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OLTL PreVUE: Week of December 10 Edition

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OLTL PreVUE: Week of December 10 Edition
Payback is hell

Friday, December 7, 2007 12:39 AM| By Scotty Gore

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) - Someone is out for blood.

Gigi feels sorry for Michael. David tells Dorian she deserves better than him. Roxy admits her feelings for Miles to Rex. Jared has conflicting emotions. Charlie returns to his old habits. While in hiding, Marcie is shocked to see Michael get arrested. David skips town with his winning lottery ticket. Marcie has a difficult time working at the diner. Viki tells Dorian that she inspired her to set out on a new adventure, but doesn't mention Texas. Gigi calls Viki after finding an intoxicated Charlie. Talia unloads her anger on Antonio. Cristian confides in Blair, who gives him sound advice. Sarah tells Layla she is moving on and forgetting about Cristian. Nigel gives Jared a warning. Adriana believes Dorian still has it in for Rex. Sarah urges Cristian to take Blair's advice about Evangeline. Jared has Natalie on his mind. The Buchanans receive the results of the DNA test. Todd and Blair get closer. Viki and Todd trade advice.

John jumps into the lake to save Miles while Ramsey runs after Cole. Miles' life hangs in the balance as John works to save him. Cole seeks help from Starr. Dorian allows Ramsey to search her home, despite objections from Todd and Blair. Starr and Langston are floored to hear Cole say that he may have killed Miles. Cole doesn't return John's phone call. John dodges Natalie's questions about what happened to Miles. Cole hides out in Langston's now vacant former home. Langston and Cole bond over the loss of their parents. After sneaking into his hospital room, Miles doesn't give Starr the answer she was looking for. John seeks to protect Cole from a vengeful Ramsey's wrath. Langston struggles to keep her composure when a potential buyer visits her old home. John goes out on a limb for Cole. Bo and Ramsey question Miles. Starr has bad news for Cole and Langston. Cole wants to set things straight. Ramsey is furious over John and Miles' lack of cooperation. John's story leaves Bo suspicious. Starr pleads with Cole not to talk to the police. Roxy's feelings are on her sleeve. Starr confronts Langston over her support of Cole's decision to turn himself in. Cole encounters John at the police station.

D2D PreVUE's for the week of December 17
Monday: John tells Cole to let him handle things his way.
Tuesday: John and Natalie find themselves reliving old times.
Wednesday: Ramsey makes a pact with Todd.

Photo Credit: Brandon Buddy courtesy Donna Svennevik/ABC

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Thanks, Scotty. Gak! Will this Marcie on the run story ever end? It reminds me of the song...

This is the song that doesn't end

Yes, it goes on and on my friend.

Some people started it

Not knowing what it was.

And they'll continue singing it forever just because

This is the song that doesn't end.....

(keep repeating)

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Everything sounds good except maybe too much Cole, John, and Ramsey mentions but if it is balanced right , it may be another good week.

Something that I think is interesting, anyone notice how many views are on this thread? Over 1000 in just a couple of days and the same for last week, but will the views of the thread tune into Viewers = ratings? I hope so becaue OLTL has been really watchable as of late!

OLTL Promo - Week Of December 10th, 2007


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I'm glad they're not dragging out the Cole storyline too much. Turning himself in will only make him seem more responsible and mannish when he still is such a boy. I do fear, however, that they'll do the tired cliche of having Cole and Langston end up together, starting an inner Cramer war between Langston and Starr.

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Too Much Cole for my taste also.

Here are the previews for the week :)

OLTL Soap 411 - 12-11 Recap / 12-12 Previews


OLTL Soap 411 - 12-12 Recap / 12-13 Previews


OLTL Soap 411 - 12-13 Recap / 12-14 Previews


OLTL Soap 411 - 12-14 Recap / 12-17 Previews


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