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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Which is one of the reasons I mentioned the "everyone takes it for granted thing". They all want to know and when you tell them, it's a "blah" comment. 

But my initial post about this wasn't about MarkH, it was about others.

Yeah, I know this all makes little or no sense. :lol:

YRBB, what's with your avatar?

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Dudes :)

I am working on an urgent grant proposal, and have turned off all browsers.

It is not lack of interest or gratitude, but the sheer white knuckle fear of a horrible deadline.

I am very surprised by this Stich thing. I guess it could just have been collegial (i.e., someone calls up B&B and says "tell us how you did those locations"..). But I think it suggests that there is a much firmer coordinatorial Bell hand (Bell Jr?, consulted during pillow talk with the headwriter) than we're feeling.

Do you think Bradley is heavily involved? I would almost like that, because it would explain why he is apparently asleep at the switch over at B&B.

Back to white knuckle.

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- Josh Griffith last listed as Co-Executive Producer on October 2

- Paul Rauch first listed as Co-Executive Producer on October 3

- Maria Arena Bell first listed as Co-Executive Producer on October 3

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Grant A. Johnson directed Thursday's DAYS ep after a 4 month absence. I wonder if he's on contract now.

It the lighting looks the same from the previous episode. There was nothing too obvious from the Thursday's and Friday's ep.

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