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GH: Felicia's Return Scene

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I like the setup of it. whos gonna die? lulu, maxie, or georgie? also, looks like georgie knows her killer. its johnny with lulu; obviously lucky is with maxie (look at what he has on, thats what lucky wears. that greay hoodie with the black jacket over it). that leaves out cooper... and logan.

Looks like Mac finds Georgie's body and Lucky tells maxie she was killed...

damn. this all looks good! LIASON! sex. hotness. cant wait ... Carly vs Kate! ... and to bad Sam mcCallgirl wasnt killed instead of Georgie! one could only hope that shes next!

poor dillon! omg im gonna cry... Maxie comes face to face with the flea!

love what maxie tells dillon ... carly acts like a child ... Georgie's funeral looks like its gonna be a little frosty! u go maxie, point out the flea and how selfish she is!

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My heart broke for Maxie when Lucky told her Georgie was murdered. The look on Maxie's face when Felicia was talking to her at Mac's house and at the funeral lets you know that a fire is brewing inside of her when it comes to Felicia.

EEEEEEEEE to Liason sex... :wub:

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God Guza you could have done the entire world a HUGE FAVOR and killed off Sam McWhore but instead you chose to kill off a sweet innocent girl...

For once I feel bad for Maxie...can't wait to see the scenes at the funeral. Looks like shes gonna ERUPT there.

LIASON.... :o:D:wub: !

Johnny + Lulu = HOTNESS

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