn, that's a lot of work. LOL

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Because the episode didn't tape yet. The Christmas episode was probably taped sometime in December, weeks after the strike began - all writers didn't know exactly for sure how their episodes would up end because of possible re-writes, changes during taping, etc. They can't call the studio or the studio can't call them (for fear of scabbing suspicions) to tell them things were changed.

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