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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Okay, this was starting to irritate me, but then I decided to 'Zen' out.

I'm hoping the director is David Shaughnessy or Ed Scott or Kathryn Foster or Noel Maxam (but he's still at Days, right?), or the other director who came and went to Days with Ed.

But who knows? I will enjoy the credits on the air date :-). Because with the speed at which you snails release these "bits", we only usually find out about 24 hours before the air show anyway, lol. Right when the GCNews posts the day-ahead previews :).

(Am I goading you into a reveal?)

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No I think a 5 is fair for Jack Smith. He did a lot of good at B&B and did a lot of good at Y&R, especially considering the personal crisis he was dealing with as his son was dying of a terminal disease (I think it was cancer). To me, Jack Smith did a remarkable job given the circumstances.

So, on the following scale, how does the Y&R IN writer fare?

1 (Lynn Marie Latham)...............5 (Jack Smith)................10 (Nancy Curlee)

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